Showing posts with label Boytoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boytoy. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kim Kardashian to Kourtney: My Husband Bangs Better Than Your Boy-Toy!

We’ve seen Khloe confront Kourtney over her rude-ass behavior, but apparently that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Kardashian sibling squabbles.

So you know how Younes likes bragging about hot cougar sex with Kourtney? Apparently Kourtney likes bragging about their mind-blowing sex to anyone who’ll listen.

All of these brags about banging are getting on Kim’s last nerve. And now Kim and Kourtney are kompeting over who has the best sex life!

HollywoodLife has the scoop on Kim and Kourtney trying to one-up each other in their respective bedrooms.

“The girls can turn anything into a competition,” the insider reminds fans. “Even their sex lives.”

Oh no.

“Ever since Kourtney started dating Younes,” the source continues. “She hasn’t been able to stop bragging that she’s having the best sex of her life.”

It may very well be that she is, but it sounds like it’s getting under Kim’s skin.

In fact, it sounds like Kim feels like she has something to prove in this arena.

“Her constant bragging about how much great sex she’s having really annoyed Kim,” the insider shares. “And made her feel this pressure to keep up.”

That’s silly. If someone brags about a good restaurant, you can go there to try it for yourself, but this is a different situation. You don’t have to brag about how good your lunch is.

The source explains: “So now she’s on a mission to outdo Kourtney.”

Well, that’s one way to respond to your sibling’s declarations of happiness, we suppose.

“It’s not going to be easy though,” the source cautions.

The insider elaborates, saying: “I mean Kourtney’s dating a guy in his 20s.”

“Apparently,” the source reveals. “His stamina is out of this world.”

As we mentioned, Younes has been bragging about how good his sex with Kourtney is. It sounds like these two are really enjoying their relationship.

“But Kim swears Kanye has the energy of a guy half his age,” the insider says.

Well, that could be true, but it also sounds like something that a man’s wife would say if she’s feeling defensive.

The source says: “She’s convinced that her sex life is better than Kourtney’s.”

That’s a weird dispute for two sisters to have, right?

“Of course,” the insider continues. “They’ve tried to drag all their sisters into this.”

Oh, good, they made it worse.

“But Kylie thinks the whole thing is ridiculous,” the source says. “And she does not like to share about what she and Travis Scott are up to.”

Thank goodness that Kylie Jenner is so sensible, and other things you don’t normally expect to say.

“Kendall is all about it though,” the source spills. “She likes listening and learning from Kim.”

As for Khloe, she’s not competing … but she’s still involved, apparently.

“Khloe said she’s going to be the judge and rule which sister is having the best sex ever,” the insider says. “The contest between them is silly, but very real.”

This does sound very silly, yes.

But considering that Kim and Kourtney had a “vagina smell-off” way back in 2013, this is arguably not the worst competition that they’ve had.

Poor Khloe had to be the judge then, too.

It may very well be that Kim and Kanye have an amazing sex life.

After all, surely Kim had to marry him and stay married to him despite everything for some reason, right? 

It could also be the case that Kourtney is bragging because she’s insecure about her sister’s married bliss or about other aspects of her relationship with Younes or even about Scott Disick.

But we’re inclined to believe that 

Besides, there’s no way to test it. Hell, even if the sisters swap husbands and boy-toys and baby daddies, that still won’t show them how good other people’s relationships are.

It takes two to tango, and what’s good for one may not be for another.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Younes Bendjima: Tired of Playing Boy-Toy for Kourtney Kardashian!

Younes Bendjima may enjoy hot cougar sex with Kourtney Kardashian, but the boy-toy turned boyfriend is apparently growing a little restless under the famous MILF.

Under her shadow, we mean.

A report says that Younes is trying to make a name for himself on his own terms — without Kourtney.

A source tells RadarOnline that Younes Bendjima is eager to prove himself as a model without just riding her coattails.

“Younes was modeling before he met Kourtney,” the insider mentions.

That is absolutely true. Like her ex, Scott Disick, Kourtney seems to have a thing for young, hot models. In her case, just one in particular.

The source absolutely acknowledges: “and being her boyfriend has definitely given him a bigger star status.”

Younes is well aware of that.

But it sounds like it’s not quite enough for him.

“He’s had a lot of offers rolling in because of that,” the insider states.

That’s no surprise. He’s practically a household name — at least, in homes where people are familiar with the intricate workings of the Kardashian clan.

Younes sees these offers, the source says, “and wants to use this time to turn his dream of becoming a male supermodel into reality.”

This time, we take it, refers to his youth. Modeling is not one of those careers that gets easier over time.

He’s not going to be a hot young thing forever, unfortunately. He wants to have his romance while also getting serious about his career.

