Showing posts with label Allow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allow. Show all posts

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Josh Duggar Still Controls Anna, Doesn"t Allow Her to Speak With Men (Report)

It’s been almost two years since the public learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls – four of whom were his sisters – while he was still living under his parents’ roof.

And in that time, Josh’s life has completely turned upside-down.

Josh has gone from reality star and high-powered lobbyist to used car lot attendant.

He no longer lives in the same town as his parents or worships at the same church.

In fact, about the only thing that’s remained constant in Josh’s life is his relationship with his long-suffering wife Anna.

Sources say that despite the fact that Anna has had every reason to divorce Josh, she remains steadfastly loyal to her disgraced husband.

Not only that, Josh is still the one who makes the rules in the relationship, and it’s Anna who is allowed little to no privacy.

According to one insider, one of the conditions of Anna being permitted to use Instagram and other social media platforms is that she hand over all of her passwords to Josh.

Yes, despite the fact that he never creates posts of his own, Josh reportedly has full access to Anna’s accounts.

We imagine he reads some pretty scathing messages from Anna fans who are critical of his past behavior.

And that’s just the beginning of Josh’s dictatorial control over his wife’s behavior.

Those who know the couple best say Anna is not allowed access to Josh’s money and must ask his permission before making any kind of purchase.

Duggar women aren’t allowed to hold jobs, but they are typically granted an allowance by their husbands.

Sources say that’s not the case with Anna, who isn’t even allowed to go grocery shopping without Josh’s say-so.

The most shocking rule that Anna is forced to follow, however, has to do with her interactions with the opposite sex.

Insiders claim that Anna is not allowed to converse with men outside of her extended family.

She is reportedly permitted to speak with Josh’s father and brothers, and that’s it.

Ironically, it seems this rule went into effect after Josh was caught cheating on his wife using the Ashley Madison dating website.

The situation is shocking, but it makes perfect sense, given the strictly patriarchal world in which the Duggars live.

Fans have urged Anna to run for the hills, but it seems that’s the last thing on her mind these days.

It’s easy for those of us on the outside to offer counsel, but it’s important to bear in mind that for Anna and her sisters-in-law, this is the only world they’ve ever known.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, April 6, 2018

"Arrow" Star John Barrowman Claims Target Didn"t Allow Him to Help Homeless Man

John Barrowman was fuming after claiming he tried to help out a homeless guy in a Target store and was disciplined by employees. Barrowman was at the Target in West Hollywood Thursday when he claims a homeless man approached him asking John if he…


"Arrow" Star John Barrowman Claims Target Didn"t Allow Him to Help Homeless Man

John Barrowman was fuming after claiming he tried to help out a homeless guy in a Target store and was disciplined by employees. Barrowman was at the Target in West Hollywood Thursday when he claims a homeless man approached him asking John if he…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I"ll Never Allow Caitlyn Jenner Near My Child!

Caitlyn Jenner and Khloe Kardashian aren’t what you’d call close anymore. In fact, Khloe hasn’t spoken with her former stepfather in years.

From the way that Khloe spoke in a recent interview, it sounded like Caitlyn will never see Khloe’s baby.

Is Khloe really going to ban Cait from seeing her stepgrandbaby? For the matter, is Caitlyn Jenner invested in meeting Stormi Webster‘s little cousin?

Family is complicated. Even in the Kardashian clan, where “the power of family is everything,” there are tense and strained relationships.

Sometimes, things progress from being strained and they reach a breaking point.

Recently, during an appearance on the UK talk show, Lorraine, Khloe responded to a question of whether having this baby might change her broken dynamic with Caitlyn Jenner.

“I don’t think that affects anything with Caitlyn,” Khloe said. She’s regarded Cait with contempt ever since, in her view, Cait’s memoir was insulting towards Kris Jenner.

Khloe continued when prompted: “[Things are] just as they are.”

InTouch Weekly‘s source says that this means that Caitlyn will never meet Khloe’s child.

“It’s safe to say that Khloe won’t be letting Caitlyn anywhere near that baby.”

This source comes pretty close to quoting Khloe at first.

“I don’t think it affects anything with Caitlyn. Things are just as they are.”

But then they elaborate.

“Khloe has no intention of reconciling with Caitlyn. As far as she’s concerned, Caitlyn totally overstepped the mark by publicly attacking Kris in her memoir.”

