Showing posts with label Reunited. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reunited. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: Colton and Tia Are Awkwardly Reunited!

We were promised hookups, tears, and feuds in the Season 5 trailer for Bachelor in Paradise. And it looks like they’ve already begun to deliver.

Colton’s long-awaited reunion with Tia Booth was a lot more complicated than either of them had imagined.

And even though there’s now a gang of stars determined to take down Colton, this couple is only part of the drama. …

First we have to talk about Tia Booth and Colton Underwood.

Or, rather, about just Tia — because Colton wasn’t there yet.

That’s right. Producers are messy b–ches who live for drama (literally, it’s their livelihood), so they brought Tia in before Colton arrived … and they gave her a date card.

Don’t get us wrong, Tia totally had Colton on her mind. It had been months — she revealed that they hadn’t gotten to chat since The Bachelorette.

But Tia’s no fool — she had the date card and, hey, Chris was right there.

To be fair to Chris, he went on this date with Tia with the impression that Colton was a thing of the past for her.

At the risk of sounding like a gossiping 11-year-old, we report that the two of them totally made out.

She even said “Colton who?” while they were kissing, which is … a great way to tell the person you’re kissing that you are, in fact, thinking about someone else.

Of course, as soon as this thing was Chris was underway, Colton arrived. Because of course that’s how they timed it.

Producing a reality series is a genuine art form, folks.

Colton was also given a date card right off the bat.

After what we imagine was some gentle prodding from producers, he did speak to some of the other fine young women in Paradise.

But he did, of course, hit things off with Tia again — for the first time in nearly half a year.

They kissed, and Tia was clearly over the moon.

Colton wants to figure out what this situation really means for him.

Ah, Grocery Store Joe.

We know from previews that he gets into conflict with Leo, but right now, he’s living his best life and enjoying flirtations with just about every woman in Paradise.

Joe likes Tia, but Tia likes Colton (and liked Chris, however briefly).

Krystal likes Joe, but Joe likes Kendall. This, as we know, will lead to Leo calling him a “Grocery Store B–ch” which sounds like a turn-of-the-century insult that a farmer would hurl at a city-slicker.

Krystal also likes Kevin, so we’ll keep our eyes on that as it develops.

Speaking of Kevin, he still has some sore feelings about his breakup with Ashley Iaconetti and her abrupt engagement to Jared.

Let’s see, what else?

Chris is teaming up with Nick and Jordan to take down Colton, which sounds totally plausible if they’re sitcom characters or supervillains but is otherwise super weird to hear from adult ment.

Not as weird as Chris calling himself “Goose,” but still weird. Especially since they’re (sort of) the “Goose Gang.”

No part of that is not awkward.

This is only the beginning of the drama, of course. There’s so much more to follow — including a lot of tears.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Tekashi69 Reunited With Stolen Jewelry Pieces in New Video

Tekashi69’s famous Jigsaw necklace and a ton of his other bling are back around the rapper’s neck … but we’re told they’re not the OG pieces. Tekashi was out in NYC Thursday night flaunting his bling — identical to the pieces stolen from the…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel: Reunited Now That Ashley Jacobs is Outta Here!

Last week, we learned that Ashley Jacobs finally left that creep Thomas Ravenel, though the two have not officially broken up. Yet.

But fellow Southern Charm star Kathryn Dennis has been spending time with her ex and baby daddy.

They took their two young children on Thomas’ boat, and with Ashley away, Kathryn and Thomas’ “family time” was drama-free.

Both Kathryn and Thomas took to Instagram to share little glimpses of their shared time with their children.

Kathryn wrote “Good Vibes Only,” perhaps a subtle plea for her followers to not bash her for spending time around accused rapist Thomas Ravenel.

She and Thomas have both made efforts to be there for their young children, Kensie and Saint.

Seeing their parents interact with each other in a healthy way is good for their childhood development, even though Kathryn and Thomas are exes.

They took their children on Thomas’ boat.

A source tells RadarOnline that Kathryn and Thomas had a pleasant time with their two young children.

“Thomas and Kathryn had a great time together with the kids,” the insider reveals.

Though Kathryn and Thomas can be dramatic people — they’re exes as well as reality stars — none of that flared up during this family outing.

“It was,” the source says. “Completely drama free.”

And that peace owes itself to one person in particular.

“With Ashley out of town,” the insider explains. “There were no conflicts at all.”

Thomas Ravenel has been dating Ashley Jacobs for a while.

The two met in Santa Barbara, went on maybe five dates, and Ashley packed up her whole life to move across the country to live in Charleston with him.

That was … a little sudden. What’s more is that Ashley went on to unleash hellish tirades on Thomas’ Southern Charm cast members.

