Showing posts with label But. Show all posts
Showing posts with label But. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Deji I Want a Rematch with Jake Paul ... "But He"s Too P***y"

Breaking News

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Deji I Want a Rematch with Jake Paul ... "But He"s Too P***y"

Deji I Want a Rematch with Jake Paul ... "But He"s Too P***y"

Breaking News

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Deji I Want a Rematch with Jake Paul ... "But He"s Too P***y"

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Deji I Want a Rematch with Jake Paul ... "But He"s Too P***y"

Breaking News

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Deji I Want a Rematch with Jake Paul ... "But He"s Too P***y"

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

UFC"s Derrick Lewis Pumped for Title Shot "But Stipe Miocic Deserved It"

Derrick Lewis is REALLY excited for the opportunity to fight Daniel Cormier at UFC 230 next month … but tells TMZ Sports he’s shocked Stipe Miocic didn’t get first crack at the heavyweight champ.  The Black Beast was rockin’ his The Money…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Kate Spade: Drugs Found at Scene of Suicide, But...

We have an update on the tragic death of Kate Spade.

As previously reported, the iconic fashion designer was found dead on June 5 inside her Manhattan apartment.

The cause of death has been ruled a suicide by hanging.

Since this awful news went public, celebrities from across various industries have sent their condolences to Spade’s loved ones, while also expressing their shock and sadness over this development.

Spade was only 55 years old at the time of her death.

Now, TMZ has posted an update on the situation, writing on Thursday morning that drugs were found at the scene of Spade’s suicide.

But there’s a pretty big catch to this detail:

The drugs were not illegal.

According to law enforcement, officers looking through Spade’s Park Avenue residence instead came across the anxiety pills, which were prescribed to the designer.

It’s not even clear at the moment whether or not Spade has any of these meds in her system at the time of her passing.

Previously, Spade’s sister had come out and said her famous sibling had been battling Depression and/or other forms of mental health disease in the years and months leading up to her hanging.

We cannot say for certain if she was ever diagnosed officially, however.

Other insiders have said that Kate’s state of mind took a turn for the much worse after she and her long-time husband, Andy, went through a very difficult period in their marriage last year.

Andy has said in a lengthy statement that he and Kate were separated, but would occasionally dine together or spend time together for the sake of their 13-year old daughter.

This is what Andy Spade said in his emotional response to his estranged wife’s suicide:

Kate was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the kindest person I’ve ever known and my best friend for 35 years”My daughter and I are devastated by her loss, and can’t even begin to fathom life without her.

We are deeply heartbroken and miss her already…

Kate suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. She was actively seeking help and working closely with her doctors to treat her disease, one that takes far too many lives…

Our daughter was our priority.

We were not legally separated, and never even discussed divorce. We were best friends trying to work through our problems in the best way we knew how…

My main concern is Bea and protecting her privacy as she deals with the unimaginable grief of losing her mother. Kate loved Bea so very much.

Spade allegedly left a suicide note that singled out her child and emphasized how much Bea meant to her.

This is just tragic all around.

Kate’s funeral is being held Thursday in Kansas City, Missouri, where she was born and raised.

We continue to send our thoughts to her loved ones and we hope Kate Spade is resting in peace.

Here is a look at other celebrities who have also died in 2018, including a few prominent ones who also killed themselves. RIP to all.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Jen Harley: Yes, I Cheated on Ronnie, But...

Before we go any further, allow us to say up front:

There are no winner in this situation. There are no sides to take between Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

Both really need to go away and figure out some sort of amicable relationship for the sake of their daughter and that’s pretty much where we stand on their never-ending, ridiculous, scandalous drama.

Still, we’re obligated to report on it.

So here we go…

During this week’s episode of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, Ronnie told his roommates that he didn’t completely trust Harley because she had cheated in the past.

(The installment was filmed months ago, remember, prior to Harley giving birth to Ronnie’s daughter in early April.)

“You’re nervous she’s going to cheat on you?” Deena asked Ronnie at one point.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“Because she did before?” Snooki follow.

“Yeah,” he said again.

The thing is, of course, Ronnie cheated on Harley on muliple occasions himself; shamelessly so, as we witnessed on previous installments of the Jersey Shore reboot.

“Nobody’s perfect. I did my dirt too,” Ronnie did acknowledge on this new episode, adding as an excuse:

“But everything I did was a reaction to her actions. I’m also not used to being with someone like myself. Like, I met my match.”

That much has been clear by the very public fights Jen and Ronnie have engaged in of late.

