Showing posts with label Listen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Listen. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2018

Omarosa Drops NEW Donald Trump Tape: Listen Here!

We"re very sorry to report that Omarosa Manigault-Newman has not left the spotlight.

Not yet, at least.

And not any time soon, we"re guessing.

The former Apprentice contestant, who became a White House official, who was then fired from her post and is now a best-selling artist peddling a book about the mental instablity of Donald Trump, appeared on The View Monday morning.

She came equipped with two things:

1. A new secret recording she made while an admistration employee.

2. Some very strong feelings on the President.

"When Donald Trump got bored, which was very often because his attention span is very short, he would sometimes try and figure out what meetings were happening in the White House and he would crash those meetings," Omarosa says in the video featured here.

She said as much in order to set up the aforementioned recording.

In it, President Trump is meeting with members of his communications team and saying that Hillary Clinton was actually the candidate who conspired with the Russians during the 2016 election.

He has said this in public many times, of course.

I think Hillary is getting killed now with Russia," Trump says in this recording, which is just the latest of many Omarosa has released.

The real Russia story is Hillary and collusion. Somebody told me, Hope, you told me it was $ 9 million they spent on the phony report.

Also of note in this appearance, Omarosa says Clinton was "robbed" of the presidency, something she admits to being "complicit" in facilitating.

"I discovered Donald Trump was an arsonist trying to burn down this country and in some way I was complicit in handing him matches and giving him more fuel for his fires," she said, adding:

"At some point you have to stop a toxic relationship. I regret that I was so complicit.

"Hillary Clinton was robbed and I was a co-conspirator in that robbery. I will regret that for the rest of my life … [helping] this con man get into office."

Better late than never to make this confession… we guess?

In her book, Omarosa GOES OFF on pretty much everyone related to Trump.

In this clip, though, her target is just the President himself.

Check it out now.

Omarosa drops new donald trump tape admits to conspiracy against

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Donald Trump Tapes: Listen to Trump Discuss Secret Payouts to Karen McDougal!

As we reported days ago, Donald Trump was caught on tape discussing payouts related to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, with whom he allegedly had an affair.

Now, CNN has obtained one of the dozen tapes that were seized by prosecutors from the office of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

It might not be a "smoking gun" for collusion, but … many believe that it may be evidence that campaign finance laws were violated.

In September of 2016, just months before that fateful election night, Trump met with Michael Cohen, who recorded their conversation.

"The recording offers the public a glimpse at the confidential discussions between Trump and Cohen," CNN says.

CNN continues, saying that based upon their analysis, "it confirms the man who now occupies the Oval Office had contemporaneous knowledge of a proposal to buy the rights to the story of Karen McDougal."

CNN goes on to describe how McDougal is "a woman who has alleged she had an extramarital affair with Trump about a decade ago."

The reason for which this is a big deal is that Trump paying to silence someone, directly or indirectly, may be an election law violation.

Trump can be heard saying: "I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David."

David Pecker is the head of American Media, which controls the National Enquirer, the entity that purchased and then buried Karen McDougal"s story.

Now, not all of the discussion is relevant to payouts to Karen McDougal. But when financing comes up again later, Trump refers to it.

Cohen can be heard saying: "When it comes time for the financing, which will be …"

"What financing?" Trump asks, interrupting Cohen.

"We"ll have to pay," Cohen is heard explaining.

Here is where the low quality of the recording makes things tricky.

It sounds like Trump is saying "pay with cash," but some have argued that he is saying "don"t pay with cash."

Cohen argues, saying "no, no," but it is difficult to tell exactly what is said next.

Based upon everyone"s analysis, it sounds like Trump is either saying "Pay with cash" or "Don"t pay with cash."

It looks like there is going to be some debate over what exactly he said.

It was Cohen"s attorney Lanny Davis who provided the recording to CNN.

Cohen was Trump"s attorney for a long time and previously stated that he would take a bullet for Trump.

However, in recent weeks, he has stated that he would like to put his country first and cooperate with prosecutors.

This has left Trump deeply unsettled, resulting in some of his infamous Twitter ravings.

"Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning)," Trump wrote on Twitter on July 21.

"Almost unheard of," Trump claims. "Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client – totally unheard of & perhaps illegal."

"The good news," Trump continues. "Is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!" 

