Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Kailyn Lowry on Motherhood, Graduation: I Did It All On My Own!

At some point over the past two years, Kailyn Lowry went from one of the more subdued stars of the Teen Mom franchise to an endless source of soap opera-caliber drama.

While the events of that time have certainly raised her public profile, we think it’s safe to say that Kailyn would prefer a bit more stability in her life as she prepares to welcome her third child.

Fortunately, it seems she’s headed in the right direction.

This Saturday, Kailyn will graduate from Delaware State University with a bachelor’s degree.

She’s been rightfully basking in the accomplishment, and she recently spoke to E! News about the tremendous amount of pride she feels:

“It’s been a long and emotional journey, especially without any support from my parents,” she told the outlet.

“But I’m so happy and relieved!”

Yes, Kailyn likes to remind fans that she hasn’t received a whole lot of help from her parents of from the men in her life.

Of course, Kailyn critics have been quick to point out that she hasn’t been terribly receptive to help that was offered to her.

Last year, Lowry divorced Javi Marroquin, who maintains that he had every intention of sorting out their issues as a couple and staying together as a family.

These days, Kailyn tells fans she’ll be raising her third child alone, despite reports from sources close to Chris Lopez, who say he’s happy to assist in any way that he can.

Kailyn discussed her graduation in a recent blog post, admitting that she does receive a considerable amount of support from a network of loving friends:

“Between teen motherhood, financial hurdles in the beginning, then moving to a new state, marriage, babies and divorce… and then of course just wanting to give up, I (barely) held on and I’m FINALLY graduating May 13!” Lowry wrote.

“This has been an extremely long and emotional road for me and for my family. Yesterday my good friend, Jenn was sooooo sweet and did my graduation pictures with the boys and of course my baby bump! “

It’s an exciting time for Kailyn and she deserves to be proud of her achievement.

But if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that young millionaires complaining about their (mostly self-created) problems has become a familiar refrain on the show.

One that many fans are understandable growing weary of.