In particular, Ashley clashed with Kathryn to a shocking degree. Also, she flirted with Whitney.

(Who does that? Well, as Patricia Altschul says, a gold-digging famewhore would!)

The cast very clearly and vocally cannot tolerate Ashley, but at the reunion special, they expressed their deep concerns for her well-being.

Thomas Ravenel was not at the reunion, because multiple women have accused him of sexual assault. Bravo and the Charleston police are investigating.

But Ashley was there for part two of the special, and the cast went from irate to concerned.

They said that Thomas speaks poorly of her to them, and that she shouldn’t stay with someone who is going to treat her that way.

Andy Cohen brought up a sobering accusations — that someone had seen Thomas throw food in Ashley’s direction.

Ashley had replied by saying that it was all he fault for being a “brat.”

Ashley’s brattiness was not the point — no one gets to throw things at you.

And as multiple castmembers pointed out, Ashley blaming herself for Thomas’ alleged outburst is a huge red flag.

(Keep in mind that Thomas has not only been accused of sexual assault, but of alarming outbursts of anger and aggression — which has been said by former dates and by his own friends and castmates)

The outpouring of concern was so great that Ashley “joked” by asking Andy if this was an intervention.

If the shoe fits, maybe you should wear it, Ashley.

Some may be angry with Kathryn for spending time with Thomas, but they should remember a few things.

One, she is not dating Thomas. They are forever linked by their two young children, and she is only spending time with him around them.

Two, Kathryn has made it very clear why she’s doing this. She’s captioned family pics with things like: “What matters most? My daughter’s happiness.”

She doesn’t have sole custody of her children, so coparenting is not optional. Whatever she believes about Thomas, she has to make the best of a bad situation.

She’s a mother, and her kids come first.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Justin Bieber Reunited, Vacationing with Mom, Pattie Mallette

Justin Bieber’s not only reconciled with his mother … he’s carved out some quality time with her in the tropical paradise of the Maldives. The Biebs and his mom, Pattie Mallette, are vacationing together, which is a big deal. They’ve been…


Justin Bieber Reunited, Vacationing with Mom, Pattie Mallette

Justin Bieber’s not only reconciled with his mother … he’s carved out some quality time with her in the tropical paradise of the Maldives. The Biebs and his mom, Pattie Mallette, are vacationing together, which is a big deal. They’ve been…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston: Reunited?! ENGAGED?!?!

It’s been 15 months since Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie separated, and during that time, the tabloid press has linked Brad to just about every actress in Hollywood, with the possible exception of Betty White.

So it was only a matter of time before rumors of Pitt getting back together with his most famous ex began to make their way across the media landscape.

Yes, according to such reliable and reputable outlets as the esteemed Star magazine, Brad is back together with Jennifer Aniston.

The outlet claims that Brad and Jen enjoyed a secretive rendezvous in Aspen this week.

Sadly, their cover was blown when some plebe was all, “Whoa, that’s Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. And it appears they’re conoodling!”

The tabloid reports that Jen revealed to friends last week that she was “about to make some very happy memories with her ex, by escaping with Brad to Aspen, Colorado for a hush-hush reunion.”

As for the fact that Aniston is married to Justin Theroux, Star says you should quit being such a nerd about it:

“With her marriage to Justin Theroux on very thin ice, sneaking away behind her husband’s back for a snowy rendezvous with Brad could rekindle the flame between the exes.” 

Yes, there’s snow and flames!

Apparently, George R.R. Martin is writing for Star magazine now.

Speaking of awkwardly shoe-horned references to beloved television shows, In Touch is doubling down on Star’s report by claiming that Brad went full Maeby Fünke during his weekend with Jen.

“Marry me!” Pitt reportedly blurted out, prompting a whole lot of flustered Rachel Green-esque stuttering from Aniston.

“Brad and Jen have bonded like never before over the past year… He flat out told Jen that if he ever had the chance, he would marry her again.” an “insider” tells the magazine.

“She was left speechless by Brad’s stunning admission. Jen was deeply touched by Brad’s heartfelt words, and it has remained on her mind ever since,” the source adds.

“She’ll always be his greatest love, his soulmate, and he’s relying on her as his closest confidante right now.”

Yes, now that Brad’s fake relationship with Kate Hudson has come to a close, the media is fully committed to his fake relationship to Jen.

Obviously, they’ll get bored eventually, and it’s still anyone’s guess as to what’s next for Brad’s fake love life.

Here’s hoping Betty White is still with us to inspire some 2019 rumors.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Adam Lind: Reunited With Daughter Following Drug Scandal?!

