Showing posts with label Tired. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tired. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tire-d Stars Get Jacked Up For Your New Year Resolutions!

Get pumped, because the new year is here and these stars are gearing up to work on their resolutions! Spare yourself some time and get motivated just by looking through our gallery of tire-d stars working out … see who’s wheely pushing their limit!
Tire-d Stars Get Jacked Up For Your New Year Resolutions!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Fat Joe Staying Out of 50 vs. Floyd Beef, "Tired Of Being the Middle Guy"

Fat Joe says he truly believes 50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather are “brothers” and need to end their feud — but he’s not the gonna be the mediator.  Joe is friends with both guys — and says it’s crazy to watch them bash each other so hard on…


Fat Joe Staying Out of 50 vs. Floyd Beef, "Tired Of Being the Middle Guy"

Fat Joe says he truly believes 50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather are “brothers” and need to end their feud — but he’s not the gonna be the mediator.  Joe is friends with both guys — and says it’s crazy to watch them bash each other so hard on…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Younes Bendjima: Tired of Playing Boy-Toy for Kourtney Kardashian!

Younes Bendjima may enjoy hot cougar sex with Kourtney Kardashian, but the boy-toy turned boyfriend is apparently growing a little restless under the famous MILF.

Under her shadow, we mean.

A report says that Younes is trying to make a name for himself on his own terms — without Kourtney.

A source tells RadarOnline that Younes Bendjima is eager to prove himself as a model without just riding her coattails.

“Younes was modeling before he met Kourtney,” the insider mentions.

That is absolutely true. Like her ex, Scott Disick, Kourtney seems to have a thing for young, hot models. In her case, just one in particular.

The source absolutely acknowledges: “and being her boyfriend has definitely given him a bigger star status.”

Younes is well aware of that.

But it sounds like it’s not quite enough for him.

“He’s had a lot of offers rolling in because of that,” the insider states.

That’s no surprise. He’s practically a household name — at least, in homes where people are familiar with the intricate workings of the Kardashian clan.

Younes sees these offers, the source says, “and wants to use this time to turn his dream of becoming a male supermodel into reality.”

This time, we take it, refers to his youth. Modeling is not one of those careers that gets easier over time.

He’s not going to be a hot young thing forever, unfortunately. He wants to have his romance while also getting serious about his career.

Sadly, it sounds like Kourtney is less than enthusiastic about this.

“Kourtney would rather he focused on being with her,” the insider reports.

On the one hand, that sounds selfish. No one should be asked to choose between love and their career.

On the other hand, you can imagine how Kourtney might feel. She gave years to Scott, only for him to move on to younger pastures. She can’t want history to repeat itself.

Besides, Kourtney is said to feel like Younes already has enough of a boost.

The source says: “She thinks he should be grateful to her for all the attention and Instagram followers he’s getting.”

But it sounds like the boy-toy game, even though their romance is real, has gotten old.

“Younes has made it clear that he’s tired of being Kourtney’s glorified escort,” the insider reveals.

He must feel like a prized show dog at times, with Kourtney flaunting him and his hot body on social media.

Younes is ready for change, the source says, “and he wants to focus on turning himself into a huge star.”

She’s a Kardashian. She — and especially a few of her sisters and definitely her mom — could make Younes’ career dreams happen.

Younes doesn’t sound like he’ll be easily deterred in his pursuit of his supermodeling dreams.

The insider says that he’s going to try to launch his career to the next level — and he’ll do it “no matter what she thinks.”

But hopefully he’ll do it with her blessing — and the full support of her, her brand, and her very influential family.

As for Kourtney’s worries … well, she has no need to be insecure.

Maxim may think that Sofia Richie is hotter than Kourtney, but Younes has to know her value — and hotness — better than just about anyone.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Le"Veon Bell Says He"s Tired of Steelers Contract BS, Let"s Get it Done!

Le’Veon Bell says he doesn’t wanna play anywhere but Pittsburgh … but he wants a long-term deal ASAP ‘cause the whole process is wearin’ him out. “I just wanna get a deal done. I’m tired of having to deal with this every year,” Le’Veon told TMZ…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I"m Tired of Being a Weirdo!

