Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Ariana Grande to Become First Honorary Citizen of Manchester!

Ariana Grande was shocked to the core just a few weeks ago when terrorist, Salmen Abedi detonated a suicide bomb during the Manchester stop of her Dangerous Woman World Tour. 

That bomb left 22 people dead and as much as 59 injured, but Ariana opted not to let the terrorists win by returning to the city earlier this month with a benefit concert titled One Love Manchester. 

Now, it has emerged that Manchester is looking to recognize those who have made significant contributions to the city. Ariana is the first individual to be given such title. 

Council leader Sir Richard Leese told the BBC: “This seems a fitting moment to update the way we recognize those who make noteworthy contributions to the life and success of our city.”

“We’ve all had cause to be incredibly proud of Manchester and the resilient and compassionate way in which the city, and all those associated with it, have responded to the terrible events of 22 May – with love and courage rather than hatred and fear.”

After initially fleeing the country to return home to be with her family, Ariana released a statement saying she would be making her way back to Manchester for a benefit concert. 

“My heart, prayers and deepest condolences or with the victims of the Manchester Attack and their loved ones,” Grande writes to open her new message, adding: “There is nothing I or anyone can do to take away the pain you are feeling or to make this better.

“However, I extend my hand and heart and everything I possibly can give to you and yours, should you want or need my help in any way.”

Have a look at the full statement below.

grande tweet pic

Grande stuck to her word and arranged a concert in a matter of days that included stars such as Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry. In turn, she helped raise a lot of money for the victims of the attack. 

If anything, the whole incident proved that Ariana is a brave young woman who fights for what she believes in. 

Ariana has since resumed her world tour, but got a bee tattoo in honor of the city of Manchester. 

If anyone deserves to be made an honorary citizen, it’s Ariana. 

What do you think about all of this? Sound off below!