Adam Lind has long been widely regarded as the very worst baby daddy in the history of Teen Mom franchise, which is no mean feat.

Other dads have abused their spouses, neglected their children, struggled with addiction and had run-ins with the law, but Adam  has managed to do all of those things and so, so much more.

Recently, Lind tested positive for meth just moments before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter.

It signalled the start of a harrowing downward spiral that he"s somehow managed to recover from. We think…

Join us as we delve into Adam"s recent past to examine his shocking behavior–and its equally shocking lack of consequences:

1. Bad Dad

Adam lind pitches protein bars on instagram

Adam has two daughters, but shows no signs of slowing down. Chelsea Houska’s ex is still prone to drug benders and fits of rage, and his two baby mamas reportedly live in fear of the effects his wild behavior might be having on their children.

2. A New Rock Bottom

Adam lind shows off his body

Lind has managed to retain superivised visitation rights despite numerous brushes with the law and a handful of shocking, racially charged social media tirades. But it looked like that would change following an incident that took place back in April.

3. Meth in the Afternoon

Adam lind and daughter aubree

As part of his arrangement with his exes, Lind is subject to random drug testing prior to his visits with his daughters. A urine analysis taken just before a scheduled visit with youngest daughter Paislee revealed that Adam had meth in his system. Since amphetamines don’t stay in the body very long, he was likely using in preparation for the visit.

4. The Downward Spiral

Adam lind meth

From there, Lind’s situation deteriorated further, to the point that many Teen Mom 2 fans began to fear the worst.

5. Drugs Are Like Children, Right?

Adam lind meth

Last month, it was reported that Lind had ceased paying child support to Chelsea and Taylor Halbur, allegedly spending his money on meth instead. Support a child, support a habit … same thing, right?

6. Skinny Lind

Adam lind weight loss photo

A recent photo in which Lind appears much thinner than usual has sparked concerns that his habits are beginning to take a toll. And unfortunately, his weight loss isn’t even the most worrisome development of recent weeks.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: Reunited at Last!

This is going to sound nuts, or like the fever-dream that some tween superfan had in 2014, but bear with us.

Remember when we told you that Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber might get back together? Well, we weren’t kidding.

After years apart and after all of the no-holds-barred songs and all of the heartache and the various new lovers, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have finally had their little reunion.

From 2011 to 2014, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were one of the most famous couples on the planet.

Selena Gomez is gorgeous, a talented actress who gives great line delivery and is also one of the greatest singer’s in human history.

Justin Bieber is mega-famous as a teen heartthrob and … some of his music is genuinely enjoyable. Like, a lot of his music isn’t quite my thing, but he’s a popular singer and he’s produced some genuine bops.

(Honestly, his best song is “Despacito” which … is not by any stretch of the imagination his song)

Also, Justin Bieber was a top-notch hottie. He’s still handsome, though some fans can’t stand his look now that he looks like he got into a fight with a printing press … and lost.

Together, they made quite a power couple. But aside from the fact that they were off-and-on and then finally broke up, you can tell that there were problems.

Because … song lyrics.

Maybe the most damning song that’s believed to be about their relationship is “Sober,” from Selena’s Revival album.

Part of the chorus goes: “You don’t know how to love me when you’re sober/When the bottle’s done you pull me closer.” Does that ring any alarm bells? It should.

Because, well, it’s no secret that Justin Bieber had some serious issues.

Scooter Braun says that Bieber was in such bad shape, just a couple of years ago, that Justin might have died if he’d gone on tour before cleaning up.

We know about quite a few instances of Justin Bieber’s terrible behavior. Egging, speeding, that sort of thing … that’s public knowledge.

How much absolute childish nonsense did Selena Gomez put up with behind the scenes? How much will we never, ever know about?

You have to wonder.

So, yeah, they broke up.

Even well after the couple split, though, it’s been no secret that the two of them have lingering … what are those things called? Felines? … Feelings!

Yes, they’ve made it apparent that not everything was quite resolved.

You don’t have to pick your way through song lyrics and analyze them to death to know that.

Justin Bieber’s throwback pics and the included captions are, uh, not subtle.


Since their split, Selena’s been focusing on her career — both music and acting.

She’s also been waging a battle against Lupus, the debilitating autoimmune disease that is ravaging her body.

After a frightening incident this summer in which Selena Gomez was rushed to the hospital with kidney failure, she covertly received a kidney transplant thanks to her friend Francia Raisa’s donation.

Friend and fellow actress Francia Raisa says that giving her kidney transformed her life, and we can imagine so.

Some friends take ride or die to a whole other level.