As we"ve been learning on Kylie Jenner"s new show, Life of Kylie, it"s not easy being a super hot, super famous 20-year-old woman who also happens to be a literal millionaire.

It"s actually really, really hard — not that you"d understand.

Because, see, even though Kylie doesn"t have to worry about money, probably for the rest of her whole entire life, and even though she owns multiple mansions and has none of the worries that the vast, vast majority of the world"s population deal with on a daily basis …

Sorry, where were we?

Let"s try again.

Even though Kylie is privileged beyond most people"s wildest dreams, she still has problems.

For instance, she has to deal with people talking about her selfies and her relationships, and she"s, like, the biggest outcast.

She didn"t even get to go to prom, guys. This girl"s had a tough life, and that"s undeniable.

And now, thanks to this sneak peek for the new episode of Life of Kylie, we"re learning about yet another struggle she"s facing …

The struggle of what kind of hairstyle she wants her stylists to give her.

"Honestly, like, guys, I don"t want to disappoint anybody, but I just want my hair long and black and pretty," she whines to her team.

Since she knows this is going to be such a blow to these people, she tries to compromise, telling them that she can try on wigs on Fridays for photos.

"I don"t want to be a weirdo," she laments. "I don"t want to pull up with purple hair. I"m over it."

Then, in a voiceover, Kylie explains that she"s always tried "to be different" and to "do new things."

As we all know, she was the first person ever to dye her hair unnatural colors — as she says, "not everyone was dyeing their hair blue or green" when she started the trend.

Then, back with her stylists, she complains that "I"m over keeping up with this lifestyle of crazy hair and wigs and sh-t!"

Poor, poor Kylie.

Her makeup artist suggests that she makes a move to a more natural look, and she agrees, and even adds "With my tits out!"

Whose idea was it to give Kylie her own show? Because all she"s doing so far is boring viewers to death and making herself look bad.

Watch Kylie"s latest pity party in the video below:

Kylie jenner im tired of being a weirdo

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Justin Bieber Cancels World Tour Because He"s Very Tired

Justin Bieber has canceled the remainder of his “Purpose” world tour because he’s a self-centered, whiny little brat.

Or, to use the words of someone close to the spoiled singer, Bieber canceled the remainder of his world tour because he’s really tired these days.

Having performed 154 times so far on the tour, and with just 14 dates remaining, Bieber released the following statement through his reps late on Monday:

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, Justin Bieber will cancel the remainder of the Purpose World Tour concerts.

“Justin loves his fans and hates to disappoint them. He thanks his fans for the incredible experience of the Purpose World Tour over last 18 months.

“He is grateful and honored to have shared that experience with his cast and crew for over 150 successful shows across six continents during this run.

“However, after careful consideration, he has decided he will not be performing any further dates. Tickets will be refunded at point of purchase.”

This announcement comes on the heels of China saying Bieber has been banned from entertaining fans in that country due to an influx of bad behavior.

The first show that will be affected by this decision was scheduled for Saturday in Dallas.

Bieber was also slated to play the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles this summer, along with concerts in New York, Minneapolis, Boston and Toronto prior to heading to Asia for a handful of shows in Japan, the Philippines and Singapore.

Through the first half of 2017, Bieber’s tour grossed $ 93.2 million; with average per date ticket sales of $ 38,297, according to concert industry trade Pollstar.

“He’s been going to church and has been hanging out with his church crew. He’s super exhausted, though,” an insider tells People Magazine of Justin, adding:

“He actually does like being on tour, but he’s been touring for 18 months straight and it takes a toll.”

Oh, you’re super exhausted, Biebs? We’re so sorry to hear that.

You know who else is probably super exhausted? The fans who pulled double shifts and worked extra hard to afford a ticket to go watch you sing live.

What an insensitive A-Hole.

Bieber has been acting like a jerk to his fans for years.

