Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian on Caitlyn Jenner: She"s a Part of Me. Always.

Kim Kardashian is not a huge fan of Caitlyn Jenner these days.

Quite simply, she thinks her stepfather is a liar, saying as much on a late-season episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians in response to what Caitlyn wrote about Kris Jenner in her controversial memoir.

In this book, Caitlyn claimed Kris knew all about her transgender tendencies from the beginning of their marriage and also that she took advantage of him financially.

Such assertions have put a severe damper on Caitlyn"s relationship with Kim and her sisters.

"If you turn on my mom and you continue to bash us, I can’t… spend time with someone who doesn"t care about my mother,” Kim even told Caitlyn a few months ago, threatening to “come” for her if she kept slamming Kris.

This set the stage for Kim"s appearance on The View on Monday morning.

Asked about the fireworks between herself and Caitlyn, Kim acknowledged she hasn"t spoken to Caitlyn in the last couple of months – but also expressed hope that they would mend the rift soon.

“She’ll always be a part of me,” Kardashian said on air. “We’re not that kind of family. We’re just taking a breather. We’ll get it together. It’ll work out.”

Labeling sections of Caitlyn’s memoir as “hurtful” and “unfair,” Kardashian proceeded to tell Whoopi Goldberg and the hosts:

"I was a little shocked by putting things out there that just weren’t true or didn’t make sense or were hurtful when I feel, at the end of the day, my mom and Caitlyn had a 25-year relationship, and you just have to have some respect for it."

That"s a reasonable sentiment, don"t you think?

“I don’t want to discredit her feelings or her account, but when all of us there were witnessing some things and seeing things really different, it was just a little bit surprising to me,” she said, concluding:

"She’ll always be my stepdad and always be a person that raised me and taught me so much in life.

"I’ll never forget what Caitlyn instilled in us as kids and was a part of who I am today."

Check out the video below to see the full extent of Kim"s comments.

Think she"s being fair to Caitlyn? Or is it impossible to even pick a side when all parties involved are seeking fame, fortune and attention?

Kim kardashian on caitlyn jenner shes a part of me always