Showing posts with label McDougal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McDougal. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Donald Trump Tapes: Listen to Trump Discuss Secret Payouts to Karen McDougal!

As we reported days ago, Donald Trump was caught on tape discussing payouts related to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, with whom he allegedly had an affair.

Now, CNN has obtained one of the dozen tapes that were seized by prosecutors from the office of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

It might not be a "smoking gun" for collusion, but … many believe that it may be evidence that campaign finance laws were violated.

In September of 2016, just months before that fateful election night, Trump met with Michael Cohen, who recorded their conversation.

"The recording offers the public a glimpse at the confidential discussions between Trump and Cohen," CNN says.

CNN continues, saying that based upon their analysis, "it confirms the man who now occupies the Oval Office had contemporaneous knowledge of a proposal to buy the rights to the story of Karen McDougal."

CNN goes on to describe how McDougal is "a woman who has alleged she had an extramarital affair with Trump about a decade ago."

The reason for which this is a big deal is that Trump paying to silence someone, directly or indirectly, may be an election law violation.

Trump can be heard saying: "I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David."

David Pecker is the head of American Media, which controls the National Enquirer, the entity that purchased and then buried Karen McDougal"s story.

Now, not all of the discussion is relevant to payouts to Karen McDougal. But when financing comes up again later, Trump refers to it.

Cohen can be heard saying: "When it comes time for the financing, which will be …"

"What financing?" Trump asks, interrupting Cohen.

"We"ll have to pay," Cohen is heard explaining.

Here is where the low quality of the recording makes things tricky.

It sounds like Trump is saying "pay with cash," but some have argued that he is saying "don"t pay with cash."

Cohen argues, saying "no, no," but it is difficult to tell exactly what is said next.

Based upon everyone"s analysis, it sounds like Trump is either saying "Pay with cash" or "Don"t pay with cash."

It looks like there is going to be some debate over what exactly he said.

It was Cohen"s attorney Lanny Davis who provided the recording to CNN.

Cohen was Trump"s attorney for a long time and previously stated that he would take a bullet for Trump.

However, in recent weeks, he has stated that he would like to put his country first and cooperate with prosecutors.

This has left Trump deeply unsettled, resulting in some of his infamous Twitter ravings.

"Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning)," Trump wrote on Twitter on July 21.

"Almost unheard of," Trump claims. "Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client – totally unheard of & perhaps illegal."

"The good news," Trump continues. "Is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!" 

Let"s say that further analysis of this tape proves, conclusively, that Donald Trump broke our election laws by making payouts to keep McDougal silent.

What now?

Obviously, Melania is once again embarrassed, but after her "I don"t really care, do u?" stunt, few in the public really care about her feelings any more than her husband does.

Ultimately, it is the job of Congress to impeach and then convict a sitting President. It is believed that no one else can do that.

Unfortunately, many within the GOP — though personally unhappy with Trump — are unwilling to take the necessary steps towards impeachment for two reasons.

One, because they are happy to have him appoint idealogues to the Supreme Court and other positions. In other words, their interests align with his.

Two, because they fear that moving against him will cost them reelection.

After everything that he"s already done, from praising Nazis as "good people" to the Helsinki summit, it is difficult to imagine what, if anything, would prompt Republicans in the legislature to take action.

But … all of this evidence could all be valuable ammunition if the fabled "Blue Wave" for which so many Americans hope actually happens this November.

Donald trump impeachment party whos attending

Donald trump tapes listen to trump discuss secret payouts

Donald Trump"s Secret Call with Michael Cohen About Karen McDougal Released

A taped conversation between Donald Trump and his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, discussing financial payments has been released … and this is going to get interesting. CNN just released an audio recording it obtained of the Prez talking…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ex-Playmate Karen McDougal Settles National Enquirer Lawsuit, Free to Talk Trump Affair

Ex-Playmate Karen McDougal is clear to spill the beans about her alleged affair with Donald Trump … and, perhaps most importantly to her, make a ton o’ money off it. McDougal had sued the National Enquirer’s parent company, American Media, over a…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Karen McDougal to Melania Trump: I"m Just... So Sorry

Karen McDougal broke her silence on CNN last night.

The former Playmate of the Year sat opposite Anderson Cooper and discussed in detail her affair with Donald Trump.

As previously reported, this McDougal-Trump affair took place in 2006 and lasted about 10 months, with the pair having met at a party at the Playboy Mansion.

McDougal is now suing the company that buried her story over many years ago and which has pressured her to remain silent about her time with the current President.

In the lengthy interview with Cooper, McDougal talks openly about how she was "intimate" with Trump, describing their first night together and admitting they were in love.

She says they dropped the L-Bomb to each other on multiple occasions.

She adds that they often met up in Beverly Hills, but that she also was given a tour of The Donald"s apartment in Trump Tower at one point.

She kept notes about their romance in her diary and she told her sister all about it; the relationship wasn"t a secret nor, McDougal says, did Trump ever ask her to keep it as one.

Oh, and she says Trump tried to pay her for sex after their first go-around in bed.

