Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Will Austin Forsyth Allow Her to Wear Pants?

It’s been two weeks since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married, and naturally, fans are already filled with follow-up questions.

Where are they honeymooning? Is married life everything they thought it would be? And of course …

Is Joy gonna start wearing pants?

Yes, believe it or not, clothing with two leg-holes is an issue that’s very much on the mind of many Duggar obsessives these days.

It all started when photos of Jinger Duggar wearing pants began to circulate online.

Things got even crazier when images of Jinger wearing shorts were posted to Instagram.

And why the hell would anyone care about a grown woman sporting a very commonplace article of clothing?

Well, if you watch Counting On online, you know that Duggar women are required to wear skirts, for reasons that make sense only to the voices in Jim Bob’s head.

When Jinger got married, we learned that she and her sisters live under a power structure of Game of Thrones-ian complexity, and that once they’re married, Jim Bob surrenders control of their lives and their husbands take the reins.

Jinger’s dude, Jeremy Vuolo, doesn’t require floor-length denim skirts in his household, so Jinger was given a pants pass.

Sadly, it looks like former tomboy Joy-Anna won’t be quite so lucky.

Despite expressing strong anti-dress views in the past (“I was not born to wear dresses. I was born to wear my own style,” she said in an episode of Counting On), it looks like Joy is doomed to spend the rest of her days be-skirted:

“I said before that I don’t like dresses, but Austin likes them on me, and so I’m branching out and I’m wearing some dresses now,” she recently told Counting On cameras.

“I don’t really have fashion. I just kind of wear whatever Austin likes. Before, I just wore whatever was in the closet. I’m trying to improve that.” 

Joy … fashion isn’t a thing you possess; it’s a thing that possesses you!

No, but seriously, it’s a bummer that for the rest of her freakin’ life Joy can’t dress the way she prefers because that just doesn’t suit her husband’s aesthetic.

Lighten up, Austin!

In all likelihood, you’ll never have to work again thanks to Joy’s reality TV earnings.

The least you can do is let her put on a pair of Wranglers now and then.
