Friday, June 1, 2018

Farrah Abraham Posts Photo of Her Daughter Taking a Shower, is Just Not Right

Will Farrah Abraham ever learn?!

You may not know what exactly we’re talking about yet, but you probably already know the answer is a resounding “NOPE.”

No matter how many years go by, no matter how much life experience she gets, Farrah still cannot seem to develop the least little bit of sense.

It’s pretty remarkable, really, how she hasn’t managed to learn one single lesson after all this time, isn’t it?

So Farrah is currently traveling the world with her daughter, Sophia — and just to refresh your memory, Sophia is still only nine years old.

They’ve been to Fiji, they’ve been to Cannes, but most recently, they’ve been in Dubai.

And, wouldn’t you know it, trouble is just following them every step of the way.

While in Cannes, Farrah got quite a bit of heat for some photos that were posted on Sophia’s Instagram.

It’s unclear whether she posted them for Sophia or if the girl is in charge of her own account, but basically it was a photo of Farrah’s ass with the caption “I love my mamas booty!”

Farrah booty

Then, after spending some time in Dubai, there was more controversy when everyone saw a picture of Sophia holding a glass of a suspicious looking drink.

Lots of people thought Farrah was allowing her kid to drink wine or champagne, but it turned out it was just fancy juice in a fancy glass, complete with gold flakes.

But honestly, you can understand why people would think the worst here, right?

And on top of that, you can’t really be surprised when now, just a day after the juice fiasco, Farrah and Sophia’s followers are troubled by yet another bizarre photo.

This one, though, is a photo of Sophia taking a shower.

In the caption, she explained that she was taking the shower on a plane, which is admittedly pretty cool.

Sophia shower selfie

But then again, this is a photo of a child in a shower on Instagram, so the ick factor beats out any coolness here.

And judging by the comments, people were really, really disturbed by this.

“Why the f-ck are we posting pics of a child in the shower?!” one person asked. “Farrah is a terrible mother and horrible example as a woman.”

“Plus she’s being desensitized to being naked with the camera out…. when I was 9 I was so modest I would have died if my mom tried to take my picture,” another person added.

And isn’t that the truth? Seriously, just think about being nine years old, taking a shower, and being photographed by your mom.

When you’re done cringing and flailing of just the imagined embarrassment, let’s get back to this.

As another commenter pointed out, “Millions of people have the ability to look at her profile and to have the pic up is just asking for trouble.”

“Honestly, I’m surprised CPS hasn’t been involved yet.”

Of course, in addition to all the haters, there are also those who will defend Farrah’s choices, no matter what.

“How is this inappropriate??” one of those deluded fans questioned. “It’s only inappropriate if you are sexualizing a child in a shower cap……so you’re the weirdo if you find this inappropriate.”

To that, the people said “she’s a young lady and there’s sickos in this world unfortunately.”

Another acknowledged that “after a certain age, around 4-5, these types of photos are inappropriate.”

And on top of all that, there were also many, many people confused followers asking why Sophia is taking showers in airplanes instead of, you know, going to school.

Listen, we could spend all day talking about the reasoning behind why Farrah thinks sharing these kinds of photos, or why she thinks giving Sophia juice with gold flakes is more important than fourth grade.

And it would be fun, honestly.

But at this point, it’s clear that Farrah is going to do whatever she wants to do with Sophia, no matter how many people think CPS needs to get involved.

So … whatever, just go take a nap or something, rid your poor, exhausted brain of this kind of nonsense.

Farrah is going to replace this with another unbearably awkward/awul moment soon enough anyway.