But, though Selena hasn’t been speaking on this publicly, this isn’t a cure to Lupus by any means. She’s been undergoing serious treatments, including chemo, to treat her Lupus — and it still managed to shut down her kidneys.

This is scary. And, as much as none of us want to think about the possibility, even with modern treatments and virtually unlimited medical resources, Lupus could claim Selena’s life.

That would be a tremendous loss to the world. It would also be a gutting loss to those who know and love Selena.

And that, we think, is why Justin Bieber reached out to her.

As we told you, Justin Bieber saw the kidney transplant news just like the rest of us did, and reached out to Selena’s mother.

Because Selena Gomez has not been in contact with him for a while. It sounds like she needed a detox from him, you know?

With her mother acting as the initial intermediary, Selena agreed to meet, however. Maybe three years is enough time.

TMZ reports that Selena and Justin have reunited. It happened on Sunday.

Justin Bieber showed up at Selena’s home in Studio City where they, and some mutual friends, reportedly hung out until midnight if not later.

For two people who weren’t even talking on the phone until very recently, that’s huge progress.

Where was Selena Gomez’s boyfriend The Weeknd in all of this?

On tour.

But as much as people like to toss around salacious rumors when someone invites their ex over to their house while their boyfriend is away, TMZ says that The Weeknd knew and was totally cool with it.

That’s not really a surprise.

We know that Selena was looking for a low-drama boyfriend.

In fact, before she started dating The Weeknd, she spoke in an interview about how the kinds of guys that she wished would date her never spoke to her, while the kinds of guys who felt confident enough to hit on her were … 

… Well, she didn’t say it, but they were too much like Bieber.

A chill, supportive boyfriend who’s secure in their relationship? That’s what Selena has found in The Weeknd.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato reunited at the 2017 InStyle Awards...

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato reunited at the 2017 InStyle Awards 😍


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Corinne Olympios & DeMario Jackson Reunited and it Feels So Fake!!!

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson hooked up again — literally — and DeMario said something during the encounter that registered in a big way on our BS detector. The “Bachelor in Paradise” stars were leaving Nightingale Wednesday…


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" Cast Reunited for "Hilary" Charity (PHOTO)

Will Smith and the rest of the ‘Fresh Prince’ cast didn’t just reunite to chat about old times, they did it to raise big money for charity … TMZ has learned. Karyn Parsons, aka ‘Hilary,’ tells us the luncheon — with Tatiana Ali, Alfonso Ribeiro,…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Harry Potter" Actor Reunited With Dog After Near-Fatal Car Crash (VIDEO)

‘Harry Potter’ actor Jim Tavaré is slowly recovering from the car accident that sent him to ICU for 2 weeks, and this week he got a dose of love from his pooch. For the first time since the accident, Jim was taken outside of the…


Monday, February 6, 2017

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West: Reunited After Week Apart

Super Bowl LI might not have been such a fun time for the Atlanta Falcons or for people hoping to show their kids a cautionary tale about how cheaters never prosper, but there are some non-Pats fans and non-presidents who enjoyed the game.

Take Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, for example.

After Kim went on vacation without Kanye last month, many took it as an indication that the couple was done for good.

Now, however, it looks like Kimye enjoyed a super reunion on the day of the big game.

Sources say Kim returned to LA over the weekend, and she and Kanye were spotted enjoying a 

“They seemed to have fun catching up,” an insider tells People magazine.

“There was no tension between them. Instead, they both seemed very happy.”

The source adds that Kim and Kanye were joined by daughter North and son Saint, and that the entire family seemed to enjoy the festivities.

“They spent several hours at the party,” says the source.

“Everyone seemed happy!”

Granted, “everyone seemed happy” is pretty faint praise, but it’s a step in the right direction.

In case you missed it, Kim and Kanye divorce rumors were flying fast and furious for a couple months there, and it looked like there was real reason to believe these two were on the verge of calling it quits.

In November, Kanye was hospitalized after an emotional breakdown, and his erratic behavior had reportedly put a serious strain on his marriage. 

After his release, he and Kim briefly lived in separate homes, in what was reportedly a safety precaution.

For a while, they cohabited in Kanye’s post-hospital hideout, and then Kim jetted off to Costa Rica for a family vacation that had been scheduled before West’s latest round of troubles.

Obviously, it’s hard to gather a whole lot from one Super Bowl party appearance, but it seems that the Wests are at least attempting to make their marriage work.

Even the fact that Kanye has disavowed his support of Donald Trump is being taken as an indication that he’s fighting to make things right with his wife.

(Kim was an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter, and many were shocked when West visited Donald Trump back in December.)

It’s too soon to say what the future hold for these two, but for now, it seems clear that they both want to make their marriage work.

And sometimes that’s enough.