"I want to share my truth because everyone else is talking about my truth," McDougal said at one point, adding:

"I need to share my story. … I"ve never talked, since the day it happened. I have refused to speak publicly, privately even.

"My friends know, my family know, but nobody else knows. I wanted to keep it quiet. But now that it"s out, I need to control it."

McDougal is one of two women at the moment, along with a porn star named Stormy Daniels, who is angling to tell the world about her sexual dalliance with Trump.

In this sit-down, she comes across as rather calm and collected, with the exception of one response.

When Cooper asks McDougal what she would like to say to Melania Trump, who had just given birth to son Barron at the time Karen starting doing her husband, McDougal gets a bit misty-eyed.

"What can you say except, I"m sorry?" McDougal responds. "I"m sorry. I wouldn"t want it done to me."

Watch this emotional segment of the interview below:

Karen mcdougal to melania trump im just so sorry

Ex-Playmate Karen McDougal Cries Over Alleged Trump Affair, Says They Were in Love

Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal got emotional talking about her relationship with Donald Trump, and although she admits she knew it was wrong … she says the 2 were in love. The 1998 Playboy Playmate of the Year sat down with CNN’s Anderson Cooper…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Karen McDougal Sues to Speak Openly About Donald Trump Affair

Karen McDougal really wants to tell the world about Donald Trump’s penis.

Or, to be more specific and gross, about where Donald Trump’s penis once was in relation to her vagina.

As previously reported, McDougal is a former Playboy centerfold who claims she carried on a nine-month affair with Trump between 2006 and 2007.

But she also claims she was forced to sign a legal agreement many years ago that barred her from speaking openly about this relationship…

… and now she’s suing to have it overturned.

McDougal filed her legal documents in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday, reports The New York Daily News.

She’s taking aim in them at The National Enquirer’s parent company, American Media Inc., alleging it paid her $ 150,000 for the story of her affair with the now-President — only to never publish it.

The agreement McDougal supposedly signed in 2016 did not require the Enquirer to publish her allegation, but it effectively muted McDougal on the matter, she states.

However, an attorney for American Media Inc. says this simply isn’t true.

Cameron Stracher tells The Daily News that McDougal is “already free to respond to press inquiries. That’s been true since 2016.”

(For the record, this is a different woman alleging to have had an affair with Trump and then claiming she was paid to keep it quiet.

You can go read about the other woman making this same claim, Stormy Daniels, HERE.)

But McDougal disagrees.

“AMI lied to me, made empty promises, and repeatedly intimidated and manipulated me,” McDougal said in a statement, adding:

“I just want the opportunity to set the record straight and move on with my life, free from this company, its executives, and its lawyers.”

The brunette earned Playmate of the Year in 1998, a distinction that followed many years of taking her clothes off for that famous magazine.

She also once dated Bruce Willis. But anyway…

Reads an except from the lawsuit:

“For several years, Ms. McDougal led a ‘Hollywood’ life, attending events and parties as both honored guest and hostess. During that time, Ms. McDougal had a 10-month relationship with Mr. Trump.”

The ex-centerfold did not go public with this past romance, but was exposed by Playboy Playmate Carrie Stevens in a series of tweets in May of 2016.

Convinced news of the extramarital dalliance would come out in full, McDougal hired entertainment lawyer Keith Davidson, who she says “assured her that the rights to publish her story were worth millions.”

But these new legal documents make an unusual assertion:

“Unknown to Ms. McDougal, Mr. Davidson was working closely with representatives for Mr. Trump while pretending to advocate on her behalf.”

McDougal allegedly received her $ 150,000 payment in exchange for a deal that did NOT include coverage of her Trump affair; but which did allow her to wrote multiple fitness articles for American Media.

It was basically a quid pro quo:

Here, Karen, take this money and stay quiet about the affair… and we’ll help boost your career by giving you a few bylines.

So this was not hush money, exactly, then?

Write The Daily News:

Even after her agreement was amended to say she could “respond to legitimate press inquiriers regarding the facts of her alleged relationship with Donald Trump,” it still said she could be on the hook for $ 150,000 in liquidated damages if she gave interviews “without prior written consent.”

It’s all a bit confusing, but the bottom line is that Karen McDougal wants to tell the world about sex with Donald Trump while he was still married.

She believes she is legally unable to do so and wants to change that.

Says her current lawyer, Peter Stris, in a statement:

“A quarter billion dollar company posing as a media organization systemically intimidated and silenced Karen McDougal in order to achieve its political and financial ends, and she will no longer be quiet.

“Through efforts including the collusion of her own lawyer, AMI has consistently deceived and manipulated Mr. McDougal through an illegitimate contract.”

We have a feeling this isn’t the last you’ll be hearing about this story.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Former Playboy Model Karen McDougal Sues to Speak on Alleged Trump Affair

Karen McDougal is taking a page out of Stormy Daniels’  playbook… because she’s also suing to throw out a 2016 legal agreement that bars her from speaking about her alleged tryst with Donald Trump. The former Playboy model is going after…
