Showing posts with label 'When. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'When. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Nate Diaz on Mayweather Shooting: "When It Goes Down, It Goes Down"

Nate Diaz says the Floyd Mayweather shooting was “f*cked up” — especially because he knows a couple of guys in Floyd’s entourage who were in the van during the attack.  “That was my boy that got shot I think,” Diaz said before sending a…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Questlove Shows Sympathy for Jimmy Fallon, "When You Lose Someone It"s Always Sad"

Questlove just suggested to our photog … Jimmy Fallon’s mom has either passed away or it’s about to happen. We got “The Tonight Show” band frontman leaving the Director’s Guild in West Hollywood Saturday and asked him how Jimmy’s doing after…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Kim Kardashian on Robbery: I Thought I"d Die When...

Kim Kardashian is not exactly known for keeping it real.

For years, critics have questioned the validity of her breasts, her butt and her relationships.

But it"s nearly impossible not to take Kim Kardashian seriously in the following clip.

Taken from this Sunday"s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, it features Kim opening up to sisters Khloe Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian about that armed robbery in Paris.

The mother of two was victimized by armed assailants on the morning of October 3, with millions of dollars worth of jewelry taken from her hotel room.

You can watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online from last week to see Kim first open up about this harrowing experience.

And you can click PLAY on the following video to see her really go into detail about what happened.

"I knew something wasn"t quite right,” Kim says, explaining that she was in bed, about to get up and wash her face, when she heard “pounding up the stairs.”

She thought it was Kourtney. But when she called out and no one answered, Kardashian became truly concerned.

Through the slightly cracked-open door, Kim saw two men holding another man (the concierge, we presume) down.

"So I slid off my bed and picked up my phone and I"m like, "I don"t know how to call 9-11 in a different country,"" Kim explains, adding that this is when the thieves broke into her room.

"The guy came in, grabbed the phone from me, threw me on the bed and I was like, "This is it,"" Kim recalls.

We cannot imagine what that must have been like.

Make fun of Kim Kardashian all you want, but no one deserves to go through all she went through.

Watch below to see what else she has to say about the experience:

Kim kardashian details robbery moment she thought she would die

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Margaret Cho -- My Ex-BF Threatened ... "When You"re Dead, You"re Dead"

Margaret Cho’s ex-boyfriend lost it when she dumped him, and resorted to sending her menacing social media threats … according to legal docs the comedian filed.  Margaret claims she broke up with David Moraga back in May after nearly 2 years…