Let"s say that further analysis of this tape proves, conclusively, that Donald Trump broke our election laws by making payouts to keep McDougal silent.

What now?

Obviously, Melania is once again embarrassed, but after her "I don"t really care, do u?" stunt, few in the public really care about her feelings any more than her husband does.

Ultimately, it is the job of Congress to impeach and then convict a sitting President. It is believed that no one else can do that.

Unfortunately, many within the GOP — though personally unhappy with Trump — are unwilling to take the necessary steps towards impeachment for two reasons.

One, because they are happy to have him appoint idealogues to the Supreme Court and other positions. In other words, their interests align with his.

Two, because they fear that moving against him will cost them reelection.

After everything that he"s already done, from praising Nazis as "good people" to the Helsinki summit, it is difficult to imagine what, if anything, would prompt Republicans in the legislature to take action.

But … all of this evidence could all be valuable ammunition if the fabled "Blue Wave" for which so many Americans hope actually happens this November.

Donald trump impeachment party whos attending

Donald trump tapes listen to trump discuss secret payouts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

DeAndre Hopkins Says Donald Trump is Too "Closed-Minded" To Listen To NFL Players

Texans superstar DeAndre Hopkins says there isn’t much chance NFL players and Donald Trump will ever have serious talks over their issues … ‘cause D-Hop says POTUS is too “closed-minded” to listen. We got DeAndre — who was one of many in…


DeAndre Hopkins Says Donald Trump is Too "Closed-Minded" To Listen To NFL Players

Texans superstar DeAndre Hopkins says there isn’t much chance NFL players and Donald Trump will ever have serious talks over their issues … ‘cause D-Hop says POTUS is too “closed-minded” to listen. We got DeAndre — who was one of many in…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Bode Miller: Listen to Tragic 911 Call About His Daughter


The following video is very difficult to watch.

It features the audio of Bode Miller"s wife calling 911 immediately after she learns that her 19-month old daughter has fallen into a friend"s swimming pool.

As previously detailed, little Emmy Miller was with her mom, Morgan Beck, when this tragedy struck.

(The young girl"s father, Bode Miller, is a multi-time Olympic skiier who won a Gold Medal in 2010, hence why this story has gone viral.)

The infant was retrieved from the water and, according to this just-released call, did actually have a pulse upon being found and brought to land.

On Sunday, June 10, 2018 at 6:28 p.m. a call was placed to authorities, upon which an operator was told that a “baby fell into the pool.”

“Is the baby breathing?” the operator asks the woman, who responds with, “No.”

“Are you doing CPR or do you need me to coach you through it?” the dispatcher later asks.

The woman replies: “Coach me through it, please.”

A man in the background then says that the child does, indeed, have a "small pulse," prompting the operator to say that CPR is not needed and paramedics are "coming as fast as they can."

“Come on, Emmy. Come on, baby girl!” the woman tragically says at another point.

It really is heartwrenching.

Said the parents in a statement shortly after they lost their daughter:

“We are beyond devastated. Our baby girl, Emmy, passed away yesterday.

"Never in a million years did we think we would experience a pain like this. Her love, her light, her spirit will never be forgotten.

"Our little girl loved life and lived it to its fullest everyday. Our family respectfully requests privacy during this painful time.”

Listen to the 911 audio below and join us in sending Bode Miller and his family your condolences…

Bode miller listen to tragic 911 call about his daughter

Monday, May 28, 2018

Johnny Manziel Gets CFL Advice from Warren Moon, LISTEN UP!

Warren Moon is the only player in the CFL and the Pro Football Hall of Fame — so, if Johnny Manziel is gonna make it in Canada, there’s NO ONE BETTER to listen to than this guy.  TMZ Sports spoke with the 61-year-old legend, who truly…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kathie Lee Gifford Tells Oprah, Listen to God Before Making 2020 Decision

Kathie Lee Gifford is all for divine intervention guiding Oprah’s decision on whether she should run for President. We got KLG leaving lunch Wednesday at Michael’s, and our guy dropped the best question of the day: What signs should Oprah be…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Mariah Carey to Fergie: Don"t Listen to the Haters!

