Showing posts with label Murdering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Murdering. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2018

O.J. Simpson Confesses to Murdering Nicole and Ron

After 24 years any mystery surrounding the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman is over … because O.J. Simpson confessed. Fox aired “O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession?” Sunday night and Simpson walked author Judith Regan through what…


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Eminem DESTROYS Donald Trump, Jokes About Murdering Ivanka on New Album!

Eminem has made it abundantly clear that he’s not a big fan of our current president.

(And seriously, how heartbreaking is it that we still have to refer to Donald Trump as “our current president”?)

He slammed Trump in a song he released in 2015, and in another he released in 2015, but his harshest criticism came in October when he shared a little freestyle at the BET Hip Hop Awards.

He touched on the controversy surrounding the professional athletes that have chosen to kneel during the national anthem before games as a form of protest and Trump’s ridiculous reaction to them.

“Now, if you’re a black athlete, you’re a spoiled little brat for trying to use your platform or your stature to try to give those a voice who don’t have one,” he rapped.

“He gets an enormous reaction when he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada. All these horrible tragedies and he’s bored and would rather cause a Twitterstorm with the Packers.”

Then, to his massive fan base, he stated “Any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing a line in the sane. You’re either for or against, and if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this.”

He then flipped off the camera, making it clear that he’s not interested in sharing fans with Trump.

It was all pretty intense, right?

But it looks like he was saving even more vitriol for his new album.

Eminem released the album, titled Revival, yesterday, and he dedicated an entire song to Trump. The song is called “Like Home,” and it features vocals by Alicia Keys.

He kicked off the very first verse with “Someone get this Aryan a sheet, time to bury him, so tell him to prepare to get impeached. Everybody on your feet.”‘

“This chump barely even sleeps, all he does is watch Fox News like a parrot and repeats while he looks like a canary with a beak.”

“Why you think he banned transgenders from the military with a tweet?” he asked. “He’s trying to divide us. The sh-t’s like a cult, but like Johnny he’ll only unite us. ‘Cause nothing inside drives us like this fight does.”

He admitted that “our spirits’ crushed” and it’s “hard to deal” with things right now, “but there’s always tomorrow still.”

“If we start from the scratch like a scab, get the scars to heal and band together for Charlottesville, and for Heather [Heyer, the woman killed in Charlottesville], fallen heroes.”

In the second verse though, he really went in on Trump:

Didn’t wanna piss your base off, did ya? / Can’t denounce the Klan, ‘cause they play golf with ya

You stay on Twitter, way to get your hate off / Nazi, I do not see a way y’all differ

And all you got are race cards / Better get the swastika with your name carved in it / Should be your trademark, ‘cause hate’s all you played off / And you just lick the plate off

So I guess it pays to feed off of chaos / So basically, you’re Adolf Hitler / But you ain’t ruining our country, punk / Or taking our pride from us, you won’t define us

‘Cause like a dictionary, things are looking up / So much, got a sprained beck, know we would rise up against this train wreck and take a stand

In the bridge, Alicia Keys sings “I won’t give up on my home, that so many died for, you already know that I won’t give up.”

It’s actually pretty emotional.

It’s also not the only time he mentions a Trump on the album — on a track called “Frame,” he gets a little less realistic and a lot, lot darker.

The song is all about murder and just awful, violent crimes — the point is that just because he says terrible things in his songs doesn’t mean he actually does them. It really is pretty dark.

In the second verse, he raps “Woke up, it was dawn, musta knew something was wrong. Think I’m becoming a monster ‘cause of the drugs that I’m on. Donald Duck’s on as the Tonka Trunk in the yard.”

“But dog, how the f-ck is Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car? Gotta get to the bottom of it to try to solve it. Must go above and beyond, ‘cause it’s incumbent upon me, ‘cause I feel somewhat responsible for the dumb little blonde.”

So yes, it seems pretty safe to say that he has a whole, whole lot of anger for this entire family.

Do you think Eminem is going too far with these new songs?


Friday, May 19, 2017

Steve Harvey Lawsuit: Ex-Wife Alleges Mental Torture, "Soul Murdering"

In a controversial letter to employees that went viral last week, Steve Harvey demanded to be left alone.

But Mary L. Vaughn apparently did not get the memo.

The comedian’s ex-wife is coming strong after the man she says scorned her in nearly every way imaginable, filing a $ 60 million lawsuit against Harvey that paints him in an even worse light than that infamous letter.

Vaughn and Harvey were married from 1996 through 2005.

During their time together, the former was allegedly subjected to “prolonged torture with the infliction of severe mental pain and suffering,” according to court documents obtained by Entertainment Tonight.

These same legal papers also claim that Vaughn “attempted suicide by self-medicating [in] an effort to stop the pain.”


They go on to allege that Harvey and his lawyer caused “severe emotional distress” that led to a litany of medical conditions for not only Vaughn … but her immediate family over the past 15 years or so.

Pretty damning accusations, that’s for certain.

And Vaughn isn’t even finished.

She’s suing the talk show host for child endangerment, torture, kidnapping, breach of contract, conspiracy against rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and “soul murdering.”

The lawsuit even cites such terms/actions as harassment, brainwashing and theft by deception.

Harvey and Vaughn share a 10-year old son, Wynton.

