Showing posts with label Vacationing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vacationing. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2018

Scott Disick and Sofia Richie: Vacationing With the Kids, Taunting Kourtney Kardashian!

Despite reports that Kourtney Kardashian has warned Sofia Richie to stay away from her kids, it doesn’t sound like Scott or the teen are paying her any mind.

In fact, the two of them have embarked on a romantic vacation … and brought Scott’s kids along. You know, like a family.

What’s more is that a source reports that Scott is rubbing all of this in Kourtney’s face … just to taunt her.

E!’s source is dishing on Scott Disick’s baecation with Sofia Richie, and it sounds like they’re having a great time.

But … this loving couple is not alone.

“Scott and Sofia flew in on Monday evening on a private jet to Cabo with his kids and another couple.”

You might wonder why someone would leave Southern California to go on vacation. Well, it’s more than 10 degrees warmer in Cabo than in Calabasas right now. And to L.A. folks, weather in the 60s is “cold.”

It sounds like they’ve all been soaking up the sun and generally enjoying the lifestyle of the idle rich.

“They’ve been spending their days by the pool relaxing and enjoying the warm weather.”

And we’re not just talking about Scott and Sofia. Mason, Penelope, and Reign are all having a blast, too.

“Scott’s kids have stayed busy with lots of swimming and playing in the water.”

But looking after the kids hasn’t thrown a wet blanket over their romance.

“Scott and Sofia are inseparable and seem happy.”

The source continues, talking about the lovey-dovey relationship between Scott and his teenage girlfriend.

“They were posing for pictures together and kissing every chance they got.”

Scott and Sofia also have a puppy, and they brought their precious little love with them.

“They are both obsessed with the puppy and giving it lots of love.”

Apparently, Scott is mostly doing this for Sofia.

“Scott promised Sofia a trip and thought it would be nice for them to get away.”

In many ways, this trip is a couple’s retreat with activities planned just for the two of them.

HollywoodLife reports that Scott is deliberately antagonizing Kourtney by bringing his kids on a “family vacation” with Sofia.

“Scott is well aware that bringing Sofia on his trip to Mexico with the kids has pissed off Kourtney.”

So … why would he do such a thing?

“That was the whole point.”


“He’s been taunting Kourtney with pictures of Sofia and the kids bonding.”

That seems outrageously cruel, if true.

“He’s clearly doing it to upset her.”

And, according to this report, Scott’s bad behavior is getting even worse.

“But what’s even more twisted is that he’s been telling their mutual friends that Sofia is better with the kids than Kourtney is.”

This is just sickening to hear.

“Scott claims they like Sofia more than Kourtney.”

And all of these messages are apparently designed to taunt and antagonize Kourtney.

“Scott knows it’s going to get straight back to Kourtney and mess with her head.”

He spent a great deal of 2017 doing what many perceived as “acting out” to get back at Kourtney for moving on with her life. But this is worse.

“It’s a new low, even for him.”

One can only imagine how hurt and distressed Kourtney must be.

It’s not that she’s possessive of Scott, it’s that it must be distressing to hear about the father of her children acting like that. It must be breaking her heart.

However, at least on the outside, Kourtney is enjoying her child-free time with a sexy vacation with boy-toy turned boyfriend Younes Bendjima.

This dreamy couple has spent the last few days on a trip up the California coast.

It’s possible that Scott really is trying to wound Kourtney’s pride but, if so, it sounds like he’s only making an ass of himself.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Justin Bieber Reunited, Vacationing with Mom, Pattie Mallette

Justin Bieber’s not only reconciled with his mother … he’s carved out some quality time with her in the tropical paradise of the Maldives. The Biebs and his mom, Pattie Mallette, are vacationing together, which is a big deal. They’ve been…


Justin Bieber Reunited, Vacationing with Mom, Pattie Mallette

Justin Bieber’s not only reconciled with his mother … he’s carved out some quality time with her in the tropical paradise of the Maldives. The Biebs and his mom, Pattie Mallette, are vacationing together, which is a big deal. They’ve been…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Teresa Giudice: Vacationing With a Lover?! Openly Prepping for Divorce?!