Before we recount those, however, let’s hear from Harley, shall we?

Is Ronnie at least telling the truth? Did she sleep with another man behind his back?

“I’m sure he’s referring to when we were dating for about a month or two,” Harley tells Us Weekly, confessing to her sins, but making it sound like they shouldn’t really count.

She continued:

“We hadn’t established a real relationship; my ex came back around. I had mixed feelings at the time. We just got out of a four-year relationship.”

A mere month after becoming parents, Jen and Ronnie WENT OFF ON EACH OTHER via social media.

“Note to self: Can’t turn a natural-born HO, into a HOUSEWIFE,” Ronnie said to open this back-and-forth several weeks ago, adding of his baby mama:

If you find them in the gutter, leave them in the gutter.”

He followed this up with another post that read as follows:

“If your significant other keeps sex videos of their ex, shouldn’t they show enough respect to delete them, esp. after being in a new relationship for over a year?”

Ronnie also referred to Harley as a “cum dumpster.”

This happened a few weeks after she gave birth to his child.

Harley, for her part, proved that she could give as well as she could take.

“Can’t turn a coke head into a father!” she fired back, later adding:

“When your man goes all Rob Kardashian on you,” accompanied by a laugh-cry emoji.

As you can see, these two bring out the worst in each other.

And the worst of it all was captued on camera:

In her chat with Us Weekly, Harley says her cheating with her ex is what got Ronnie all worked up.

“This is all part of the Instagram fight we got into because of this incident,” she admits.

“When I came clean about this, he came clean about three times he hooked up with other girls in the same time period.

“We decided we wanted to be together and work though this and not to ever do it again.”

This is what Harley says… but consider what she allegedly did in Las Vegas on June 7.

She surprised her man in diabolical fashion, an insider tells this same tabloid, while was shooting scenes for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2.

“Ronnie and Jen have been fighting over their daughter,” this source said of the recent fight, explaining:

“Ronnie has been filming the show in Vegas the last couple of days and Jen wouldn’t tell him where their daughter is. She showed up to the hotel where they were filming.

“Jen lunged, spit and shoved Ronnie. Hotel security got involved, who then called the Las Vegas police department.”


It bears repeating AGAIN that these two have a very young child together.

They really need to work something out.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

NBA"s Chandler Parsons Says Playboy Days Are Over, "But I Had a Hell of a Run"

Bad news, groupies — Chandler Parsons says he’s officially “a one-woman man” … ending a truly epic run for the NBA’s #1 stud. But Chandler ain’t gonna deny he was killin’ the game earlier in his career, telling TMZ Sports, “I had a hell of a…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Will Always Love Hank, But...

With her marriage teetering on the verge of non-existence, Kendra Wilkinson has once again taken to social media in order to vent, rant and sort of rave.

Except the subject of said raving is…

… estranged husband Hank Baskett?!?

Kendra, Hank, Kids

As previously reported, Kendra and Hank are in a dark place.

Multiple outlets have alleged their relationship is basically over and that the ex-centerfold is ready to file for divorce.

What, specifically, has driven the stars apart?

Sources go back to 2014 and the hand job Baskett has admitted to receiving from a transgender model named Ava London.

These sources say the couple has never really recovered from Hank’s infidelity and that Wilkinson has “lost trust in her marriage,” according to People Magazine.

But that doesn’t mean Kendra no longer loves Hank, as she told a follower on Twitter last night.

In response to a question about whether she’s happy with her husband, Wilkinson replied as follows:

“I will always love Hank. Always.”

loving hank

It’s worth noting that this is likely very true, but it’s also an example of Kendra clearly not being content in her relationship.

Notice that she did NOT say she is “happy” with Hank, just that she will always have love for him.

Kendra went on to say an awful lot via her Twitter account on Thursday evening, some of it abstract and vague, some of it clearly addressing the problems in her marriage.

“The universe doesn’t stop for you,” she wrote at one point, waxing philosophical and adding:

“Whatever is supposed to happen will happen. At the end if all u have is faith ,love and positive outlook then it’s a good day.”

universe tweet

At another point, she Kendra was far less vague and far more direct.

“I can’t stand marital advice. Lol,” she Tweeted, acknowledging that she’s been receiving plenty in the wake of recent reports and then joking:

“The @DalaiLama is the only one who can give me any type to real shit advice. Lmaoooooo.”

dali l

There was also this:

“If you’re choosing to be happy every second then you’re masking some pretty heavy shit. Happiness does live in pain and tears but u can’t live there. Gotta be patient n giving n loving through ups n downs.”