This isn’t the first time the latter has aired severe accusations against Harvey, having previously gone off on him via a YouTube video.

She was even jailed for 30 days in 2013 for contempt of court after violating the terms of a gag order in the couple’s divorce.

Harvey has three kids from his first marriage and has been the husband of third wife Marjorie since 2007.

Just a few days ago, Harvey made negative headlines after the Internet learned that he sent a memo to employees last year in which he laid out a series of ground rules.

They all boiled down to Harvey wanting total and complete privacy at work, with excerpts including the following demands:

Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.

Do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair unless I ask to speak with you directly.

Do not wait in the hallway to speak to me… make an appointment.

The star eventually acknowledged that he sent this letter, but made no apologies for how much of a diva it made him sound like.

“I could not find a way to walk from the stage to my dressing room, to sit in my makeup chair, to walk from my dressing room to the stage or to just sit and have lunch without somebody just walking in,” Harvey explained to ET, adding:

“I’ve always had a policy where, you know, you can come and talk to me – so many people are great around here, but some of them just started taking advantage of it…

“I just didn’t want to be in this prison anymore where I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air without somebody approaching me, so I wrote the letter.”

Vaughn would likely say that she knows a thing or two about being stuck in a prison when it comes to Harvey.

In response to her lawsuit, Steve’s attorney Brandon Williams told TMZ the followingL

“Mr. Harvey vehemently denies any allegations set forth in the lawsuit. The Complaint is meritless, frivolous and the allegations are completely false.

“We will vigorously defend/counterclaim against the Complaint.”


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Steve Harvey"s Ex-Wife Sues, He Owes Me $60 Million For Murdering My Soul

Steve Harvey has caused his second ex-wife much more than mental anguish … according to a new lawsuit she’s filed he damaged her “soul” and now owes her $ 60 MILLION.  Mary Harvey and Steve’s infamously bitter divorce was finalized back…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Big Sean Raps About Murdering Donald Trump: Listen Here!

Just in case you missed the memo, here you have it: Big Sean is not a fan of Donald Trump.

It might come as a bit of surprise, considering Sean is Kanye West"s protege — he"s even on Kanye"s record label — and Kanye is basically one of Trump"s closest friends.

(After Putin, natch.)

But as it turns out, Sean doesn"t share Kanye"s views.

And we know this because the guy just rapped about murdering Trump.

See, Big Sean is promoting his brand new album, I Decided. He stopped by Hot 97 to talk about it, and while he was there, he did a little bit of freestyling.

And that"s when things went bad.

At one point, Sean rapped "I might just kill ISIS with the same ice pick that I murder Donald Trump in the same night with."

This probably goes without saying, but … Sean, honey, you can"t rap about murdering the president. You simply can"t do it.

We get that you have a lot of feelings about what"s going on, and that"s fair. It"s actually more than fair.

But murder is bad, and fantasizing about murder isn"t all that great either.

Maybe try to focus your outrage in a different, more productive way. A way that doesn"t get you on the bad side of the most insane cabinet this country has ever had.

Watch Big Sean"s shocking freestyle in the video below:


Big sean raps about murdering donald trump listen here

Monday, March 7, 2016

Randy Meisner: Former Eagles Bassist Accused of Murdering Wife

Randy Meisner – the singer/songwriter best known for his work with legendary rock group the Eagles – has reportedly been arrested in connection with the death of his wife, Lana Rae Meisner, who was shot and killed Sunday evening.

Randy and Lana Rae Meisner

Details are scarce at this time, but TMZ is reporting that Lana Rae called police yesterday afternoon to report a domestic disturbance.

Just 90 minutes later, Randy called 911 again, this time to report that his wife had suffered a fatal gun shot wound.

Meisner told police that his wife went into a bedroom with a BB gun, and he heard a gun shot shortly thereafter.

The 69-year-old musician may not have been formally charged yet, but given his long history of erratic behavior and his frequent violent altercations with his wife, it is widely believed that he is being treated as a person of interest in the investigation into Lana Rae’s death.

Police insiders say Meisner was hospitalized at 4:45 this morning after “acting in an altered state.”

The highly-regarded bass guitarist – who’s best known for co-writing and performing on the Eagles’ 1975 hit “Take It to the Limit” – has a long history of mental instability.

His children have tried to get a conservatorship on more than one occasion, and family sources say Meisner recently threatened to go on a killing spree at an Encino hospital.

This is the second tragedy this year for one of the most popular band’s in the history of rock.

Eagles’ founding member Glen Frey passed away in January.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

UFC"s Luke Rockhold -- MURDERING IPHONES ... With His Bare Hands!!! (VIDEO)


Forget breaking bones, UFC superstar Luke Rockhold is all about breaking PHONES — beating the living crap out of the new iPhones with his bare hands … and it was all caught on video. 

This footage is awesome … Luke teamed up with an electronics warranty company called SquareTrade to show that iPhones may be tough … but they stand no chance in a fight with an MMA badass. 

Check out the clip … Luke executes a death blow to SIRI using a brutal spin kick — and then snaps the phone’s neck like a chicken bone. 

C’mon … you’ve all wanted to do this to your phone at some point — so, feel free to live vicariously through Rockhold for the next few minutes. 

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