Thursday, December 15, 2016

Angelina Jolie: Refusing to Allow Brad Pitt to See Kids on Christmas?

We all laughed when Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced their intention to “consciously uncouple,” which seems to be celeb-speak for “have sex with other people while still taking vacations together.”

But at least that breakup wasn’t a constant source of sadness, like what’s going on between Gwyneth’s ex, Brad Pitt, and his estranged wife, Angelina Jolie.

Yes, as you may have heard Angelina filed for divorce from Brad back in September, and in the ensuing months, the former couple has made their onscreen counterparts in Mr. & Mrs. Smith look like a loving and devoted husband and wife.

The main bone of contention in Pitt and Jolie’s ugly legal battles has been custody of their six children, which stands to reason, as Pitt was investigated for child abuse following a September 15 incident aboard a private jet.

No charges were filed, but whatever took place between Pitt and eldest son Maddox that day was disturbing enough to Jolie that she moved out and took the kids that same week.

These Pitt gets supervised visits with his kids on a schedule chosen by Jolie and a family therapist.

Us Weekly is reporting that he’s requested additional visits during the holiday season, but has thus far been denied.’

The magazine claims to have obtained an email in which Pitt requests extra 30- to 60-minute visits with his kids and a “step-up in connection” over the holidays.

In a somewhat hostile response, Jolie’s lawyer, Laura Wasser, shot back that Pitt does “not seem to have any regard for what the children’s therapists feel is in their best interests.”

In an email sent on December 1, Wasser cautioned Pitt that continued requests for unsupervised visits could lead to “costly, ugly, protracted and public court battles.”

So for now, at least, it seems Brad won’t be spending the Christmas with his kids.

Earlier this month, Pitt requested an emergency hearing to prevent Jolie’s team from leaking information to the press.

It’s unclear what the outcome was, but the leaks do appear to have slowed down.

And given the Grinchiness of this particular story, we’re doubting that it comes from Team Angie. 