So maybe there is hope after all for the marriage?

It’s really hard to say right now, but Wilkinson previously went on a long diatribe about her state of mind, one that we interpreted as a sign that a divorce was imminent.

See what we mean below:

As for where Hank stands in all of this drama?

He has not spoken out directly, but an insider tells Radar Online that “the kids are the only reason that Hank stuck around for this long” in the first place.

His son and his daughter are the only reason he has even been putting up with Kendra’s “bullshit,” this source states.

Both Baskett and Wilkinson are determined to co-parent in a healthy and stable manner, no matter what happens.

Just probably not as husband and wife.

“Now that his kids are a bit older, Hank realizes that he does not need to be with Kendra in order to be a good father and a good role model to them,” Radar writes, concluding:

“Neither one of them are happy right now, and the kids know this.”


Monday, March 19, 2018

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Would Get Divorced, But...

As previously reported, the police have been called on Tori Spelling on two separate occasions over the last two weeks.

But while the actress is very possibly dealing with some kind of mental breakdown, a new report suggests that she and husband Dean McDermott may want to place a phone call to someone else…

… a bankruptcy attorney.

If that have any interest on actually going their separate ways, that is.

The latest controversy surrounding these parents of five got underway on March 1 after authorities were called to Spelling and McDermott’s home in response to claims of a domestic disturbance.

When they arrived on the scene, they found the actress behaving in erratic fashion, according to various outlets.

Spelling was then taken to a hospital for evaluation.

Fast forward six days and McDermott calling the police to their home again because he was concerned about Spelling leaving their home with at least one of their children.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office confirmed this second call, but said in a statement that it was much ado over nothing on McDermott’s part.

“Deputies located her in Thousand Oaks, spoke to her for a few minutes and determined she was fine,” the office shortly after this story went viral, adding:

“That was that. She was fine and no further action was taken.”

Perhaps Spelling was A-OK at this time, but it’s evident that she and McDermott are having some major issues once again.

“They argue several times a week,” a source tells In Touch Weekly, explaining in a bit more detail:

“Their fights can be heard throughout the whole neighborhood. Tori’s yelling and hysterical crying are unmistakable.”

The stars have been through A LOT over the years.

Most notably, McDermott have confessed to cheating on his wife, while money issues have plagued Tori and Dean nearly since the day they exchanged vows.

Heck, McDermott was almost jailed for failure to pay child support last year

Why don’t the two just go their separate ways?

For this exact reason, Life & Style writes.

The tabloid quotes a family friend who thinks Tori and Dean are “too broke to divorce,” citing expenses involved in such a process such as payment to lawyers and other tasks.

It’s a rather terrible sign for a couple when they are forced to be together because they literally can’t afford any other option. But here we are.

“She loves him and has always tried to keep the relationship together, but she’s at the end of her rope,” the source tells Life & Style.

He or she goes on to say the following:

“[They] are at each other’s throats over so many issues – everything from their dire financial situation to neither of them having a steady job to not being able to adequately support their five children.”

Very reasonable concerns, that’s for certain.

Spelling and McDermott are parents to a 10-year-old son named Liam, a nine-year-old daughter named Stella, a six-year-old daughter named Hattie, a five-year-old son named Finn and a one-year-old son named Beau.

That’s a lot for any couple to handle, let alone a couple that rarely gets along well for any extended period of time.

For the sake of all these kids, let’s hope Tori and Dean work things out.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Kendall Jenner: I"m Not Bisexual, But...

Kendall Jenner is the most mysterious of all her family members.

She"s generally content being a model and mostly staying out of the spotlight, which has prompted many rumors about the star to spring up around the Internet.

Is she dating Blake Griffin?

Is she bisexual?

Does she want to have kids?

Featured in the April 2018 issue of Vogue, Kendall addresses many of the questions surrounding her somewhat unknown persona, focusing heavily on her sexuality.

Scroll down to get to know Kendall Jenner like never before…

1. A Model Cover Model

Kendall jenner with a bird

Kendall has maybe surpassed her sisters in terms of all the magazine covers on which she’s now appeared. To her credit, Jenner has become a worldwide success in the modeling industry.

2. But We Arleady Knew That…

Kendall jenner bed selfie

What did Kendall reveal in this feature that perhaps you were unaware of previously? A lot! Keep reading to find out what we mean.