It ain’t ALL hate for Fergie after that bizarre national anthem at the NBA All-Star Game — with Mariah Carey dishing out some advice on how to deal with the negativity.  A glammed up Mariah was leaving Sweet Chick on Fairfax Sunday evening –…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Rick Fox Says It"s Time To Listen To Lonzo Ball, And Tune Out LaVar

Rick Fox says people are listening to the wrong Ball … telling TMZ Sports it’s time to ignore what LaVar is talking about, and let Lonzo be the mouthpiece of the BBB empire. When we got the Laker great at LAX and asked him about LaVar, he seemed…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Senator Marco Rubio Offers Lesson and Al Franken Should Listen

Marco Rubio’s dishing advice on how politicians should properly pose for pictures … that’s how bad it’s also gotten in D.C. We got the Senator at Reagan National Airport where we bring up allegations from 3 different women claiming Senator Al…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Kim Zolciak: Listen to My Parenting Advice, Single Moms!

Even though we’ve all watched Kim Zolciak break down while her daughter gets her ears pierced, the reality star isn’t actually a bad mom. Just a little ridiculous.

Did you know that Kim Zolciak became a mother (and, soon after, a single mother) at an unusually young age? Even years later, that can leave its mark.

Well, now the Don’t Be Tardy star has penned a moving letter for all single moms out there.

In early 1997, when Kim Zolciak wasn’t quite 19, she gave birth to her first daughter, Brielle.

(As you can see in the photo above, she really takes after her mom)

Four years later (and some change), Kim gave birth to Ariana.

Now, Kim married Kroy Biermann in 2011 and, starting in 2011, she’s given birth to four of his children: KJ, Kash, Kaia, and Kane.

Kroy also formally adopted both Brielle and Ariana, which is why they both now have the last name, Biermann.

With six kids, and having spent many years as a single mom, Kim Zolciak — controversies aside — has gotten a lot of parenting experience, folks.

This was their family of eight for their 2016 Christmas photo.

We look forward to seeing their group photo for 2017 (but chill, folks — it’s barely November).

Though it’s been weeks since Ariana’s birthday, Kim Zolciak was apparently feeling reflective or whatever, because she penned a beautiful letter about single motherhood.

She wrote it in the captions of a major throwback photo, which is below.

“Me and my sweet @arianabiermann I had her at 23yrs old and became a single parent close to her delivery!”

There’s no easy time to become a single parent, but even if there were, it definitely wouldn’t be at 23.

“Scared out of my mind … I can’t help reflect back and Thank God for the strength to keep going! I’m living proof that if you keep on believing miracles can happen!!”

A lot of people find comfort in their faith.

“To every single mother in this world I know it’s not easy quite frankly I don’t know how I did it, but keep believing and achieving!”

That’s an encouraging, if vague, message.

And then she speaks much more general words of encouragement.

“Dreams do come true!! Nobody could stop me from achieving my dreams and nobody can stop you! STAY STRONG!”

Here’s the photo, though she also added a postscript that is honestly our favorite part of the whole letter.

She looks great! (And we know that it’s black and white, but this photo dates back to George W. Bush’s first term, not to, like, the Eisenhower administration)

Are you ready for this postscript? You’re not, but here it is anyway:

“P.S I have great hair yes and no this isn’t a wig [laughing emoji] this was 16yrs ago [heart emoji] for sure have the good hair gene.”

It almost makes us wonder if all of the rest of what she wrote was mostly just stream-of-consciousness filler so that she could post this throwback and brag about her hair.

That’s not a criticism. It’s honestly pretty amazing.

Kim Zolciak is a very entertaining reality star, folks.

By the way, this is Ariana Biermann now, having only turned 16 last month.

She’s beautiful!

In just a few years she’ll be taking her mom’s side in feuds like Brielle. Maybe.

Kim has been through a lot. Her whole family has, actually.

We’ve seen the whole family react to Kash’s dog attack, which was definitely a dark chapter on their family’s history even though Kash has recovered well and started school.

Kim Zolciak has a lot of parenting experience upon which to respect.

And, yes, she has some pretty nice hair.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Floyd Mayweather Doesn"t Listen to Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez

Floyd Mayweather ain’t no Swiftie, and he ain’t no Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez fan either — that much he made clear in an interview with a puppet. Floyd sat down outside his strip club, Girl Collection, with the puppet Diego from…


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Taylor Swift Releases ANOTHER New Song: Listen Here!

Last week, Taylor dropped "Look What You Made Me Do," the very first single from her new album … and she blew our minds.