He often yells at them in concert when they cheer for him too loudly and his actions do not reflect someone who actually appreciates the people that have propelled his career to where it is now.

A source, for example, has told TMZ that Bieber is “just over” the tour at this point.

And when a reporter caught up with the artist on the beach in Santa Monica, California yesterday afternoon. Bieber responded to questions by saying:

“Everything’s fine … I’ve been on tour for two years, [I’m going to spend time] resting, relaxation gonna ride some bikes.”

Does he have a message for his fans?

“I love you guys, you’re awesome, I’m sorry for anyone who feels disappointed or betrayed.”

In light of this news and the criticism that has come along with it, John Mayer has stuck up for Bieber.

“When someone pulls remaining dates of a tour, it means they would have done real damage to themselves if they kept going,” Mayer Tweeted lat night, adding:

“We’ve lost so many great artists lately. I give Justin for realizing it was time to call it. You should too.”


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Beyonce and Jay Z on Arrival of Twins: We"re SOOOO Tired!

It sounds like someone forgot to tell Beyonce and Jay Z to catch up on their sleep prior to welcoming their twins into the world.

Following several months of waiting, the superstar artists are now the proud parents of a reported boy and girl, both of whom were born some time this month.

Very few details are available because Beyonce and Jay Z are maybe the most private members of Hollywood’s A-List, but multiple reports have confirmed that the twins were finally released from the hospital last week.

They had been kept under doctors’ supervision for several days due to a minor medical issue related to their premature birth.

As far as we’ve been able to gather, however, the kids are going to be just fine and are now resting comfortably at a rented home in Malibu with their parents.

Although, according to a bombshell new report, no one is doing much resting at all.

“At nights, Beyonce has been overwhelmed with all the work needed caring for two babies,” an astute and anonymous source tells Hollywood Life, adding:

“Despite all the help they are receiving, Jay is still pitching it so that Beyonce has total support.

“Neither Beyonce, nor Jay, have been able to enjoy an entire night of sleep since the twins arrived.

“They are totally exhausted, but at the same time have never been happier as a family.”

Wow. Beyonce and Jay Z are very tired and very happy after several days at home with their newborns?

That’s amazing. We never knew we had so much in common with these global icons.

Then again, based on where Bey and Jay re living right now, perhaps we don’t have all that much in common.

Beyonce did a lot of work in giving birth to the twins, but this same source explains to Hollywood Life that Jay Z is intent on doing his part now that he can.

“Jay Z is on super dad duty, as he has been completely hands-on with the new babies, helping with late night feedings, burping, and also changing diapers.

“But Jay hasn’t stopped there, he has also been spending a ton of time with Blue during the day and their relationship has grown since the new babies arrived.”

That really is important.

With all the excitement surrounding newborns, it can be easy to forget about the older child sometimes.

But Blue Ivy is only five years old.

She still requires love and attention from her parents.

So we’re very glad to hear that she’s now receiving it.

And we’re very sorry to hear that Beyonce and Jay Z aren’t getting a lot of sleep these days, but things should calm down at some point.

In the meantime, we’re awaiting various details on the twins, from their measurements… to actual confirmation that one is a girl and one is a boy… to their names.

Yes, their names!!!!

We still have no clue what Beyonce and Jay Z have chosen, although we’re heard some powerful rumors.

We’ve also come up with a few ideas ourselves. What do you think of these below?


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez is Tired of Insecure Action Stars, Wants More Women in Action Movies (VIDEO)

Michelle Rodriguez is gunning for a female revolution in action movies, and is looking for men who are secure enough with their sexuality to share the screen with badass chicks. We got the “Fate of the Furious” star out in Beverly Hills ……


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Morena Baccarin"s Tired of Ex-Husband Living Off Her "Deadpool" Money

Morena Baccarin is fed up with sending huge checks to her ex-husband every month … and she wants the court to cut her a break. The “Gotham” and “Deadpool” actress says she’s paid Austin Chick $ 340,088 in spousal support, another $ 100k from their…


Morena Baccarin"s Tired of Ex-Husband Living Off Her "Deadpool" Money

Morena Baccarin is fed up with sending huge checks to her ex-husband every month … and she wants the court to cut her a break. The “Gotham” and “Deadpool” actress says she’s paid Austin Chick $ 340,088 in spousal support, another $ 100k from their…


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Josh Duggar: Tired of Being Supported By His Parents!