Caitlyn didn’t see her memoir as an attack on anyone.

But it looks like Caitlyn hasn’t really tried to bridge the chasm that opened up between her and Khloe.

“Caitlyn hasn’t reached out to Khloe at all, not even after the news broke that she’s pregnant — something Caitlyn knew was a huge thing for Khloe.”

The whole world knew that it was a big deal for Khloe.

Some say that it’s a sign that Cait has just written off her former stepdaughters.

“It’s sad because [Caitlyn] was a such a large part of Khloe’s life growing up, and she loved [her] deeply, but since transitioning into Caitlyn, Khloe feels like she really doesn’t know her former stepfather at all anymore.”

On the other hand, perhaps it was Caitlyn respecting Khloe’s antipathy enough to not try reaching out. Best case scenario.

Though reports of Khloe’s pregnancy came out in September, Khloe finally announced her pregnancy to the world months later.

“My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby! I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what He was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient.”

After her religious statement of gratitude, Khloe follows up by thanking the father-with-a-lower-case-f, baby daddy Tristan Thompson.

I still at times can’t believe that our love created life! Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do! Thank you for treating me like a Queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages! Tristan, most of all, Thank you for making me a MOMMY!!!”

It sounds like her pregnancy really brought the couple closer together.

“You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time! Thank you for making me so happy my love!”

Khloe also extended her thanks to fans for their patience and understanding over her months-long refusal to confirm or deny her pregnancy.

“Thank you to everyone for the love and positive vibes! I know we’ve been keeping this quiet but we wanted to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately.”

A strange choice for a reality star, but … sure. Totally her right and her decision.

“To enjoy our first precious moments just us. Thank you all for understanding. I am so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed, and scared all in one!”

Khloe was absolutely overjoyed and delighted to share that with her fans once she was good and ready.

“But it’s the best bundle of feelings I’ve ever felt in my life!”

It’s just a shame that Caitlyn Jenner can’t share in that happiness.

To be clear, we’re not condemning Khloe for keeping Cait out of her life and we’re also not condemning Cait for not being in Khloe’s life. Sometimes, family members just drift apart when they’re adults.

Is there room for Khloe and Caitlyn to mend fences one day? Many fans hope so.

Right now, however, Cait should be allowed to live her life and Khloe should be allowed to embrace becoming a mother without having to think of the things that she’s lost in life.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Eniko Parrish Won"t Allow Kevin Hart Out of Her Sight!

After a lot of denials, Kevin Hart admitted that he screwed up. In a public video, he apologized to his wife and children … without being specific about what he’d done wrong.

Maybe he figured that he’d embarrass his family further if he said the word “cheating.” Clearly, he’s ashamed and is willing to do anything to make it up to them.

And apparently that includes putting up with his wife, Eniko, keeping him on a very short leash.

Based upon Eniko’s Instagram post celebrating “8 years” together and the power of math, it looks like Eniko and Kevin Hart’s relationship began before his previous marriage ended.


Kevin’s ex blasted him as a cheater and liar, which honestly sounds kind of fair, from her perspective.

But Kevin and Eniko are married now and, until very recently, things seemed all sorts of happy.

Until, reportedly, a blackmailer tried to extort a seven-figure sum from Kevin, claiming to have a sex tape of him with his alleged mistress.

Kevin decided that he’d rather keep his money and fess up.

Since this story became public, Montia Sabbag has identified herself as Kevin Hart’s alleged mistress. We don’t know who the blackmailer with the video is.

(Montia is gorgeous, but whether she’s jeopardize-your-marriage-and-public-standing levels of hot is a personal matter)

Some would say that, because of how their relationship began, Eniko deserves this, now.

We … don’t really agree.

HollywoodLife reports that Eniko is keeping a close eye on Kevin Hart

“Eniko is keeping extra close tabs on Kevin, especially during her final weeks of pregnancy.”

Yeah, we’d imagine so.

“Eniko is making Kevin call, text, or facetime with her constantly, throughout the day, whenever they are apart.”

Oh … that’s next-level.

(And, in most relationships, it would be toxic and a huge red flag — we’ll get to that in a bit)

“After his latest blunders, Kevin has agreed to check in with Eniko practically every hour they are apart to give her more security in their unstable relationship.”

You know, “blunders” is exactly the word for it, right?