3. First: Is She Dating Blake Griffin?

Blake griffin on detroit

Kendall talked to the Vogue reporter on the phone from Michigan, which is where Griffin now plays for the Pistons. “I like my private life,” she said about whether she has a boyfriend right now, adding: “Yeah … no. I’m happy. He’s very nice. I have someone being very nice to me.”

4. Why Do Many People Think She’s Gay?

Kendall jenner for 2018 vogue

“I think it’s because I’m not like all my other sisters, who are like, ‘Here’s me and my boyfriend!’ So it was a thing for a minute because no one ever saw me with a guy,” she explains. “I would always go that extra mile to be low-key with guys, sneaking around all the time. You don’t want to, like, look crazy.”

5. Okay. So She’s NOT Gay?

Kendall jenner vogue pic

“I don’t think I have a bisexual or gay bone in my body, but I don’t know! Who knows?” Kendall said when this topic was broached, leaving many readers confused.

6. Can Expound Please, Kendall?

Kendall jenner naked pic

“I’m all down for experience – not against it whatsoever – but I’ve never been there before.” So, yes, Kendall, you have thought about sex with a woman? No judgment here. We’re just not sure what you’re saying.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Motherhood is My Calling, But...

Audrey Roloff has a pretty great problem on her hands.

She is totally and completely in love with being a mother, something she has stated on more than one occasion.

But she also feels guilty any time she’s doing anything other than being a mother, which is likely an issue to which many new parents can relate.

Audrey, who welcomed a daughter named Ember Jean into the world back in September, outlined this internal debate in a lengthy Instagram caption this week.

It accompanied the precious photo of her child featured above.

“I never even thought I would be one of those moms who just wants to lay on the floor playing with their baby all day,” explained Roloff, adding;

“Before I became a mom I used to hear other moms saying things like, ‘oh the newborn phase is my favorite’ or ‘3-6 months is my favorite age.’

“I always figured that my favorite age would be when they can actually communicate with me and are able to do more than eat and sleep. But I was wrong. And now I get it.”

As most mothers would probably verify, the best phase of your child’s life is whatever phase he or she is in at the moment.

(Unless, that is, your child is a 14-year old girl. Yeesh!)

The thing is, Audrey is a working mother.

Yes, she works from home.

Yes, she runs her own business.

But this also means she must be self-motivated in order to make money… and that can be difficult when all she wants to do is cuddle with little Ember.

“When you run your own business or ministry you don’t get “maternity leave” or paid time off,” explained Audrey in her message.

She continued:

“Being an entrepreneur means that if you don’t work you don’t get paid.

“I love love the work I get to do running my shop @shopalwaysmore and our ministry @beating50 and I always assumed it would be so easy to keep working from home with babies.

“I used to think, at least I wouldn’t have to leave them and go into an office for 8 hours every day.”

Audrey, of course, has been criticized a bit in the past for using Ember as a promotional vehicle.

We admit that we’ve been at the forefront of this criticism.

But we’ve never doubted Roloff’s love for Ember, not one bit. Not at all.

Audrey goes on to expound here on how she wants to spend every waking second taking care of Ember and feels terrible when she isn’t doing so.

“Once I had Ember I realized that being present physically isn’t enough. It’s so easy to be physically next to her but emotionally and mentally somewhere else.

“To be feeding her but also on my phone, or rocking her but thinking about the e-mails I need to respond to.

“I feel guilty sometimes for not being able to just stay in bed and play with her, or for putting her in the play gym to be entertained by the dangling animals instead of me.’

We totally get that.

We’ve been there.

But all parents need a break sometimes.

Your mental health isn’t just important for you; it’s important for your kids, too. They need their parents to never feel stressed or burned out.

Roloff wrapped up her caption by seeking some advice and by asking if other women out there feel the same way.

Turns out finding the balance between working and momming is pretty dang hard.

Turns out that I love the newborn phase, and 3-6 month phase, and probally the phase after that, a lot more than I thought I would.

Turns out I’d rather just BE with my baby girl than DO all the other things my days demand. Turns out raising this little girl feels more like my calling than anything I’ve ever done.

I can only imagine this becoming more challenging as our family grows.

How do you working moms do it?! And by working I don’t just mean from an office.

Feel free to respond down below to Audrey’s line of questioning.

And while you’re at it, respond as well to her take on premarital sex!


Thursday, November 2, 2017

We Never Thought We"d Cry Over a Costume, But...

Imgur user BScribbs has shared a post titled "I"m just really proud."