Last year, the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters, and was assisted in covering up his crimes by his parents.

It was widely assumed that this, coupled with his later-discovered infidelity and porn addiction, was the end of the family as public figures.

The Duggars would slink away from the spotlight, and that Joshua in particular would be happy to just fade into disgraced obscurity.

Or so we thought.

After all, when you consider the prison time that he would’ve done if he hadn’t had Jim Bob and Michelle as his accomplices, six months in sex addiction rehab doesn’t seem so bad. 

But contrary to our expectations, the Duggars didn’t simply step aside and let some other ginormous family assume take their place.

Instead, despite petitions and protests from advertisers, they returned to television with Jill & Jessa: Counting On … basically 19 Kids & Counting Sans Josh, Jim Bob & Michelle.

Wisely, the family decided that Josh wouldn’t appear on the new show (a decision that TLC was likely very happy with).

Given that Josh’s attempts at returning to public life have not been particularly well-received, you’d think he would be content to chill.

Just sit back, let the rest of his family continue to pull in the big bucks and focus on his wife and kids. Good plan, right? Not for him.

Apparently, like Ray Liotta at the end of Goodfellas, the disgraced former lobbyist just isn’t content to live his life as a shnook.

A source close to the Duggars tells In Touch:

“This is a ploy by Josh to get back onto TV. He’s hoping this will show everyone he’s taken real steps to deal with his problems.”

“Josh is realizing that his father, Jim Bob, can’t keep supporting him financially for the rest of his life.”

Yes, Josh escaped prison time, and Anna Duggar isn’t leaving his sorry ass for using an Ashley Madison account to cheat on her, but he’s still not content.

Apparently Josh’s Bible contains an eleventh commandment that reads:

“Thou art entitled to be totes rich and famous for the rest of thine days, regardless of how horrendously thou f–ks up.”

In case you’ve forgotten just how horrible Josh is, relive his many scandals in the gallery below:

Friday, December 18, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Tyga Sucks in Bed! More Like a "Tired Koala" Amiright!?

Kylie Jenner has a major problem with Tyga, but amazingly, this report says that cruel texts are hollering at underage girls are not it.

Dude is flat-out terrible in the sack!

For a rapper who likens himself to a tiger and brags about “Stimulating” his young lover, he’s doing a pretty underwhelming job of it.

Tyga’s sexual prowess is so unimpressive, Kylie has been venting to her sisters about the disappointment she feels, says an insider.

Hey, what are siblings for?

Yes, Kylie may be just 18 but she knows what she wants, and that would be for her man to go hard and roar, if you will, in the bedroom.

When he’s on stage in concert, his energy is off the charts, but at home “he’s more of a tired koala in bed than he is a young Tyga.”

The source says this even led to the couple’s recent split, which is among the funnier theories we’ve read on that particular topic:

“Kylie would never have kicked Tyga out and asked for space if the sex were bomb and he was laying it down properly in bed.”

Definitely not acceptable, T-Raww. Go ahead and send cruel texts about her lip kit, but you gotta knock it out where it counts.

“Had he done that job right, he’d still be under her roof,” the source goes on, but cautions that this is not the end of the duo’s romance.

They are still together, for now, but “Kylie’s cut the umbilical that connected she and Tyga at the hip and is loving her freedom.”

“She’s not stressing over Tyga much these days. She’s got a lot of people telling her she’s the prize and can do so much better.”

In recent weeks, “she’s starting to listen and really is believing the hype … Kylie’s throwing up deuces and living her life.”

NOTE: We have no idea what that means, and the source (thankfully, or sadly) did not explain exactly how Tyga falls short in bed.

Keep your eye on this story, though, because the list of things Kylie could possibly be with this guy is growing shorter by the day.