Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Experiencing Mixed Feelings About Motherhood?!

Chicago West’s little cousin will be here before you know it! Kylie Jenner’s due date is February 4th, and everybody’s excited!

Kylie’s excited, too, of course. Excited to become a mom but probably also excited to, you know, no longer be pregnant.

But apparently she has mixed feelings about her upcoming journey as a mother.

People reports on how Kylie Jenner is feeling so close to giving birth.

“Kylie is definitely ready for baby to arrive!”

(Aren’t we all?!)

No but really, pregnancy is a long roller coaster ride that only gets more intense as it nears the end. Kylie has to be ready for the ride to be over.

Overall, the source says that Kylie’s feelings are mixed.

“Coming up on the end of pregnancy, there are a lot of different emotions.”

Though we have to imagine there are some serious apprehensions and fears, this insider tries to focus on the positive.

“She’s excited, she’s anxious … there are a lot of feelings.”

Probably a lot more. If she has any sense at all, she’s terrified that she’ll make a mistake as a mother. She must also have some fears about what role Travis Scott will or won’t play. She must worry about her child growing up in the spotlight.

“But she’s ready for what’s next.”

Is she, though?

A lot of people are doubting Kylie Jenner’s parenting skills.

Probably because Kylie has never had a real responsibility in her life. 

Don’t get us wrong, she’s a makeup mogul, and Kylie Cosmetics is worth enough to make your head spin.

She’s also been a reality star since she was a child. That’s a lot of work.

But her responsibilities have all been to herself. It’s not like those are jobs from which she could have realistically been fired.

She has dogs, but we’re sure that she has people who help take care of the dogs when she needs them. Having a baby — and babies develop so much more slowly than dogs — will be a new challenge.

Some 20-year-olds who had unplanned pregnancies after dating a rebound guy for a month turn out to be great mothers. Some.

And with her limitless resources and extensive family support network, Kylie might be able to pull it off.

But … what of her baby daddy, Travis Scott?

He almost certainly didn’t ask for this. He has his own music career. He’s young — not as young as Kylie, but young.

And, according to some reports, Travis Scott may already be cheating on Kylie. Assuming that they’re even still together, because Kylie isn’t exactly sharing her life’s details with the world like she once did.

Is he going to be a father to this child with Kylie, separately from Kylie, or will he just send her child support payments that she doesn’t need and go on living his life?

Ultimately, unless he’s a bad father, that probably doesn’t matter.

Children need love and support, and that doesn’t always have to come from two parents.

Sure, it would be weird to grow up knowing that your father doesn’t have anything to do with you when he’s (kind of) famous, but no grandchild of Kris Jenner’s is going to go without love and support.

And even the nurturing instincts that Kylie’s shown for her dogs show that Kylie’s likely to be a doting mom. We hope so, anyway.

Strange as it may be to say, it’s a good sign that Kylie is reportedly anxious. Anxiety means that she’s taking this seriously — maybe a lot more seriously than she was when she found out that she was pregnant last summer.