Not only having the affair, but letting someone record it.

And we can see why she would need a lot of reassurance.

We imagine that it will take more than constant check-ins to repair the damage that Kevin’s blunders have done.

But at least it’s a start.

“She has zero trust in him right now.”

According to this source, Eniko has some very specific concerns.

“The last thing she wants is for Kevin to be absent for the delivery of their child or worse, for him to be caught stepping out on her again while she is in the hospital.”

Honestly, unless Kevin Hart has way less self-control than we suspect, that doesn’t seem like a mistake that he’s likely to make any time soon.

And nobody wants to miss the birth of their child. Well, except Anthony Scaramucci.

It’s important to note that this kind of behavior is usually toxic and a huge red flag in relationships.

If your significant other is checking in with you like this, it’s usually a sign of emotional abuse and you’re usually dealing with someone with control issues.

In many cases, you may want to leave the relationship before it turns violent.

In this case, it sounds like Kevin has signed up for this in an effort to apologize to his wife and to restore trust.

So it’s probably mostly okay.

Just keep in mind that anyone doing this preemptively … well, that’s a huge red flag.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

O.J. Simpson"s Parole Conditions Allow Him to Drink Alcohol and Smoke Weed

O.J. Simpson’s on his way to being released from prison, and once he’s a free man he’ll also be free to imbibe and smoke weed … as long as he’s responsible about it. The conditions of Juice’s parole allow him to “consume alcoholic beverages but…


O.J. Simpson"s Parole Conditions Allow Him to Drink Alcohol and Smoke Weed

O.J. Simpson’s on his way to being released from prison, and once he’s a free man he’ll also be free to imbibe and smoke weed … as long as he’s responsible about it. The conditions of Juice’s parole allow him to “consume alcoholic beverages but…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Will Austin Forsyth Allow Her to Wear Pants?

It’s been two weeks since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married, and naturally, fans are already filled with follow-up questions.

Where are they honeymooning? Is married life everything they thought it would be? And of course …

Is Joy gonna start wearing pants?

Yes, believe it or not, clothing with two leg-holes is an issue that’s very much on the mind of many Duggar obsessives these days.

It all started when photos of Jinger Duggar wearing pants began to circulate online.

Things got even crazier when images of Jinger wearing shorts were posted to Instagram.

And why the hell would anyone care about a grown woman sporting a very commonplace article of clothing?

Well, if you watch Counting On online, you know that Duggar women are required to wear skirts, for reasons that make sense only to the voices in Jim Bob’s head.

When Jinger got married, we learned that she and her sisters live under a power structure of Game of Thrones-ian complexity, and that once they’re married, Jim Bob surrenders control of their lives and their husbands take the reins.

Jinger’s dude, Jeremy Vuolo, doesn’t require floor-length denim skirts in his household, so Jinger was given a pants pass.

Sadly, it looks like former tomboy Joy-Anna won’t be quite so lucky.

Despite expressing strong anti-dress views in the past (“I was not born to wear dresses. I was born to wear my own style,” she said in an episode of Counting On), it looks like Joy is doomed to spend the rest of her days be-skirted:

“I said before that I don’t like dresses, but Austin likes them on me, and so I’m branching out and I’m wearing some dresses now,” she recently told Counting On cameras.

“I don’t really have fashion. I just kind of wear whatever Austin likes. Before, I just wore whatever was in the closet. I’m trying to improve that.” 

Joy … fashion isn’t a thing you possess; it’s a thing that possesses you!

No, but seriously, it’s a bummer that for the rest of her freakin’ life Joy can’t dress the way she prefers because that just doesn’t suit her husband’s aesthetic.

Lighten up, Austin!

In all likelihood, you’ll never have to work again thanks to Joy’s reality TV earnings.

The least you can do is let her put on a pair of Wranglers now and then.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Angelina Jolie: Refusing to Allow Brad Pitt to See Kids on Christmas?

We all laughed when Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced their intention to “consciously uncouple,” which seems to be celeb-speak for “have sex with other people while still taking vacations together.”

But at least that breakup wasn’t a constant source of sadness, like what’s going on between Gwyneth’s ex, Brad Pitt, and his estranged wife, Angelina Jolie.

Yes, as you may have heard Angelina filed for divorce from Brad back in September, and in the ensuing months, the former couple has made their onscreen counterparts in Mr. & Mrs. Smith look like a loving and devoted husband and wife.