Not necessarily because of the quality of the song, which was honestly not so great, but because she had a completely different sound than the old Taylor Swift.

Which makes sense, because in the song, she explains that the old Taylor Swift is dead.

It was also fun to analyze the lyrics and, a few days later, the music video — she obviously has a big grudge with someone, and the girl left us so many hidden clues and messages.

It was like celebrity gossip Christmas, really.

Even though it"s been over a week now since we first heard the song, people are still talking about it. A lot.

Which makes it more than a little surprising that she went ahead and released another single today.

The new song is called "…Ready for It," and while it"s still very, very different than what we"d expect from her, this one is a little more familiar than "Look What You Made Me Do."

And that"s because this song is a love song.

Judging by some of the lyrics, we"re guessing this is about her current boyfriend, actor Joe Alwyn.

They"ve been dating since last year, and in a lyric from the first verse, Taylor sings that the object of her affection here is "younger than my exes but he acts like such a man though."

Joe is 26, a year younger than Taylor, and quite a bit younger than many of her previous lovers, men like Tom Hiddleston, Calvin Harris, and John Mayer.

There"s a chance she could still be pulling inspiration from her relationship with Harry Styles, who is four years her junior, but that would be sad at this point.

So let"s just say this is about Joe — and if it is, then she seems to be very, very serious about him.

So serious that in another part of the song, she sings "Every lover known in comparison is a failure, I forget their names now."

And like, we know she didn"t actually forget their names, but this Joe must be pretty darn special, huh?

Listen to the full song below:

Taylor swift releases another new song listen here

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Selena Gomez Drops New Music! Listen Now!!!!!!!!

The countdown is over.

New music from Selena Gomez is finally here!

Following several days worth of cryptic teases that included Instagram photos such as the one immediately below, the beloved artist has dropped both a new single and its affiliated new music video.

Are you ready to delve into "Bad Liar?"

In the news these days for her role as a producer on the controversial drama 13 Reasons Why, Gomez has found a way to distract critics from slamming that suicide-themed Netflix series:

By making everyone wonder once again whether she"s singing about Justin Bieber!

Consider these lyrics from "Bad Liar" and form your own conclusions…

I was walking down the street the other day/Trying to distract myself/Then I see your face/Ooh, you got someone else.

I see how your attention builds/It"s like looking in a mirror/Your touch like a happy pill/But all we do is fear/All my feelings on fire/Guess I"m a bad liar.

Gomez, of course, has been dating The Weeknd for several months.

But this won"t stop people from constantly wondering if Bieber is truly at the forefront of her mind. And also her material.

"Bad Liar" marks the first new music Gomez has released since she dropped "It Ain"t Me," a collaboration with Kygo, back in February. 

For this new single, the 24-year-old teamed up again with Justin Tranter and Julia Michaels, who wrote most of the songs off her 2015 album, "Revival."

As you"re about to find out, this pulsating track appears to tap into Gomez" punk side, clearly borrowing its pounding bass line from the Talking Heads" legendary 1977 hit "Psycho Killer.

Are you a fan?

Take a look at sultry Selena and take a listen to "Bad Liar" now!

Selena gomez becomes a bad liar drops sultry new single

Friday, February 17, 2017

Selena Gomez Drops Justin Bieber Diss Track: Listen Now!

According a recent report, Justin Bieber may have headbutted some dude inside a restaurant last week.

But while we wait to see if the singer gets in trouble for this alleged act, we can say one thing for certain:

Selena Gomez definitely just slammed her ex-boyfriend in her latest single, “It Ain’t Me.”

The artist teams up with someone named “Kygo” for the track, belting out lyrics that pretty clearly take aim at a former lover.

Gomez (obviously) does not cite Bieber by name, nor has she even commented on her fellow artist in quite some time.

But Selena is now dating The Weeknd, with sources saying the relationship is growing more and more serious every hour.

She’s at a place where she’s content with a new man, more confident than ever before… and clearly down with putting Bieber on blast.

Don’t believe us? Don’t think Selena is actually referencing Bieber in this song? Consider the following lyrics:

Somewhere along the lines/We stopped seeing eye to eye/You were staying out all night/And I had enough.

No, I don’t wanna know where you been or where you’re going/But I know I won’t be home/And you’ll be on your own.

Gomez goes on to taunt Bieber; or whomever is the subject of this single.

“Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?” she asks, contining with more questions:

“Who’s gonna rock you when the sun won’t let you sleep? Who’s waking up to drive you home when you’re drunk and all alone? Who’s gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?”

Simply put, as you can listen to below, “It Ain’t Me.”

Gomez concludes her slamming of Bieber (sorry: whomever is the subject of this single) by singing: 

I had a dream/We were back to seventeen/Summer nights and the liberties/Never growing up/I’ll take with me the polaroids and the memories/But you know I’m gonna leave behind the worst of us.

Hmmm… who was Selena dating when she was a care-free teenager, with whom she may have some good memories but with whom she also went through some terrible times?

Earlier in the week, The Weeknd also appears to direct some musical venom at Bieber.

He got a tad more X-Rated in his apparent diss track, singing a verse on Nav’s new track, “Some Way,” that partially goes as follows:

I think your girl fell in love with me. She say my f-ck and my tongue game a remedy.

This bitch got addicted, all she do was take a taste. Now you gettin’ mad because you got replaced.

Bieber has not overly addressed the romance between Selena and The Weend.

But he was asked on Instagram this week about his current favorite song, mentioned The Weeknd’s “starboy” and then laughed like an idiot over this amazing joke.

A few weeks prior, not long after news of Selena banging The Weeknd went viral, Bieber allegedly shrugged off the relationship.

Those close to the immature singer said at the time that Bieber didn’t take the dalliance seriously, presuming Gomez was simply using The Weeknd to further her music career.

That’s a harsh accusation.

With each passing day, it seems more and more likely that Gomez and her new boyfriend are as happy as two people can be.

And this leaves Justin Bieber out in the cold.

Seriously, how long ago does it seem when photos such as the one below were being Liked all over the Internet?

We’ll never see these stars cozy up to each other in this manner again, that much is certain.

But will we even see them get along again?

Let’s hope so.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Big Sean Raps About Murdering Donald Trump: Listen Here!

Just in case you missed the memo, here you have it: Big Sean is not a fan of Donald Trump.

It might come as a bit of surprise, considering Sean is Kanye West"s protege — he"s even on Kanye"s record label — and Kanye is basically one of Trump"s closest friends.

(After Putin, natch.)

But as it turns out, Sean doesn"t share Kanye"s views.

And we know this because the guy just rapped about murdering Trump.

See, Big Sean is promoting his brand new album, I Decided. He stopped by Hot 97 to talk about it, and while he was there, he did a little bit of freestyling.

And that"s when things went bad.

At one point, Sean rapped "I might just kill ISIS with the same ice pick that I murder Donald Trump in the same night with."

This probably goes without saying, but … Sean, honey, you can"t rap about murdering the president. You simply can"t do it.

We get that you have a lot of feelings about what"s going on, and that"s fair. It"s actually more than fair.

But murder is bad, and fantasizing about murder isn"t all that great either.

Maybe try to focus your outrage in a different, more productive way. A way that doesn"t get you on the bad side of the most insane cabinet this country has ever had.

Watch Big Sean"s shocking freestyle in the video below:


Big sean raps about murdering donald trump listen here

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

George Michael Wanted You to Listen Without Prejudice Again

George Michael will live on with a new album in 2017 … but it’s one everyone knows well. We’ve learned “Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1” will be re-released, in conjunction with a Showtime special on the singer’s life, that focuses on the period…


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Kanye West -- If Insurance Co. Wants Proof ... Just Listen to "Life of Pablo"! (AUDIO)

Whether Kanye West scores a $ 30 million payout from his insurance company could depend heavily on the lyrics from his latest album, “The Life of Pablo.”  We counted at least 3 ‘Pablo’ tracks where ‘Ye mentions struggling with…


Kanye West -- If Insurance Co. Wants Proof ... Just Listen to "Life of Pablo"! (AUDIO)

Whether Kanye West scores a $ 30 million payout from his insurance company could depend heavily on the lyrics from his latest album, “The Life of Pablo.”  We counted at least 3 ‘Pablo’ tracks where ‘Ye mentions struggling with…


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sarah Jessica Parker -- Attention Divorcing Women ... Don"t Listen to Me! (VIDEO)

Sarah Jessica Parker plays a wife in the throes of an ugly divorce on HBO … so she should know a thing or two about prenups, right?    Matthew Broderick’s longtime wife fielded questions from our photog about protecting yourself…
