Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner: Vacationing Together in Italy! Officially Back Together?!

It’s been almost a year since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their separation and the couple has yet to file for divorce.

At first it seemed that after ten years and three kids together, Ben and Jen were understandably experiencing cold feet when it came to pulling the plug on their marriage.

Now it looks as though while the world was waiting for them to file papers, Affleck and Garner were busy quietly repairing their marriage.

In fact, it appears the couple may be officially back together – and Ben seems to be pulling out all the stops to let Jen know he’s a changed man.

Last week, sources claimed that Ben bought Jen an 11-carat diamond ring (one carat for each year of their marriage).

This week, he’s reportedly treated the entire family to an Italian getaway.

Yes, according to Us Weekly, Affleck took advantage of a break from filming on the Justice League movie to take Jen and their three kids on a two-week jaunt to Venice.

We assume he paid for the trip using those Capital One rewards miles that Garner is always shilling. Just kidding, Jen!

“A lot of the damage in their relationship has been mended,” one insider tells the tabloid. “They’re in a really good place.” 

However, a source close to Affleck claims that the couple is merely focused on amicably co-parenting and making the split as painless as possible for their kids:

“Ben and Jen are not getting back together,” says the rep.

“They’re co-parenting and showing the kids Europe while he’s there filming. That’s all it is and they’re happy with this arrangement.”

So we guess you can put those rumors about Jen being pregnant with Ben’s baby on ice for now. 

It looks like Sad Affleck might be here to stay.