Sadly, it sounds like Kourtney is less than enthusiastic about this.

“Kourtney would rather he focused on being with her,” the insider reports.

On the one hand, that sounds selfish. No one should be asked to choose between love and their career.

On the other hand, you can imagine how Kourtney might feel. She gave years to Scott, only for him to move on to younger pastures. She can’t want history to repeat itself.

Besides, Kourtney is said to feel like Younes already has enough of a boost.

The source says: “She thinks he should be grateful to her for all the attention and Instagram followers he’s getting.”

But it sounds like the boy-toy game, even though their romance is real, has gotten old.

“Younes has made it clear that he’s tired of being Kourtney’s glorified escort,” the insider reveals.

He must feel like a prized show dog at times, with Kourtney flaunting him and his hot body on social media.

Younes is ready for change, the source says, “and he wants to focus on turning himself into a huge star.”

She’s a Kardashian. She — and especially a few of her sisters and definitely her mom — could make Younes’ career dreams happen.

Younes doesn’t sound like he’ll be easily deterred in his pursuit of his supermodeling dreams.

The insider says that he’s going to try to launch his career to the next level — and he’ll do it “no matter what she thinks.”

But hopefully he’ll do it with her blessing — and the full support of her, her brand, and her very influential family.

As for Kourtney’s worries … well, she has no need to be insecure.

Maxim may think that Sofia Richie is hotter than Kourtney, but Younes has to know her value — and hotness — better than just about anyone.


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian and Boytoy Younes Bendjima: Vacationing Together!

Recently, we saw Kourtney vacationing with her kids in Nantucket. As part of their desire to co-parent, Scott Disick even came along so that they could both be with their kids.

That sounds great for the kids, but on top of the work involved in being a parent, spending time at the beach playing nice with your ex doesn’t sound much like a vacation to us.

Well now Kourtney’s gone on a very different vacation — one without Scott or the kids. But she did bring Younes.

Kourtney Kardashian’s been the long-suffering ex during Scott Disick’s ongoing spiral of bad behavior.

Imagine glancing at the news and finding out that your ex was sloppy drunk in a bar asking strangers to suck his dick.

Just hearing that, on a non-famous level, might make someone laugh or smile with smug satisfaction.

(Who really wants to hear that their ex’s life is better without you in it?)

Hearing that as a celebrity, when your ex is also the father of your three children, is another matter entirely.

So while it’s hard to look at the lifestyle and wealth of any members of the Kardashian family and go: “Wow, she really deserves a vacation,” we’d say that Kourtney comes about as close at it comes to needing a break.

(There she is in Nantucket, looking gorgeous but … not really on vacation, you know?)

Normally, the Kardashians vacation at beaches and other coastal communities.

They’re from L.A., folks — Kylie Jenner has shivered while wearing long sleeves before because the temperature was in the low sixties.

(Almost enough to make you believe that they’re illuminati lizard people or whatever … but almost everyone from SoCal is like that)

If the Kardashians went vacationing in snowy mountains (which is so fun), their tiny bodies would freeze.

Kourtney’s pal, producer Simon Huck, knows this.

But he still wanted to take her and Simon Younes some place that Kourtney hadn’t been a million times.

His pick?


That’s Simon Huck and Kourtney, standing in front of the Spinx.

Now, full disclosure: I love Egypt. I’ve never been there and I can’t imagine going unless it’s the dead of winter. 

At some point, I want to be fully versed in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs — right now I only know a few dozen. Like I said, I love Egypt.

So this is way, way more exciting than most Kardashian vacation spots.

(Like, really, another tropical vacation? Groundbreaking)

Kourtney and Simon have been great friends for ages (you don’t want to go on an international vacation with strangers), so it’s no surprise that they set off when Kourtney needed a real, grown-up break.

And she even brought Younes!

Those two on the camel in front (to our right) — that’s Kourtney and Younes.

Also, those are the Great Pyramids of Giza in the background.

A lot of people snap photos with those wonders of the world in the background, but most don’t get quite such a good shot.

They and some friends (Simon’s a publicist, “Pip” who’s out in front of the camel works for J.P. Morgan — they were a pretty mixed group) took an adventurous tour of Cairo.

Kourtney and Younes also soaked up the sun at the beach (because of course they did) and smoked from a hookah with Emilie and Simon.

You know, Younes might be Kourtney’s boy toy.

And going on vacation with him doesn’t change that, of course.

But … we’re starting to wonder if she might be catching feelings for the guy.

The Kardashians aren’t really known for being great at just using and discarding guys.

They get attached.

Sometimes it seems like they’re prisoners of their own hearts, you know?

So … we’re a little curious to know if Kourtney and Younes are in a real relationship at this point.

Or if Kourtney just brought Younes because she wanted to have fun.
