Showing posts with label Smiley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smiley. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

PBS Fires Back at Tavis Smiley with Countersuit for Sexual Misconduct

Ex-PBS host Tavis Smiley just got hit with a countersuit from his former employer, and it lays out the allegations of sexual misconduct … which include sex with employees and sending porn to coworkers. PBS filed its suit Friday in Washington, DC…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tavis Smiley Sues PBS Over Firing, Sexual Harassment Allegations

Tavis Smiley says PBS firing him wasn’t just about sexual harassment allegations … he now claims it was racial, and it’s costing him millions upon millions of dollars. Smiley filed a lawsuit against his former network — which aired his talk show…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tavis Smiley Takes a Stand for Employees Dating Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Tavis Smiley knows it’s hard to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, and insists that’s why he never discouraged employees — including himself, apparently — from dating co-workers. The suspended PBS talk show host took a stand for workplace dating Monday…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Tavis Smiley Vows to Fight PBS Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Suspension

Tavis Smiley says PBS railroaded him during its investigation into claims he was having sex with staffers, and he’s vowing to take a stand against the network’s “overreaction.” The talk show host, who PBS suspended Wednesday, says he only learned…


Tavis Smiley Suspended By PBS, "Troubling" Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Tavis Smiley is the next big star under fire for alleged sexual misconduct … PBS has suspended the talk show host after an investigation uncovered “credible allegations.” Smiley is a veteran talk show host who focuses on politics and current…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Donald Trump Meets Pope Francis, Smiley Face, Frowny Face (PHOTO)

Donald Trump was all grins Wednesday when he met Pope Francis at the Vatican, but the Pope seemed … well, pensive. Pope Francis encouraged the Prez to be a peacemaker and Trump promised to heed the message. Melania and Ivanka stoically looked on…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Guess Who This Smiley Kid Turned Into!

Before this colorful kid had a bright future in Hollywood, he was just a bundled up little boy growing up in Hudsonville, Michigan. Can you guess who he is?


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Gretchen Rossi: My On-Camera Proposal To Slade Smiley Was Totes Real!

Oh, gurl.

Once upon a time, Gretchen Rossi joined The Real Housewives of Orange County, because producers believed she had a compelling storyline.

And she did!  She was dating 54-year-old Jeff Beitzel, COO of an Irvine-based tech company, and he was terminally ill (Beitzel passed away in 2008).

Things got even more interesting when Rossi started dating Slade Smiley, who starred on the first two seasons of the series with his then-fiance, Jo De La Rosa.

Except this time, Smiley came riddled with debt and covered in bad publicity.  He was accused of not paying child support for his son, Grayson, who is still battling cancer.

In addition to that, Smiley"s investments went belly-up after the market crash, so his return to Orange County wasn"t exactly welcome.

Last night, Bravo aired The Real Housewives of Orange County Uncensored, and one segment addressed Rossi"s proposal to Slade atop a California skyscraper.


The producers, Any Cohen and OC star Tamra Judge allege that Rossi dreamed up the storyline to stay on the show, because shooting footage of Rossi accepting shipments of her bag line weren"t doing the trick.

"I remember having a conversation with Gretchen and I said to her, ‘You"re not doing anything. You"ve got nothing going on with your life. You have no kids, you"re not married," and lo and behold she came up with this big plan to propose to Slade," Judge said.

Ouch, Tamra.  That"s cold.

In the clip, Rossi was adamant that her proposal to Smiley was authentic.  She even choked up at the thought that people assumed it was fake.

It"s hard to believe this was anything other than a ploy, because not long after being fired from the franchise in 2013, Smiley and Rossi signed up for Marriage Boot Camp on WE TV.

Yesterday, Rossi called out Bravo for – what every reality star bitches about – editing.

"Unfortunately most of the questions I was asked during my interview, including why I ultimately am no longer on the show, did not get used," Rossi wrote.

"So if you want the unedited & complete version of what happened, you should ask @bravotv to air my entire interview (I give Bravo permission to air my full unedited version).

Watch the clip below, and determine for yourself if this whole thing was a sham.

Gretchen rossi did she propose to slade smiley purely for a stor