Who is she proud of? Why might her story make you cry all the happy tears?

Scroll down to learn why (and prepare to cry all the happy tears as you do)…

1. This is the User’s Son

This is the users son

We don’t know his name. But he’s about to earn a standing ovation.

2. This Was His Halloween Costume

This was his halloween costume

Writes the users: “No one knew what my son was for Halloween and he didn’t care. He had a hard time picking out a costume this year. We walked out of two Halloween stores empty handed, he didn’t wanna be any of the characters…”

3. Who Do You Admire Most, Son?

Who do you admire most son

“Finally, Sunday night, I just told him to pick his FAVORITE HERO and I’d make the costume the next day. His eyes lit up and he yelled ‘Dad"” she explains. So she made him a costume of his father. AWWW, right?!?

4. Now the Dad is Our Hero, Too

Now the dad is our hero too

Continues the user: “His dad works long hours and rarely gets a day off. He runs a kitchen in a restaurant and comes home greasy, stinky, and exhausted every night. He works really hard to take care of his family.”

5. We Love This Story

We love this story

And, as you can tell by these reactions, we aren’t alone.

6. So Much Pride All Around

So much pride all around

So much deserved pride all around.

View Slideshow

Monday, August 28, 2017

Audrey Roloff: I Can"t Wait to Meet My Baby, But...

Audrey Roloff is about to become a first-time mother.

And, don’t get her wrong, the Little People, Big World star is excited.

But she isn’t anxious… and there’s a big difference, Roloff tries to explain in her latest Instagram post.

“People are constantly asking me, ‘Are you so ready to get that baby out of you?’ wrote Audrey over the weekend as a caption to the above image, adding:

“And as excited as I am to meet her, I’m also trying to cherish our final days “just us” before baby girl rocks our world.”

Audrey has said her bag is packed. She’s ready to head to the hospital once she goes into labor.

She’ll be a parent for the rest of her life at that point, however, and she’ll never get this late-stages-of-pregnancy time back ever again.

“In the waiting, I’ve been focusing on thankfulness, and gratitude has made me even more in awe of the beauty of pregnancy,” she explains.

“I am so blessed to carry this life inside of me, not of my own strength and striving, but through God’s miraculous design for creating life.”

As you can see above and below, Roloff has kept social media users well apprised as to the state of her baby bump. She’s been an open book online.

As is the case with this new message, she’s been candid about the role of God in her life as well.

“Lord, may she be a compassionate, creative, and courageous daughter, full of joy and overflowing with peace,” Roloff wrote as a prayer to her daughter this summer, adding:

“Give her a strong sense of discernment and good judgment so that she will not be easily deceived.

“Bless her with iron friendships – friendships that will refine her and sharpen her. I ask for your favor over her life Lord.

“May she be a Godly woman who leads others to the foot of the cross and loves them the whole way there.”

Roloff is due on August 31.

We know she and Jeremy will welcome a girl and we know their journey will be at the center of the next Little People, Big World season.

“Focusing on each present moment, rather than longing for future moments, has made my heart abundantly thankful – and “thanksgiving always precedes the miracle,” Audrey says now on Instagram.

“As @annvoskamp so beautifully puts it, “In a world addicted to speed, we blur the moments…” I don’t want to live through blurred moments.

“I want to experience the abundance of a life lived fully present – wide eyed, thankful, and brimming with joy.”

What a great attitude, right?

We should all manage to appreciate every moment in life, even as we ponder the major one coming up next.

As a website, The Hollywood Gossip continues to send Audrey and Jeremy our very best wishes.

We can’t wait to meet their little one!


Friday, July 21, 2017

Rasheeda Frost: I Still Believe Kirk Didn"t Father Another Child, But…

They say that love is blind.

But many think Rasheeda Frost is living proof that it also can be pretty deaf, dumb and stupid.

On this past Monday’s Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta reunion special, viewers thought Kirk Frost would finally reveal whether he’s the father of Jasmine Washington’s young son, Kannon.

But he never did.

Despite an entire season that was built around Kirk’s affair with Washington and her claim that the pair’s unprotected sex led to the creation of her child, Frost remained silent.

“I damn sure wasn’t going to do it on national TV to give scammers the key…don’t try to set [me] up,” he rambled as an explanation during part one of the reunion special.

He then addressed his ex-mistress on air as follows:

“You’re using that baby as a pawn to carry three people forward. That’s f-cked up,” Kirk added.

It was also f-cked up for Kirk to sleep with Washington in the first place, but he admitted to his older children during the season that he did, indeed, cheat on their mother.

Kirk and Rasheeda been married for 17 years and have two kids together.

Throughout this ongoing paternity scandal, Rasheeda has stuck by her husband’s side.

Even when you’d think his refusal to confirm the results of a DNA test would be a pretty strong signal that he knocked Washington up last year.

“Rasheeda should be able to see through his excuses but with Kirk she never sees clearly,” an insider tells Hollywood Life, adding:

“At the end of the day, she wants so badly to believe him.

“She still can’t wrap her head around him having a baby behind her back, she just can’t accept that he would lie to her that way.”

Rasheeda said during a Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta episode that she’d willing to let Kannon get to know his half-brothers, Ky and Karter.

IF, that is, they really are his half-brothers.

“I think that would only be the right thing to do,” she admitted, prior to taking a swipe at Washington:

“That child, when he gets older and looks back and sees how dumb his mama is…Nothing the baby can do about it. I wouldn’t do that. That’s not the type of woman I am.”

To his (slight) credit, during the aforementioned reunion, Kirk appeared heartbroken over causing his wife so much stress as a result of his affair.

“I love Rasheeda to death,” he said. ‘That is my soulmate. When you get yourself in a situation, you just get there. I just pray that it gets better.”

Profound stuff right there, readers.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Paola Mayfield: Topless Pics Were a Mistake, But…

Paola Mayfield may star on 90 Day Fiance.

But she’s clashed with her husband over the past several months for photos Mayfield starred in last year that likely caused her to also star in the fantasies of men around the globe.

Or at least men around the globe who watched Mayfield on the aforementioned TLC reality series and have a clue who she is.

The aspiring fitness blogger and model posed for a racy pictorial back in 2016, angering husband Russ at the time because he was raised in a conservative household in Oklahoma.

Paola, meanwhile, hails from Colombia.

She has always been far more open with her body, but she gets now why Russ was upset about all the skin showed a little while back.

“I’m getting more into fitness and that requires to be a little bit more revealing, something that my husband is not that happy [about],” Paola told Fox News, adding:

“But he’s getting to the point [of] trying to understand my position that I’m not doing it just because I want to expose myself.”

Mayfield goes on to say she isn’t trying to be Kim Kardashian here.

Her goal is not to gain social media followers by randomly taking off layers of clothing; she wants to build an actual career. 

“[It’s not] like, ‘Look at me! I’m half naked.’ No, it’s because I actually [want to] motivate people to change their lifestyle,” Mayfield explains.

Russ says it was difficult to watch his wife strip down on the previous season of 90 Day Fiance. It made him feel uncomfortable.

But he’s also trying he hardest to see things from Paola’s point of view.

“She’s promoting herself through her workouts and also through her modeling to show all the hard work she has done for her body and I’m very proud of that,” Russ tells Fox.

On this week’s return of 90 Day Fiance, Mayfield cut her hair and dyed it blonde after her agent said such a change would help her take the next professional step.

She also spoke to friends in Colombia who made it clear they don’t think she and Russ make for a very good match.

With Russ still in Oklahoma and Paola in Florida, questions remain over how much of a future they really have as a married couple.

“I think I learned my lesson, but I think that was the biggest fight that we had,” Mayfield says in this interview about her topless shoot.

“I wasn’t expect[ing] to do that either. It just, I don’t know, it happened so fast, but it was classy. I wasn’t showing any… showing too much, of course.

“It was sexy but yeah, oopsie.”

Russ is glad she sees it this way.

There’s only so much public nudity he can handle from his wife.

“There is a point that I like to make sure she keeps it classy,” he says, explaining:

“I come from Oklahoma and I’ve got my conservative morals and values and I’m not going to change her and she is who she is and that’s what I love about her.”

“I’m all yours,” Paola jumped in to say at this point in the Fox News discussion.

But for how much longer? That’s the question in the minds of 90 Day Fiance fans everywhere.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Lauren Bushnell on Ben Higgins: The Sex Was Amazing, But...

Lauren Bushnell has finally opened up about her split from Ben Higgins.

After having earned the final rose from this former Bachelor to conclude Season 20, Bushnell went through many ups and downs with Higgins over about one year of dating.

This included a duel starring role on a Freeform reality series and an attempt to stay together even after Higgins called off their engagement.

This decision took place many months ago, yet Higgins and Bushness did not break up until mid-May.

Where did it all go wrong?

Sources have cited Bushnell’s move to Denver as an early turning point, as she basically gave up her entire life for Higgins, only to then be left without a real identity once she arrived in Colorado.

Higgins had a job and friends and family members there, while Lauren had next to nothing outside of her fiance.

And then he turned into her mere boyfriend and things spiraled from there.

Speaking to People Magazine, however, Bushnell is quick to say that the ex-couple’s sex life never took a downward turn.

Yes, “of course” there was a physical connection between the stars during the entirety of their relationship…

…it was the emotional aspect that led to the end of their time together.

“It was more so the emotional connection that fizzled,” Bushnell explains to the magazine.

In a stunning development, Bushnell admits that maybe anchoring a reality show wasn’t the best idea for the couple’s long-term hopes.

“I remember during filming Happily Ever After, I was so stressed out, we couldn’t even communicate with one another when we were filming,” she says now, adding:

“We were just stressed and tired physically. Emotionally, I just felt like it wasn’t there anymore.”

A few weeks ago, following lots of chatter online that a break-up was imminent, Higgins and Bushnell confirmed they were no longer bumping uglies in bed.

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce our decision to go our separate ways,” they said in a joint statement, further telling fans:

“We feel fortunate for the time we had together, and will remain friends with much love and respect for one another.

“We wish nothing but the best for each other, and ask for your support and understanding at this time.”

Ever since, Higgins has received a lot of backlash.

Critics believe he led Bushnell on and that he only used their romance for fame, especially in light of his recent new podcast alongside Ashley Iaconetti.

Sick of the criticism, Higgins finally snapped last week.

A little bit, at least.

He wrote on Instagram that he was trying his hardest to ignore the “hateful words” aimed at his direction, but had to admit that they did “sting” at times.

“I will once again clearly tell you I AM NOT PERFECT as none of us are and I have never claimed to be,” he wrote, adding that he’s doing his best to live and learn.

“The last few months have not gone the way I would have preferred. My relationships have changed drastically and what I envisioned my life was going to be has been redirected.

“It is sad, but it is nothing you should feel sorry for me about, life happens both the good and bad.”

Ben referred to the podcast as a “professional decision” he made with no regard to Bushnell and then tried to pass along a few words of wisdom.

Love as hard as you can (even to strangers), he wrote. Ask yourself what life is about and pursue your conclusion with passion.

When a good opportunity comes your way that fits your desires take it, because life is short but a lot more fun when you are doing something you enjoy.

That’s fair and mostly accurate.

In the end, it’s hard to choose sides here because Ben and Lauren met and “fell in love” on The Bachelor.

Did anyone really think they were ever going to make it?


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tiger Woods: Sorry for DUI, But... I Wasn"t Drunk!

Tiger Woods is not asking for a mulligan.

The legendary golfer admits in a new statement that he got arrested early Monday morning in Florida for DUI and he says it’s his responsibility and he’s very sorry.

HOWEVER, Woods also insists that alcohol did not play a role in this unfortunate incident.

As previously reported, Tiger Woods was arrested around 3 a.m. yesterday on suspicion of driving under the influence and was released on his own recognizance a few hours later.

The bust took place in Jupiter, about eight miles from the athlete’s house.

Law enforcement sources told TMZ shortly afterward that Woods “driving erratically, all over the road” in his 2015 Mercedes when the police pulled him over.

The officer at the scene reportedly smelled alcohol on Tiger’s’ breath and described the star as “arrogant.”

Woods then refused to take a breathalyzer test, which prompts an automatic arrest and license suspension in Florida.

Such behavior would lead one to presume Woods was rather wasted, but the golfer (it’s true! Tiger Woods was once very good at golf!) says in his statement that he wasn’t drunk at all.

“I understand the severity of what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions,” said Woods on Monday evening, adding:

“I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved.  

“What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn’t realize the mix of medications affected me so strongly.

“I would like to apologize with all my heart to my family, friends, and the fans. I expect more from myself, too.

“I will do everything in my power to ensure this never happens again.”

Concluded Woods:

“I fully cooperated with law enforcement, and I would like to personally thank the representatives of the Jupiter Police Dept. and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office for their professionalism.”

We don’t know at this time whether or not any tests were done at the police station to determine Woods’ blood-alcohol content.

So we may never have definitive proof of whether he’s telling the truth about his alcohol consumption.

But Tiger did undergo back surgery last month. On April 19, to be exact.

The fusion in his lower back means he will miss the rest of the 2017 golf season, but Tiger said at the time that such “instant nerve relief” led to him feeling his best in years.

It marked Tiger’s fourth back surgery since 2014.

“The long-term prognosis is positive,” Woods said just a few weeks ago.

“My surgeon and physiotherapist say the operation was successful. It’s just a matter of not screwing up and letting it fuse. I’m walking and doing my exercises, and taking my kids to and from school.

“All I can do is take it day by day. There’s no hurry.

“But, I want to say unequivocally, I want to play professional golf again.

“Presently, I’m not looking ahead. I can’t twist for another two and a half to three months. Right now, my sole focus is rehab and doing what the doctors tell me.

“I am concentrating on short-term goals.”

Back in 2009, when the downfall of Tiger Woods as an athlete and a human being began, Woods slammed into a tree while behind the wheel of a car.

It happened after then-wife Elin Nordegren learned her husband had been cheating (prolifically!) on her and it was reported at the time that Tiger was under the influence of ambien when the accident occurred.

He did not face any criminal charges as a result.

In this case, TMZ claims that Woods’ girlfriend, Kristin Smith, learned about the arrest while shopping at a Neiman Marcus store in Dallas.

Someone allegedly called her to explain what happened – and then, according to multiple onlookers, “she went crazy” and said “I knew it, I knew it.”

Knew that Woods was cheating on her, perhaps?

Smith must be assuming that Woods could only have been in his car at 3 a.m. because he was either head to or coming from some kind of booty call.

Smith broke down in tears, spent $ 5,000 at the store and left, TMZ writes.

That’s some damn impressive reporting if true.

It’s almost as impressive as Tiger’s former mastery of the golf course, which now seems like a lifetime ago. How sad.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Cal Ripken"s Rooting for Tim Tebow ... "But It"s Gonna Be a Hard Road" (VIDEO)

Tim Tebow has a legend in his corner … Cal Ripken Jr. … who tells TMZ Sports he’s pulling for the guy to make the big leagues but says, “It’s gonna be a hard road.” Ripken says Tebow has a few things working in his favor while he tries to climb…


Friday, February 10, 2017

Charles Oakley Admits Drinking Before Altercation ... "But None in the Garden" (VIDEO)

Charles Oakley says he DID drink alcohol before things exploded at Madison Square Garden Wednesday night … but insists he was not drinking INSIDE the arena.  The Knicks legend sat down with FOX 5 in NYC and told the reporter before the…


Todd Chrisley: I"m Not Gay, But...

Todd Chrisley has spoken out on rumors that he’s gay.

There hasn’t been any significant reason for anyone to believe this about the reality star’s sexuality, but those who watch Chrisley Knows Best online have to admit:

The Atlanta millionaire often comes across as somewhat effeminate.

This is obviously a stereotypical assertion, one we offer without making any judgment

But it’s also important to note that we haven’t been the ones making it.

Hence the reason why Chrisley addressed such talk Wednesday during an appearance on The Domenick Nati Show, making it clear that he had no reason to be upset by the chatter.

“In order for it to disappoint me, it would mean that I don’t agree with someone being gay,” the married father of five said very reasonably.

He added:

“I don’t believe that’s a choice that you make. I believe that you are the way that God has made you.”

The 47-year-old is a self-made member of the one percent.

He has made a great deal of money in real estate over the years and is married to a woman named Julie.

Further discussing all the gay rumors out there, Todd said this week that he’s totally fine that fans and critics alike might question his sexual preference. 

“I’m flattered that people think I can get laid on both ends,” he joked, making a point to mention that he and Julie have been married for over two decades.

“So, that doesn’t bother me,” he said of the speculation.

“And my wife certainly is flattered that as many men want her husband as there are women. With that being said, I’m never going to have a drought.”

That’s a pretty good line.

Chrisley is saying that even if he and Julie somehow divorce, he’ll be able to hit the dating scene with more options out there than most people have.

hrisley is the father of five kids. They are:

The family’s reality show, Chrisley Knows Best, chronicles this group’s high-energy life, with the flamboyant patriarch at the center of everything.

Todd is an open-minded Christian who says the following about God, reigion and mankind:

“I believe you’re here on this earth as God intended. In the Bible, he tells you that he knew you before you were conceived.

“So if he knew you before you were conceived then that means he knew what you were going to become. … No sin is greater than the next, so I’m not passing judgment on anyone.”

Amen, Todd!

Chrisley Knows Best returns for a new season on Tuesday, February 21, at 10/9c on USA Network.
