Monday, September 10, 2018

Omarosa Drops NEW Donald Trump Tape: Listen Here!

We"re very sorry to report that Omarosa Manigault-Newman has not left the spotlight.

Not yet, at least.

And not any time soon, we"re guessing.

The former Apprentice contestant, who became a White House official, who was then fired from her post and is now a best-selling artist peddling a book about the mental instablity of Donald Trump, appeared on The View Monday morning.

She came equipped with two things:

1. A new secret recording she made while an admistration employee.

2. Some very strong feelings on the President.

"When Donald Trump got bored, which was very often because his attention span is very short, he would sometimes try and figure out what meetings were happening in the White House and he would crash those meetings," Omarosa says in the video featured here.

She said as much in order to set up the aforementioned recording.

In it, President Trump is meeting with members of his communications team and saying that Hillary Clinton was actually the candidate who conspired with the Russians during the 2016 election.

He has said this in public many times, of course.

I think Hillary is getting killed now with Russia," Trump says in this recording, which is just the latest of many Omarosa has released.

The real Russia story is Hillary and collusion. Somebody told me, Hope, you told me it was $ 9 million they spent on the phony report.

Also of note in this appearance, Omarosa says Clinton was "robbed" of the presidency, something she admits to being "complicit" in facilitating.

"I discovered Donald Trump was an arsonist trying to burn down this country and in some way I was complicit in handing him matches and giving him more fuel for his fires," she said, adding:

"At some point you have to stop a toxic relationship. I regret that I was so complicit.

"Hillary Clinton was robbed and I was a co-conspirator in that robbery. I will regret that for the rest of my life … [helping] this con man get into office."

Better late than never to make this confession… we guess?

In her book, Omarosa GOES OFF on pretty much everyone related to Trump.

In this clip, though, her target is just the President himself.

Check it out now.

Omarosa drops new donald trump tape admits to conspiracy against