The main bone of contention in Pitt and Jolie’s ugly legal battles has been custody of their six children, which stands to reason, as Pitt was investigated for child abuse following a September 15 incident aboard a private jet.

No charges were filed, but whatever took place between Pitt and eldest son Maddox that day was disturbing enough to Jolie that she moved out and took the kids that same week.

These Pitt gets supervised visits with his kids on a schedule chosen by Jolie and a family therapist.

Us Weekly is reporting that he’s requested additional visits during the holiday season, but has thus far been denied.’

The magazine claims to have obtained an email in which Pitt requests extra 30- to 60-minute visits with his kids and a “step-up in connection” over the holidays.

In a somewhat hostile response, Jolie’s lawyer, Laura Wasser, shot back that Pitt does “not seem to have any regard for what the children’s therapists feel is in their best interests.”

In an email sent on December 1, Wasser cautioned Pitt that continued requests for unsupervised visits could lead to “costly, ugly, protracted and public court battles.”

So for now, at least, it seems Brad won’t be spending the Christmas with his kids.

Earlier this month, Pitt requested an emergency hearing to prevent Jolie’s team from leaking information to the press.

It’s unclear what the outcome was, but the leaks do appear to have slowed down.

And given the Grinchiness of this particular story, we’re doubting that it comes from Team Angie. 


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Adam Lind: Did He Allow Daughters Around Sex Offender?

On Monday’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Adam Lind took his two daughters, Aubree and Paislee to Sky Zone trampoline park.  

For some reason, he chose to bring two friends along.

One of those friends, Bruce William Crawford, has been a registered sex offender for eight years, according to Radar Online.

That’s not all!  Crawford was charged on March 8th with “three felony counts of sexual exploitation, one misdemeanor count of distributing harmful materials, or pornography, to minors, and two misdemeanor counts of obscene and lewd phone calls.”

Radar got ahold of court documents that state Crawford forced penis pictures on a 17-year-old Siux City Falls sporting goods cashier.

With “two small children” in tow, Crawford, 25, “swiped the [penis] photo onto his cell phone that was set on the counter directly in front of his crotch area,” according to an affidavit written by investigator Robert Forster.

“As the transaction continued, the suspect presented cash to the victim directly over the penis photograph and in front of his crotch area to depict the picture as an extension of his body.”

The cashier was “upset and shocked” by Crawford’s actions, telling officers that he told her, “by the way, it’s ten inches.”

The next day, the cashier’s co-worker called the cops, who reviewed security footage and were able to track Crawford down.  

He’s currently in jail, per the National Sex Offender Registry, and holds a previous conviction of indecent exposure in 2008.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Gwen Stefani: Refuses to Allow Kids Near Former Nanny

In early August, the announcement came out that Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale are divorcing.  The couple who had been together for 13 years reminded the world that if they can’t make it work, no one can.

And now, more bad news is coming in from one of the few celebrity couples that we thought might actually last.

Their divorce is getting ugly.

According to Radar Online, The Voice judge is p*ssed that Gavin is hanging out with their kids’ former nanny.  Rumors claim that Gavin was cheating with the nanny, and now he is spending more time with her!

An insider reported that “Gwen is disgusted Gavin is now spending time with the ex-nanny, who also dresses and looks like Gwen.”

“They have been hanging out at Gavin’s bachelor pad as he doesn’t want to be seen with her in public,” the source continued.

The drama with the nanny went down when Gwen started noticing that her husband’s relationship with the nanny seemed a little too close. Although there was no proof of an affair, Gwen fired the nanny.

Whatever triggered Gwen to fire her was serious because Gwen had a good relationship with the staffer before firing her. A source previously told Radar Online, “Gwen loaned her clothes, and was very generous with the younger woman.”

“The nanny was very attractive, but in the beginning, Gwen trusted her and treated her as a younger sister/best friend.”

The insider even claimed that the nanny was often present on the set of The Voice.  Even more, she went on vacations with Gwen and her family.

But those days are over.  The source dished that Gwen instructed Rossdale to never allow their kids—Kingston, 9, Zuma, 7, and Apollo, 1—near the nanny again.

The source explained, they “aren’t allowed to be around their ex-nanny. It would be just so confusing for them.”