Thursday, June 9, 2016

10 Most Loathsome Suitors in Bachelorette History

On Season The Bachelorette Season 12, viewers experienced the wrath of Chad Johnson.

On more than one occasion, we experienced a serious Chadmaggedon.

There"s no doubt that this hopeful JoJo Fletcher husband was one of the most loathsome suitors in the history of The Bachelorette.

But was he the worst? Let"s take a look back and find out!

1. Chad Johnson (Season 12)

Chad johnson season 12

Johnson was all about making threats and acting like an insane person during his run. He acually said the following at one point to a fellow suitor: “You think you’re safe for now. One day this ends. And when this ends you go home. And when you go home you think I can’t find you? You think I won’t go out of my way to find your house? I’m dead f—ing serious.”

2. Justin Rego (Season 6)

Justin rego season 6

He referred to himself as”Rated R” and actually left the show after Ali Fedotowsky confronted him about his girlfriend back in Canada.

3. Wes Hayden (Season 5)

Wes hayden season 5

Forget for a moment how he broke out his guitar announced that he was kind of a big deal as a musician in Chihuahua, Mexico. He also advanced to the final four and then admitted he had a girlfriend back home.

4. Bentley Williams (Season 7)

Bentley williams season 7

Such a douchebag! Bentley dared to call Ashley Hebert and “ugly duckling” and “not attractive at all” in private interview and then exited the show, using his daughter as a scapegoat.

5. Dave Good (Season 5)

Dave good season 5

Along with Natalie Getz, he actually won the first season of Bachelor Pad. But that didn’t make up for his testosterone-fueled idiocy during his run on Season 5.

6. Jeff Medolla (Season 7)

Jeff medolla season 7

Look at that photo above. The guy wore a mask on the show to try and prove that looks shouldn’t matter.

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