While Teresa Giudice spent her 11 months in prison, it was reported numerous times that Joe Giudice didn’t exactly keep his hands to himself.

Now that Joe’s taking his turn behind bars for a couple of years, some say that it’s Teresa’s turn to cheat. Others say that it’s okay, because she’s getting a divorce from Joe anyway.

A report says that Teresa’s no longer keeping things with her lover under wraps — that she’s openly vacationing with him. How soon is she getting divorced?

They say that if you can’t do the time, you shouldn’t do the crime.

They also say that no one is above the law.

While the latter has yet to be demonstrated for Presidents, it’s definitely true that starring on The Real Housewives of New Jersey doesn’t make you above being dragged into court and sentenced to prison.

Years before Countess Luann de Lesseps was arrested for kicking a police officer, Teresa Giudice became a Real Housewife of the Big House.

(Side note: we would be very intrigued by a television series by that name)

The judge was kind enough to, for the sake of the Giudice children, sentence Teresa and her husband, Joe, to serve non-concurrent sentences.

While Teresa was locked away — she ended up serving only 11 of her 15 months — Joe was with the couples’ children.

And, reportedly, he was with other women who were not his daughters.

By which we mean that he was allegedly cheating on Teresa Giudice left and right.

Teresa said that she didn’t believe those rumors but …

What are we to make of this photo that she shared over the weekend?

Teresa posted this photo of herself with Loren B. La Forge-Kyriakoulis at dinner, captioning it:

“Dinner with a great friend lots of laughs @laforgekyriakoulis # webothlovefood #greekfood”

Now, that might be a totally innocuous social media post.

(Teresa’s actually been uncharacteristically quiet on social media, lately)

But La Forge is a divorce attorney. Is Teresa posting a photo with a friend … or a hint that she’s gearing up to leave Joe?

To top it all off, RadarOnline reports that not only is Teresa cheating on Joe, she recently took her secret lover on vacation.

“Teresa went to Cancun for the holidays with her boyfriend,” a source reported to them.

And apparently they’ve reached a place in their (alleged) relationship where she’s fine having this mystery guy around her family.

“Her dad was even there, so she’s hardly hiding it anymore!”

Is this the case? If so, it sounds like she’s gearing up to let Joe rot behind bars.

Honestly? We’re not necessarily convinced that she’s cheating on Joe. They have a long, complicated relationship, but not even her frenemy Danielle Staub believes that Teresa’s cheating.

(And not, we think, just because Teresa Giudice apologized in a recent episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey)

If Teresa’s dinner with La Forge was really about divorce, then it may be that Teresa’s gearing up to leave Joe … for reasons other than a lover of her own.

For one thing? Joe is an Italian immigrant. He’s not a US citizen, and may end up getting deported when his prison sentence ends. She may be preparing for that drama now.

Or, again, she may have just been out to dinner with a friend. We don’t know.


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian and Boytoy Younes Bendjima: Vacationing Together!

Recently, we saw Kourtney vacationing with her kids in Nantucket. As part of their desire to co-parent, Scott Disick even came along so that they could both be with their kids.

That sounds great for the kids, but on top of the work involved in being a parent, spending time at the beach playing nice with your ex doesn’t sound much like a vacation to us.

Well now Kourtney’s gone on a very different vacation — one without Scott or the kids. But she did bring Younes.

Kourtney Kardashian’s been the long-suffering ex during Scott Disick’s ongoing spiral of bad behavior.

Imagine glancing at the news and finding out that your ex was sloppy drunk in a bar asking strangers to suck his dick.

Just hearing that, on a non-famous level, might make someone laugh or smile with smug satisfaction.

(Who really wants to hear that their ex’s life is better without you in it?)

Hearing that as a celebrity, when your ex is also the father of your three children, is another matter entirely.

So while it’s hard to look at the lifestyle and wealth of any members of the Kardashian family and go: “Wow, she really deserves a vacation,” we’d say that Kourtney comes about as close at it comes to needing a break.

(There she is in Nantucket, looking gorgeous but … not really on vacation, you know?)

Normally, the Kardashians vacation at beaches and other coastal communities.

They’re from L.A., folks — Kylie Jenner has shivered while wearing long sleeves before because the temperature was in the low sixties.

(Almost enough to make you believe that they’re illuminati lizard people or whatever … but almost everyone from SoCal is like that)

If the Kardashians went vacationing in snowy mountains (which is so fun), their tiny bodies would freeze.

Kourtney’s pal, producer Simon Huck, knows this.

But he still wanted to take her and Simon Younes some place that Kourtney hadn’t been a million times.

His pick?


That’s Simon Huck and Kourtney, standing in front of the Spinx.

Now, full disclosure: I love Egypt. I’ve never been there and I can’t imagine going unless it’s the dead of winter. 

At some point, I want to be fully versed in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs — right now I only know a few dozen. Like I said, I love Egypt.

So this is way, way more exciting than most Kardashian vacation spots.

(Like, really, another tropical vacation? Groundbreaking)

Kourtney and Simon have been great friends for ages (you don’t want to go on an international vacation with strangers), so it’s no surprise that they set off when Kourtney needed a real, grown-up break.

And she even brought Younes!

Those two on the camel in front (to our right) — that’s Kourtney and Younes.

Also, those are the Great Pyramids of Giza in the background.

A lot of people snap photos with those wonders of the world in the background, but most don’t get quite such a good shot.

They and some friends (Simon’s a publicist, “Pip” who’s out in front of the camel works for J.P. Morgan — they were a pretty mixed group) took an adventurous tour of Cairo.

Kourtney and Younes also soaked up the sun at the beach (because of course they did) and smoked from a hookah with Emilie and Simon.

You know, Younes might be Kourtney’s boy toy.

And going on vacation with him doesn’t change that, of course.

But … we’re starting to wonder if she might be catching feelings for the guy.

The Kardashians aren’t really known for being great at just using and discarding guys.

They get attached.

Sometimes it seems like they’re prisoners of their own hearts, you know?

So … we’re a little curious to know if Kourtney and Younes are in a real relationship at this point.

Or if Kourtney just brought Younes because she wanted to have fun.


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner: Vacationing Together in Italy! Officially Back Together?!

It’s been almost a year since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their separation and the couple has yet to file for divorce.

At first it seemed that after ten years and three kids together, Ben and Jen were understandably experiencing cold feet when it came to pulling the plug on their marriage.

Now it looks as though while the world was waiting for them to file papers, Affleck and Garner were busy quietly repairing their marriage.

In fact, it appears the couple may be officially back together – and Ben seems to be pulling out all the stops to let Jen know he’s a changed man.

Last week, sources claimed that Ben bought Jen an 11-carat diamond ring (one carat for each year of their marriage).

This week, he’s reportedly treated the entire family to an Italian getaway.

Yes, according to Us Weekly, Affleck took advantage of a break from filming on the Justice League movie to take Jen and their three kids on a two-week jaunt to Venice.

We assume he paid for the trip using those Capital One rewards miles that Garner is always shilling. Just kidding, Jen!

“A lot of the damage in their relationship has been mended,” one insider tells the tabloid. “They’re in a really good place.” 

However, a source close to Affleck claims that the couple is merely focused on amicably co-parenting and making the split as painless as possible for their kids:

“Ben and Jen are not getting back together,” says the rep.

“They’re co-parenting and showing the kids Europe while he’s there filming. That’s all it is and they’re happy with this arrangement.”

So we guess you can put those rumors about Jen being pregnant with Ben’s baby on ice for now. 

It looks like Sad Affleck might be here to stay.