Showing posts with label Bangs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bangs. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kim Kardashian to Kourtney: My Husband Bangs Better Than Your Boy-Toy!

We’ve seen Khloe confront Kourtney over her rude-ass behavior, but apparently that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Kardashian sibling squabbles.

So you know how Younes likes bragging about hot cougar sex with Kourtney? Apparently Kourtney likes bragging about their mind-blowing sex to anyone who’ll listen.

All of these brags about banging are getting on Kim’s last nerve. And now Kim and Kourtney are kompeting over who has the best sex life!

HollywoodLife has the scoop on Kim and Kourtney trying to one-up each other in their respective bedrooms.

“The girls can turn anything into a competition,” the insider reminds fans. “Even their sex lives.”

Oh no.

“Ever since Kourtney started dating Younes,” the source continues. “She hasn’t been able to stop bragging that she’s having the best sex of her life.”

It may very well be that she is, but it sounds like it’s getting under Kim’s skin.

In fact, it sounds like Kim feels like she has something to prove in this arena.

“Her constant bragging about how much great sex she’s having really annoyed Kim,” the insider shares. “And made her feel this pressure to keep up.”

That’s silly. If someone brags about a good restaurant, you can go there to try it for yourself, but this is a different situation. You don’t have to brag about how good your lunch is.

The source explains: “So now she’s on a mission to outdo Kourtney.”

Well, that’s one way to respond to your sibling’s declarations of happiness, we suppose.

“It’s not going to be easy though,” the source cautions.

The insider elaborates, saying: “I mean Kourtney’s dating a guy in his 20s.”

“Apparently,” the source reveals. “His stamina is out of this world.”

As we mentioned, Younes has been bragging about how good his sex with Kourtney is. It sounds like these two are really enjoying their relationship.

“But Kim swears Kanye has the energy of a guy half his age,” the insider says.

Well, that could be true, but it also sounds like something that a man’s wife would say if she’s feeling defensive.

The source says: “She’s convinced that her sex life is better than Kourtney’s.”

That’s a weird dispute for two sisters to have, right?

“Of course,” the insider continues. “They’ve tried to drag all their sisters into this.”

Oh, good, they made it worse.

“But Kylie thinks the whole thing is ridiculous,” the source says. “And she does not like to share about what she and Travis Scott are up to.”

Thank goodness that Kylie Jenner is so sensible, and other things you don’t normally expect to say.

“Kendall is all about it though,” the source spills. “She likes listening and learning from Kim.”

As for Khloe, she’s not competing … but she’s still involved, apparently.

“Khloe said she’s going to be the judge and rule which sister is having the best sex ever,” the insider says. “The contest between them is silly, but very real.”

This does sound very silly, yes.

But considering that Kim and Kourtney had a “vagina smell-off” way back in 2013, this is arguably not the worst competition that they’ve had.

Poor Khloe had to be the judge then, too.

It may very well be that Kim and Kanye have an amazing sex life.

After all, surely Kim had to marry him and stay married to him despite everything for some reason, right? 

It could also be the case that Kourtney is bragging because she’s insecure about her sister’s married bliss or about other aspects of her relationship with Younes or even about Scott Disick.

But we’re inclined to believe that 

Besides, there’s no way to test it. Hell, even if the sisters swap husbands and boy-toys and baby daddies, that still won’t show them how good other people’s relationships are.

It takes two to tango, and what’s good for one may not be for another.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Simon Saran: Farrah Abraham"s Mom is Trying to Steal Sophia (and Bangs Guys While Babysitting)!

Farrah Abraham’s troll slash boyfriend Simon Saran is at it again, taking the Teen Mom OG star’s mom to task in a series of brutal tweets.

As usual, he does not mince words.

Simon’s latest salvo was fired at Debra Danielsen’s fiance, Dr. David Merz, for basically ignoring everyone else so he could watch golf.

Twitter users were loving Simon’s take on the Teen Mom OG scene in question, but Debra came to the defense of her beau by noting:

“It was the Masters and the final few holes,” Danielsen said, referring to the sport’s marquee tournament in April. “Nothing else.”

The conclusion of the 2017 Masters was pretty all-time, in David’s slight defense, but clearly Simon’s words hit a little close to home.

“Simon isn’t even in the know. Haha! Just says sh!t to make money. He hurts people with his lies and thinks it is ok!” Deb added.

Things only escalated from there.

When fans accused her of talking s–t, Debra defended herself, clarifying, “I speak truth! No hate. Just want things to be happy and healthy.”

Perhaps she needs to look up what “happy and healthy” mean, because Debbo’s comments caught the attention of Saran yet again.

“You beg Farrah for screentime,” Simon responded in an alarming allegation. “Heard you and an attorney are talking to take Sophia away.”

Say what now!?

We had no knowledge of any such plot by Danielsen to fight for custody of Farrah’s daughter, but it’s perhaps Simon was just trolling.

Whether it’s true or not, his comment about Deb and Soph caught the attention of none other than … Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans!

Jenelle tagged Simon and tweeted, referencing Farrah’s mom and her own, “shiiiiit is Debra and Barbara talking now?! they are twins man.”

In any case, Simon wasn’t done.

Not even close. Upping the ante, he proved he’s not messing around by dropping a megaton bombshell on his mother-in-law-to-be:

“Here’s a truth for you Debrah slept with two different guys in 2 days her basement in Nebraska while she was suppose to be watching Sophia.”

