Thursday, June 9, 2016

Josh Duggar: Tired of Being Supported By His Parents!

Last year, the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters, and was assisted in covering up his crimes by his parents.

It was widely assumed that this, coupled with his later-discovered infidelity and porn addiction, was the end of the family as public figures.

The Duggars would slink away from the spotlight, and that Joshua in particular would be happy to just fade into disgraced obscurity.

Or so we thought.

After all, when you consider the prison time that he would’ve done if he hadn’t had Jim Bob and Michelle as his accomplices, six months in sex addiction rehab doesn’t seem so bad. 

But contrary to our expectations, the Duggars didn’t simply step aside and let some other ginormous family assume take their place.

Instead, despite petitions and protests from advertisers, they returned to television with Jill & Jessa: Counting On … basically 19 Kids & Counting Sans Josh, Jim Bob & Michelle.

Wisely, the family decided that Josh wouldn’t appear on the new show (a decision that TLC was likely very happy with).

Given that Josh’s attempts at returning to public life have not been particularly well-received, you’d think he would be content to chill.

Just sit back, let the rest of his family continue to pull in the big bucks and focus on his wife and kids. Good plan, right? Not for him.

Apparently, like Ray Liotta at the end of Goodfellas, the disgraced former lobbyist just isn’t content to live his life as a shnook.

A source close to the Duggars tells In Touch:

“This is a ploy by Josh to get back onto TV. He’s hoping this will show everyone he’s taken real steps to deal with his problems.”

“Josh is realizing that his father, Jim Bob, can’t keep supporting him financially for the rest of his life.”

Yes, Josh escaped prison time, and Anna Duggar isn’t leaving his sorry ass for using an Ashley Madison account to cheat on her, but he’s still not content.

Apparently Josh’s Bible contains an eleventh commandment that reads:

“Thou art entitled to be totes rich and famous for the rest of thine days, regardless of how horrendously thou f–ks up.”

In case you’ve forgotten just how horrible Josh is, relive his many scandals in the gallery below: