Showing posts with label Always. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Always. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

LeBron James Sends Message To Magic Johnson "I"ve Always Wanted To Play Along Melo"

Breaking News

LeBron James ain’t the GM of the Lakers … but it sure seems like he sent a message to the guy who is Tuesday night, saying, “I’ve always wanted to play along Melo.”
Of course … rumors of Carmelo Anthony teaming up with LBJ in Los Angeles have...
LeBron James Sends Message To Magic Johnson "I"ve Always Wanted To Play Along Melo"

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tori Roloff Opens Up About Marriage to Zach: I Always Have to Reach the High Shelf!

Little People, Big World star Tori Roloff is a wonderful mother to her adorable baby, Jackson.

But she’s also an amazing wife to her husband. In fact, she posted the ultimate anniversaty tribute to Zach earlier this year.

Now, she’s opening up to fans about how her husband’s dwarfism impacts their marriage. She gets very honest.

On Monday night, Tori Roloff took to Instagram for a no-holds-barred Q&A with her fans and followers.

Seriously, no topic was off-limits.

Tori gushed about having found an entire community of little people through her husband, Zach Roloff.

Tori wrote that she is “so blessed that I’ve made such amazing friends in the dwarf community.”

(Disclaimer: some little people are totally onboard with the dwarf label while others are emphatically not)

Tori went on to speak about how Zach’s dwarfism impacts their relationship.

It turns out that the effect is not as great as some people have assumed.

Tori is quick to shoot down the misconception that his dwarfism is a “limitation” within their marriage.

She does say that the biggest impact is that she has “asked to reach the high shelf a lot.”

That sort of thing can happen in a lot of marriages where there’s a height difference.

Tori says that things go smoothly so long as neither of them are trying to be a different height than they really are.

“To me it feels weird to crouch,” Tori confesses.

“And,” she adds. “Zach always told me to stand.”

“I’m not trying to be shorter and he’s not trying to be taller,” she notes.

Any relationship is going to be healthier while both parties agree to be exactly who they are.

“I love my husband for his heart not his height,” Tori affirms. “Love is love is love.”

She’s right — and it’s good that she makes it clear that she is not a “chaser.”

That is, she is not someone who fetishizes him for his dwarfism.

She loves Zach for who he is, neither for nor despite his height.

That is just as it should be.

She also speaks about baby Jackson, and this is when she starts talking science and genetics with her followers.

“It’s a dominant gene,” she explains. “So you only have the gene if you are an achon.”

(How many other reality stars can hold their own in a conversations about hereditary traits and genetics?)

“They do all carry the gene for dyostraphic,” Tori continues.

“But,” she notes. “Their partner would also have to carry the gene to have children with dyostraphic dwarfism.”

Fans ask how she feels about the very real possibility that sweet baby Jackson might need to undergo surgeries, like his father and grandfather.

Tori says that “of course” the idea of that scares her.

“There’s no telling,” Tori admits.

Tori then notes: “but we’re blessed to have no health issues so far.”

“But we have so much support and love,” Tori says. “And I know we’ll handle anything God throws at us.”

Right now, she’s more worried about the bumps and bruises that Jackson is very naturally getting as he learns to walk.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Jenelle Evans Defends David Eason: My Husband Is Always Right!

Last week, MTV stunned shocked the world with the news that Bristol Palin had been cast in Teen Mom OG.

The decision was a highly controversial one that attracted a tremendous amount of criticism.

Naturally, no one had more to say about the news than the past and current Teen Mom franchise members, themselves.

And as is always the case with this sort of thing, the people the public wants to hear from the least have been the most outspoken.

Former Teen Mom: OG cast member Farrah Abraham has already thrown shade at Bristol by reiterating her opinion that the show will never survive a Farrah-less season.

And of course, the other former star who was also fired for being a moron also had to make his voice heard.

Yes, David Eason took to social media to inform the world that he feels he’s been wronged by MTV.

David has been beating this dead horse for months now, but there are two interesting things about his latest rant:

For one thing, he’s finally admitting that he got fired.

(For a long time, David claimed it was his decision to end his lucrative business relationship with MTV.)

On top of that, Eason is now taking dead aim at Bristol and insisting that it was a hypocritical of network execs to hire her.

“I know MTV is comprised of hypocrites but how do you fire me and hire Bristol Palin after all her homophobic and racist remarks?” Eason wrote on Facebook over the weekend.

We highly doubt that either Bristol or anyone at MTV gives a crap what David thinks of the decision, but even so, his wife, Jenelle Evans, is clearly in awe of his willingness to express his opinion with absolutely nothing at stake.

“And again, I will ALWAYS stand by my husband’s opinion #BestBelieve #StandUpForYourself,” Jenelle tweeted in reference to Eason’s post.

That may not sound like a particularly shocking statement — especially by Jenelle standards — but pause for a moment and consider what she’s really saying here.

If you’ll recall Eason was fired for hurling homophobic slurs and expressing bigoted views about gay and trans people.

It was only a few months ago, and the incident is probably fresh in Jenelle’s mind.

So when she says she will “ALWAYS” support her husband’s views, is she co-signing that revolting bigotry?

Seems astoinishing that anyone would admit that publicly, but when it comes to Jenelle, nothing surprises us anymore.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Will Always Love Hank, But...

With her marriage teetering on the verge of non-existence, Kendra Wilkinson has once again taken to social media in order to vent, rant and sort of rave.

Except the subject of said raving is…

… estranged husband Hank Baskett?!?

Kendra, Hank, Kids

As previously reported, Kendra and Hank are in a dark place.

Multiple outlets have alleged their relationship is basically over and that the ex-centerfold is ready to file for divorce.

What, specifically, has driven the stars apart?

Sources go back to 2014 and the hand job Baskett has admitted to receiving from a transgender model named Ava London.

These sources say the couple has never really recovered from Hank’s infidelity and that Wilkinson has “lost trust in her marriage,” according to People Magazine.

But that doesn’t mean Kendra no longer loves Hank, as she told a follower on Twitter last night.

In response to a question about whether she’s happy with her husband, Wilkinson replied as follows:

“I will always love Hank. Always.”

loving hank

It’s worth noting that this is likely very true, but it’s also an example of Kendra clearly not being content in her relationship.

Notice that she did NOT say she is “happy” with Hank, just that she will always have love for him.

Kendra went on to say an awful lot via her Twitter account on Thursday evening, some of it abstract and vague, some of it clearly addressing the problems in her marriage.

“The universe doesn’t stop for you,” she wrote at one point, waxing philosophical and adding:

“Whatever is supposed to happen will happen. At the end if all u have is faith ,love and positive outlook then it’s a good day.”

universe tweet

At another point, she Kendra was far less vague and far more direct.

“I can’t stand marital advice. Lol,” she Tweeted, acknowledging that she’s been receiving plenty in the wake of recent reports and then joking:

“The @DalaiLama is the only one who can give me any type to real shit advice. Lmaoooooo.”

dali l

There was also this:

“If you’re choosing to be happy every second then you’re masking some pretty heavy shit. Happiness does live in pain and tears but u can’t live there. Gotta be patient n giving n loving through ups n downs.”

So maybe there is hope after all for the marriage?

It’s really hard to say right now, but Wilkinson previously went on a long diatribe about her state of mind, one that we interpreted as a sign that a divorce was imminent.

See what we mean below:

As for where Hank stands in all of this drama?

He has not spoken out directly, but an insider tells Radar Online that “the kids are the only reason that Hank stuck around for this long” in the first place.

His son and his daughter are the only reason he has even been putting up with Kendra’s “bullshit,” this source states.

Both Baskett and Wilkinson are determined to co-parent in a healthy and stable manner, no matter what happens.

Just probably not as husband and wife.

“Now that his kids are a bit older, Hank realizes that he does not need to be with Kendra in order to be a good father and a good role model to them,” Radar writes, concluding:

“Neither one of them are happy right now, and the kids know this.”


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Nick Young Says NFL "Always Cheat for the Patriots"

Nick Young says it’s painfully obvious why the Patriots are so damn successful — the NFL’s CHEATING FOR THEM. On the same night as his accidental Iggy Azalea reunion, we also got Swaggy P to weigh in on the controversial Pats-Steelers ending…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Questlove Shows Sympathy for Jimmy Fallon, "When You Lose Someone It"s Always Sad"

Questlove just suggested to our photog … Jimmy Fallon’s mom has either passed away or it’s about to happen. We got “The Tonight Show” band frontman leaving the Director’s Guild in West Hollywood Saturday and asked him how Jimmy’s doing after…


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Always and Forever" Singer Keith Wilder Dead at 65

Keith Wilder, the lead singer of the ’70s funk band Heatwave, has died. Wilder’s had several massive hits, including “Always and Forever,” “Boogie Nights” and “The Groove Line.” Wilder had been suffering from serious health problems recently and…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Usher Accuser Said He Always Wore Condoms, But Changed Her Story in Lawsuit

Usher’s herpes accuser in Georgia, Laura Helm, insisted she ONLY had protected sex with him — even though she claimed otherwise in her $ 20 million lawsuit … but she had a good reason for lying, according to her attorney.  TMZ obtained a…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Joel Osteen Says Church Was Always Open to Harvey Evacuees and Twitter Got it Wrong

Pastor Joel Osteen says his church was unfairly criticized for locking its doors to Hurricane Harvey evacuees. The man who leads the Lakewood Church in Houston says the doors were always open, despite the video TMZ posted which was shot Monday ……


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Josh Duggar Will "Always Be Josh the Molester" in Hometown, Source Says (Exclusive)

For many, the mere mention of the name Josh Duggar conjures thoughts of appalling abuse and unforgivable impropriety.

Back in 2015, fans of the ostensibly wholesome Duggar clan were stunned by the news that Josh had molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

Almost as shocking as the acts themselves were the reports that his parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, had helped Josh avoid prosecution for his crimes.

After several advertisers cut ties with the show, TLC eventually canceled 19 Kids and Counting, the reality series that had made the Duggars famous.

The network received a considerable amount of criticism for taking its time to cancel the show, and it was widely assumed that TLC would cut ties with the Duggars for good.

Needless to say, many were astonished when it was announced that a second Duggar reality series entitled Counting On had been picked up by TLC.

Execs promised fans that Josh would never appear on the show, but many were still outraged, including it seems, the residents of the Duggars’ hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas.

A source who was formerly close to the several members of the Duggar family tells The Hollywood Gossip exclusively that Josh ill likely be able to escape his reputation amongst his neighbors.

“Maybe someday Josh will get beyond it somehow, but he’ll probably always be Josh Duggar the molester,"” the insider tells us. “That’s what they call him.”

The former Duggar associate believes that much of the outrage stems from Jim Bob and Michelle’s decision to help Josh avoid prosecution. 

Ironically, the source says, that decision may have resulted in longer-lasting (though far less severe) consequences for Josh and his family than any punishment that would have been handed down by a judge.

“Jim Bob and them kept it under wraps for so long that the statute of limitations ran out,” says the source. “But as a juvenile [Josh] probably wouldn’t have suffered much under the law anyway.” 

Whetever the case, Duggar fans have turned a blind eye to some considerable misdeeds over the years, but it seems unlikely that they’ll ever be accepting of Josh making a return to television.

Jim Bob is reportedly aware of this, but that doesn’t mean Josh is entirely removed from the family media empire.

“If you notice, they’re starting to bring Josh around a little more, and they’re starting to include him a little bit more, and I don’t know whether TLC had anything to do with that, but people are interested,” says the insider.

Jacks up their ratings a little bit, I’m sure.”

As for whether or not the family would ever put Josh back in front of the cameras, the source says Jim Bob is too savvy to attempt such a move.

“They’re pretty big on not allowing that,” the insider tells us.

“And if they did bring him back, they would probably lose ratings. It would just be a negative … They don’t even really like it when [Josh’s wife] Anna is on there.”

Meanwhile, Josh is reportedly living a life that’s very much removed from his family.

Having apparently given up on trying to earn the forgiveness of his neighbors and former friends, Josh has thrown himself into a line of work that doesn’t require him to interact with the public.

“He’s got his car business, that’s pretty much all he does is just cars,” says the insider.

“He goes to a different church, he goes to a pretty liberal church, in fact,” the source adds.

If you watch Counting On online, you’re likely aware that the church is the center of the Duggars’ community.

Josh’s decision to attend separate services with a more liberal-minded congregation likely deepened the existing divide within his family.

Of course, it’s possible the decision wasn’t Josh’s to make.

Perhaps the ever-image-conscious Jim Bob didn’t like the idea of sitting in a pew next to a son who’s strayed so far.

Whatever the case, the situation serves as yet another reminder that life on the Duggar compound is not as serene as it appears to be on TV.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Kesha Tweets Out Support for Taylor Swift: Truth is Always the Answer!

Ever since Kesha released “Praying” and awed the world with her dazzling vocals, we’ve been rejoicing at her return to music.

(Her whole album, Rainbow, is out now in case you haven’t listened to it yet)

But Kesha’s doing more than music, these days — and is reaching out to Taylor Swift for the best possible reason.

Kesha’s accusations against the songwriter and record producer known as Dr. Luke (real name Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald) are very well known.

She waged a legal battle in an attempt to break away from him so that she could make music that wasn’t under his supervision.

The reason that she wanted to get away? Ten years of alleged mental abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse at his hands.

Tragically, the court ruled against Kesha, refusing to set her free of her contract, which effectively put her career in limbo.

It’s sort of unclear, at the moment, what ties — if any — Dr. Luke has to Kesha’s current music and the proceeds from it.

Nobody thinks that Kesha might be working with him, of course.

While our woefully inept legal system might not be equipped to hold Dr. Luke accountable, he was effectively tried and convicted in the court of public opinion.

Like, everybody hates Dr. Luke. And nobody kept their opinion quiet, either.

You had Adele speaking out about him. You had Taylor Swift sending Kesha’s legal fund a quarter of a million dollars.

Sony, the company involved in all of this, was absolutely horrified. Reports said that Sony was searching for a legal way to terminate their own ties with Dr. Luke.

But it’s Taylor Swift’s silent but powerful contribution to Kesha’s cause that we want to talk about.

Because while Taylor Swift may not have suffered to the degree of what Kesha describes for a decade, Taylor Swift has been embroiled in a recent legal battle.

And that battle has been over her own sexual assault.

Taylor Swift accused a radio DJ named David Mueller of groping her back in 2015.

Specifically, Mueller allegedly slid his hand up and grabbed Taylor’s bare butt, leaving her too stunned by the grope to immediately respond.

(That sort of “freezing up in shock” response is pretty common in response to a lot of sexual assaults)

Do worse things happen every single day? Absolutely.

Is crime relative? Is evil relative? No.

You don’t get a pass for stealing a car just because somebody else stole a person, and you don’t get a pass on grabbing somebody’s butt without permission just because someone else spent a decade under the thumb of a controlling abuser.

Mueller lost his job after Taylor went public with her accusation, and he then tried to sue her over it.

A judge tossed out the suit against Taylor Swift just last week, which was widely celebrated even by the people who’ve forsaken Taylor Swift in recent years.

Taylor Swift still has a court date today, however, for her own countersuit against Mueller.

And this is where Kesha comes in:

Kesha, whose star is once again on the rise, tweeted out her support to Taylor just a few hours ago:

@taylorswift13 i support you always, and especially right now and admire your strength and fearlessness. truth is always the answer.”

That’s beautifully said and also publicly said.

While hopefully Taylor’s case shouldn’t need any help, every voice raised up against things that are awful — whether it’s sexual assault or the terrifying white nationalist rally over the weekend — helps.

Every good voice matters.

Speaking of Kesha’s good voice, by the way … have you heard her album yet?

She released Rainbow on Friday and it soared to the #1 spot (where it remains).

As much as we loved Kesha’s dancier club trash music from 2009 (and we really, truly love a lot of that), she’s moved on and we totally respect that.

We’re not going to review her whole album right here for you, but you should seriously go check it out.

She has a duet with Dolly Freaking Parton.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Katy Perry: What?!? I"ve ALWAYS Loved Taylor Swift!

Katy Perry has no idea what you’re talking about.

She’s probably giving you a quizzical side-eye right about now.

She doesn’t know why you think she ever feuded with Taylor Swift. What a crazy notion!

In a new interview with Australia’s Today show, the singer was asked – yes, once again – about her relationship with Swift.

Despite rarely even saying each other’s names in public, the rivalry between these artists has been near the center of the celebrity gossip universe for years, ever since Swift released the diss track “Bad Blood.”

It was pretty clearly written about Perry, with whom Swift allegedly has a beef due a disagreement over backup dancers back in the day.

While promoting her latest album, Katy said Taylor tried to “assassinate my character” and made it sound as if the feud was only just beginning.

But then the public sort of took Swift’s side… and then Swift made the ultimate passive-aggressive power move against Perry… and Katy quickly changed her tune.

“I love her, I always have,” Perry told the Australian interviewer. “We’ve had our differences, but I just continue to say, ‘God bless her on her journey.’”

That’s very cute of Katy to say.

As the first song off her new record, Perry unveiled what most people assumed was her own diss track, seemingly clapping back at Swift via the single “Swish Swish.”

It wasn’t well received, however.

After receiving negative feedback for the way she went after Swift all these years later, Perry did a 180 several weeks ago and now talks as if the two are soul sisters.

“I am ready to let it go,” Perry said on a recent installment of the Thrive Global Podcast, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her. There’s a lot of other things out there in the world that people need to be focused on.

“God bless her on her journey. God bless her. Honestly.”

Somewhere (and we really don’t know where because she’s gone social media silent for nearly a year now), Swift and her team must be having quite a good laugh over all this flip-flopping.

Taylor has managed to win her war against Perry without ever mentioning her by name.

Seriously, go back and look at all the stories The Hollywood Gossip and other websites have written about this rivalry.

Try to find one instance in which Swift mentioned Perry or even hinted strongly that she had any problem with Perry at all.

Go ahead. We’ll wait.

You just may not want to hold your breath while you investigate.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian on Caitlyn Jenner: She"s a Part of Me. Always.

Kim Kardashian is not a huge fan of Caitlyn Jenner these days.

Quite simply, she thinks her stepfather is a liar, saying as much on a late-season episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians in response to what Caitlyn wrote about Kris Jenner in her controversial memoir.

In this book, Caitlyn claimed Kris knew all about her transgender tendencies from the beginning of their marriage and also that she took advantage of him financially.

Such assertions have put a severe damper on Caitlyn"s relationship with Kim and her sisters.

"If you turn on my mom and you continue to bash us, I can’t… spend time with someone who doesn"t care about my mother,” Kim even told Caitlyn a few months ago, threatening to “come” for her if she kept slamming Kris.

This set the stage for Kim"s appearance on The View on Monday morning.

Asked about the fireworks between herself and Caitlyn, Kim acknowledged she hasn"t spoken to Caitlyn in the last couple of months – but also expressed hope that they would mend the rift soon.

“She’ll always be a part of me,” Kardashian said on air. “We’re not that kind of family. We’re just taking a breather. We’ll get it together. It’ll work out.”

Labeling sections of Caitlyn’s memoir as “hurtful” and “unfair,” Kardashian proceeded to tell Whoopi Goldberg and the hosts:

"I was a little shocked by putting things out there that just weren’t true or didn’t make sense or were hurtful when I feel, at the end of the day, my mom and Caitlyn had a 25-year relationship, and you just have to have some respect for it."

That"s a reasonable sentiment, don"t you think?

“I don’t want to discredit her feelings or her account, but when all of us there were witnessing some things and seeing things really different, it was just a little bit surprising to me,” she said, concluding:

"She’ll always be my stepdad and always be a person that raised me and taught me so much in life.

"I’ll never forget what Caitlyn instilled in us as kids and was a part of who I am today."

Check out the video below to see the full extent of Kim"s comments.

Think she"s being fair to Caitlyn? Or is it impossible to even pick a side when all parties involved are seeking fame, fortune and attention?

Kim kardashian on caitlyn jenner shes a part of me always

Thursday, May 18, 2017

TMZ Live: Donald Trump: It"s Always Tough In Philly!

HERE’S THE RUNDOWN Chris Cornell: Wife Says Not Suicidal Amber Rose: Break-In While Asleep Rich Homie Quan: Eyes Set On Olympian! Miley Cyrus: Nearly Trampled!


Monday, March 20, 2017

"Walking Dead" Star Thomas Payne Says "Jesus" Was Always Gay (VIDEO)

Thomas Payne’s character, Jesus, from “The Walking Dead” finally came out as gay on Sunday night’s episode, but he says his sexuality on the show isn’t and shouldn’t be a significant part of the story line.  We got Tom at LAX Monday where he…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"Beauty and the Beast" Star Chip the Teacup Says LeFou Was Always Gay (VIDEO)

The guy who voiced the teacup in the OG “Beauty and the Beast” says a gay character in the new live-action flick is no big deal … dude was always gay. We got Bradley Pierce — who played Chip in Disney’s 1991 animated feature — out at Craig’s…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Justin Trudeau Was Always This Hot, Young Pics Prove It (PHOTOS)

O Canada! Your PM is sooo hot!! Ridiculously hot pics of young Justin Trudeau show he was way more fit to be a god than Prime Minister. The Internet is rightfully losing its collective mind over these shots of JT from back in the day when…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Charlie Day Joins ASU"s Curtain of Distraction As Green Man From "It"s Always Sunny" (VIDEO)

GREEN MAN!! Charlie Day brought out his neon green bodysuit last night to serve as the PERFECT addition to Arizona State’s “Curtain of Distraction” Wednesday night … and it worked!! FYI — The Curtain is what ASU students do to mess with the…
