Showing posts with label Openly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Openly. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Karen McDougal Sues to Speak Openly About Donald Trump Affair

Karen McDougal really wants to tell the world about Donald Trump’s penis.

Or, to be more specific and gross, about where Donald Trump’s penis once was in relation to her vagina.

As previously reported, McDougal is a former Playboy centerfold who claims she carried on a nine-month affair with Trump between 2006 and 2007.

But she also claims she was forced to sign a legal agreement many years ago that barred her from speaking openly about this relationship…

… and now she’s suing to have it overturned.

McDougal filed her legal documents in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday, reports The New York Daily News.

She’s taking aim in them at The National Enquirer’s parent company, American Media Inc., alleging it paid her $ 150,000 for the story of her affair with the now-President — only to never publish it.

The agreement McDougal supposedly signed in 2016 did not require the Enquirer to publish her allegation, but it effectively muted McDougal on the matter, she states.

However, an attorney for American Media Inc. says this simply isn’t true.

Cameron Stracher tells The Daily News that McDougal is “already free to respond to press inquiries. That’s been true since 2016.”

(For the record, this is a different woman alleging to have had an affair with Trump and then claiming she was paid to keep it quiet.

You can go read about the other woman making this same claim, Stormy Daniels, HERE.)

But McDougal disagrees.

“AMI lied to me, made empty promises, and repeatedly intimidated and manipulated me,” McDougal said in a statement, adding:

“I just want the opportunity to set the record straight and move on with my life, free from this company, its executives, and its lawyers.”

The brunette earned Playmate of the Year in 1998, a distinction that followed many years of taking her clothes off for that famous magazine.

She also once dated Bruce Willis. But anyway…

Reads an except from the lawsuit:

“For several years, Ms. McDougal led a ‘Hollywood’ life, attending events and parties as both honored guest and hostess. During that time, Ms. McDougal had a 10-month relationship with Mr. Trump.”

The ex-centerfold did not go public with this past romance, but was exposed by Playboy Playmate Carrie Stevens in a series of tweets in May of 2016.

Convinced news of the extramarital dalliance would come out in full, McDougal hired entertainment lawyer Keith Davidson, who she says “assured her that the rights to publish her story were worth millions.”

But these new legal documents make an unusual assertion:

“Unknown to Ms. McDougal, Mr. Davidson was working closely with representatives for Mr. Trump while pretending to advocate on her behalf.”

McDougal allegedly received her $ 150,000 payment in exchange for a deal that did NOT include coverage of her Trump affair; but which did allow her to wrote multiple fitness articles for American Media.

It was basically a quid pro quo:

Here, Karen, take this money and stay quiet about the affair… and we’ll help boost your career by giving you a few bylines.

So this was not hush money, exactly, then?

Write The Daily News:

Even after her agreement was amended to say she could “respond to legitimate press inquiriers regarding the facts of her alleged relationship with Donald Trump,” it still said she could be on the hook for $ 150,000 in liquidated damages if she gave interviews “without prior written consent.”

It’s all a bit confusing, but the bottom line is that Karen McDougal wants to tell the world about sex with Donald Trump while he was still married.

She believes she is legally unable to do so and wants to change that.

Says her current lawyer, Peter Stris, in a statement:

“A quarter billion dollar company posing as a media organization systemically intimidated and silenced Karen McDougal in order to achieve its political and financial ends, and she will no longer be quiet.

“Through efforts including the collusion of her own lawyer, AMI has consistently deceived and manipulated Mr. McDougal through an illegitimate contract.”

We have a feeling this isn’t the last you’ll be hearing about this story.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Gold Medalist Eric Radford, Canada Embraces Openly Gay Athletes

Justin Trudeau makes gay athletes feel lucky as hell while President Trump and his lackeys make them feel like second-class citizens … that’s the sad truth according to the first openly gay athlete to win a gold medal at the Winter…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Teresa Giudice: Vacationing With a Lover?! Openly Prepping for Divorce?!

While Teresa Giudice spent her 11 months in prison, it was reported numerous times that Joe Giudice didn’t exactly keep his hands to himself.

Now that Joe’s taking his turn behind bars for a couple of years, some say that it’s Teresa’s turn to cheat. Others say that it’s okay, because she’s getting a divorce from Joe anyway.

A report says that Teresa’s no longer keeping things with her lover under wraps — that she’s openly vacationing with him. How soon is she getting divorced?

They say that if you can’t do the time, you shouldn’t do the crime.

They also say that no one is above the law.

While the latter has yet to be demonstrated for Presidents, it’s definitely true that starring on The Real Housewives of New Jersey doesn’t make you above being dragged into court and sentenced to prison.

Years before Countess Luann de Lesseps was arrested for kicking a police officer, Teresa Giudice became a Real Housewife of the Big House.

(Side note: we would be very intrigued by a television series by that name)

The judge was kind enough to, for the sake of the Giudice children, sentence Teresa and her husband, Joe, to serve non-concurrent sentences.

While Teresa was locked away — she ended up serving only 11 of her 15 months — Joe was with the couples’ children.

And, reportedly, he was with other women who were not his daughters.

By which we mean that he was allegedly cheating on Teresa Giudice left and right.

Teresa said that she didn’t believe those rumors but …

What are we to make of this photo that she shared over the weekend?

Teresa posted this photo of herself with Loren B. La Forge-Kyriakoulis at dinner, captioning it:

“Dinner with a great friend lots of laughs @laforgekyriakoulis # webothlovefood #greekfood”

Now, that might be a totally innocuous social media post.

(Teresa’s actually been uncharacteristically quiet on social media, lately)

But La Forge is a divorce attorney. Is Teresa posting a photo with a friend … or a hint that she’s gearing up to leave Joe?

To top it all off, RadarOnline reports that not only is Teresa cheating on Joe, she recently took her secret lover on vacation.

“Teresa went to Cancun for the holidays with her boyfriend,” a source reported to them.

And apparently they’ve reached a place in their (alleged) relationship where she’s fine having this mystery guy around her family.

“Her dad was even there, so she’s hardly hiding it anymore!”

Is this the case? If so, it sounds like she’s gearing up to let Joe rot behind bars.

Honestly? We’re not necessarily convinced that she’s cheating on Joe. They have a long, complicated relationship, but not even her frenemy Danielle Staub believes that Teresa’s cheating.

(And not, we think, just because Teresa Giudice apologized in a recent episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey)

If Teresa’s dinner with La Forge was really about divorce, then it may be that Teresa’s gearing up to leave Joe … for reasons other than a lover of her own.

For one thing? Joe is an Italian immigrant. He’s not a US citizen, and may end up getting deported when his prison sentence ends. She may be preparing for that drama now.

Or, again, she may have just been out to dinner with a friend. We don’t know.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Beyonce and Jay-Z"s Twins, Sir and Rumi, Openly Seen at 5 Months Old

Beyonce and Jay-Z made another major debut this weekend — they showed off their twins in full view for the first time since their newborn photo shoot … and as you might imagine, they’re freakin’ adorable. The couple was seen Friday coming in…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

President Trump Openly Admires French First Lady Brigitte Macron"s Body

President Trump got an eyeful of French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife and, in the most awkward way possible … made it clear he liked what he saw. Trump, with Melania at his side, greeted Brigitte Macron Thursday in Paris — and in video posted…


President Trump Openly Admires French First Lady Brigitte Macron"s Body

President Trump got an eyeful of French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife and, in the most awkward way possible … made it clear he liked what he saw. Trump, with Melania at his side, greeted Brigitte Macron Thursday in Paris — and in video posted…