Uhh. Really? It’s scary to think that this could be true, and that Sophia (presumably) found out about it, but Simon went on to add:

“Debra hasn’t worked in years. Leaches off of Farrah and Sophia. She doesn’t care about them like [Michael Abraham] does!”

Turning his attention back to Deb’s fiance, he continued, “David has another motive. Just like I called out Matt, this guy is on that level.”

“He’s hiding something big!”

Matt, of course, is Matt Baier – another frequent target for Simon’s tirades and one who is hiding “something big” every week it seems.

He did not elaborate on what exactly Dr. Dave is allegedly hiding, but Simon took one final parting shot … at his own employer.

“Farrah is so much happier when she’s not brainwashed by @bhurvitz #mtv” Sarah wrote, not pulling any punches as always.

He shared that with the image of himself and Farrah above. Guy literally never misses an opportunity to throw shade and stir the pot.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Evans Sucks in Bed, Deals Heroin, Cuts Herself & Bangs Kieffer Delp!

At this point, it’s become clear that Teen Mom 2 afterthought Nathan Griffith will say and do anything to tarnish Jenelle Evans’ reputation.

He only seems to be hurting his own cause, however.

We knew he would come out swinging on last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion, but we’re still shocked at how much he crossed the line.

Moreover, we’re stunned at how well she handled it.

To say Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith are involved in a custody battle – and that they do not like each other – is a massive understatement.

Nathan, who just got arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct, and apparently has no license, sought to trash his baby mama publicly.

(Always a move the courts really respect. Just FYI.)

Denying that he slapped her around – something he’s been accused of more than once – Nate insisted instead that Jenelle is a cutter.

“All of these boyfriends are supposedly abusing her,” he said. “Might want to show them that little cut on your wrist. You slit your wrists.” 

Griffith filed court papers in April claiming that Evans “threatened self-harm and/or suicide and did, in fact, slice her wrists with a knife.”

He then accused her of cheating on him with David Eason, her current boyfriend, and insinuated that the two of them are drug addicts.

With uncharacteristic calmness, Jenelle pointed out that her ex-fiance is a useless human who made outrageous sexual claims about her.

To his lawyer. Seriously. Watch:

Jenelle mentioned casually that Nathan said she’s “painful” at sex in court documents, and asked him why that was relevant whatsoever.

He … had no response essentially.

Grilled on why he’d mention that in any sort of legal documentation, He of the Wannabe Man Bun was even more coherent than usual.

When he attempted to shame her for talking about her sex life publicly, Jenelle shut him down, apologizing for “no longer being with you.”

As if that weren’t crazy enough, Nathan fat-shamed Jenelle (below) and ripped her for allegedly cheating again … this time with Kieffer Delp.

Yes … good ol’ Kieffah.

Did she really, though?

Incredibly, the original Teen Mom 2 bad boy is still in the picture, though only after she and Nathan split up for good, Jenelle insisted.

She responded, “We’re at my house. [Nathan] climbs in my bathroom window at 4 a.m. and bursts in my window after he moved out.” 

Evans’ mother, Barbara Evans, added that Griffith choked the s–t out of Kieffer when he caught them together during a “one-night visit.”

Really. This recently happened!

“Nathan was so angry he started choking Kieffer so bad he almost killed him. And then Kieffer left the next day and we never saw Kieffer again.”

But Griffith didn’t stop there, accusing the reality star of being a drug addict who shares a home with a known dealer in David Eason.

“You told CPS David was a heroin addict and sold heroin,” Evans said, refuting his claims that their son lives in an unsafe environment.

“I said you’re a repetitive heroin user and you’re living in the town you used to buy heroin from!” Nathan said, sinking lower by the minute.

We have no idea what to possibly add at this point, but when Jenelle Evans is the cooler head that prevails, that tells you everything.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Kate Middleton Hates Her Bangs, Blames The Queen

Even perfect hair has its regrets.

On December 9th, the Duchess of Cambridge debuted a shorter haircut that complemented her bangs (or “fringe” as it’s called in the UK).  

The bangs were first on display during a  September 17th engagement, Catherine’s first solo one since having Princess Charlotte on May 2nd.

Famous for her long, painfully gorgeous hair, Catherine easily makes headlines when even subtle roots begin to show.  From what I’ve gathered over the past three months, not everyone is in love with the bangs.

That includes Catherine herself.

According to The Sun, Her Royal Highness has told friends that she’s not totally in love with her new hair cut, snipped by high-end stylist Richard Ward.

“I was a bit unsure about it,” Catherine reportedly admitted.  “I call it my mum fringe.”

Rumors that the Queen has been gently suggesting a more “sensible” look overall have been circling since Catherine married Prince William in 2011.

It’s believed that this haircut is the latest sign that Her Majesty’s influence is working.

“It was suggested that Kate was quietly advised to swap the glamour girl hairdo she sported at Wimbledon in July for a length deemed more appropriate for a high profile member of the royal family,” reports the Daily Mail.

In the past, the Queen has allegedly suggested that Catherine have small weights sewn into her dresses in order to avoid upskirt moments, as well as longer hemlines and more jewelry from Her Majesty’s private collection.

Before the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s 2014 visit to New Zealand and Australia, it was widely reported that the Queen’s sartorial suggestions were taken into serious consideration.

“This forms part of a deliberate move to shift the Duchess’s image from High Street to high end, timeless Royal elegance – without losing her freshness and informality,” royal reporter Katie Nicholl wrote at the time.

Do you like Catherine’s bangs?  Let us know in the comments section below!