Friday, May 19, 2017

Steve Harvey Lawsuit: Ex-Wife Alleges Mental Torture, "Soul Murdering"

In a controversial letter to employees that went viral last week, Steve Harvey demanded to be left alone.

But Mary L. Vaughn apparently did not get the memo.

The comedian’s ex-wife is coming strong after the man she says scorned her in nearly every way imaginable, filing a $ 60 million lawsuit against Harvey that paints him in an even worse light than that infamous letter.

Vaughn and Harvey were married from 1996 through 2005.

During their time together, the former was allegedly subjected to “prolonged torture with the infliction of severe mental pain and suffering,” according to court documents obtained by Entertainment Tonight.

These same legal papers also claim that Vaughn “attempted suicide by self-medicating [in] an effort to stop the pain.”


They go on to allege that Harvey and his lawyer caused “severe emotional distress” that led to a litany of medical conditions for not only Vaughn … but her immediate family over the past 15 years or so.

Pretty damning accusations, that’s for certain.

And Vaughn isn’t even finished.

She’s suing the talk show host for child endangerment, torture, kidnapping, breach of contract, conspiracy against rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and “soul murdering.”

The lawsuit even cites such terms/actions as harassment, brainwashing and theft by deception.

Harvey and Vaughn share a 10-year old son, Wynton.

This isn’t the first time the latter has aired severe accusations against Harvey, having previously gone off on him via a YouTube video.

She was even jailed for 30 days in 2013 for contempt of court after violating the terms of a gag order in the couple’s divorce.

Harvey has three kids from his first marriage and has been the husband of third wife Marjorie since 2007.

Just a few days ago, Harvey made negative headlines after the Internet learned that he sent a memo to employees last year in which he laid out a series of ground rules.

They all boiled down to Harvey wanting total and complete privacy at work, with excerpts including the following demands:

Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.

Do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair unless I ask to speak with you directly.

Do not wait in the hallway to speak to me… make an appointment.

The star eventually acknowledged that he sent this letter, but made no apologies for how much of a diva it made him sound like.

“I could not find a way to walk from the stage to my dressing room, to sit in my makeup chair, to walk from my dressing room to the stage or to just sit and have lunch without somebody just walking in,” Harvey explained to ET, adding:

“I’ve always had a policy where, you know, you can come and talk to me – so many people are great around here, but some of them just started taking advantage of it…

“I just didn’t want to be in this prison anymore where I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air without somebody approaching me, so I wrote the letter.”

Vaughn would likely say that she knows a thing or two about being stuck in a prison when it comes to Harvey.

In response to her lawsuit, Steve’s attorney Brandon Williams told TMZ the followingL

“Mr. Harvey vehemently denies any allegations set forth in the lawsuit. The Complaint is meritless, frivolous and the allegations are completely false.

“We will vigorously defend/counterclaim against the Complaint.”
