Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel Compares Donald Trump to... Taylor Swift?!?

Note to Jimmy Kimmel:

Hasn"t Taylor Swift been through enough of late?

Isn"t it sufficient that her wildly anticipated new studio album sort of tanked? Or that she was snubbed by the MTV Video Music Awards?

Did you really need to drag her name so deeply through the mud by comparing her to President Donald Trump?

This unexpected statement came during Kimmel"s monologue on Wednesday night, as he mocked Trump for how he handled his press conference with Vladimir Putin.

How he"s handled America"s entire relationship with Russia, really.

"It’s all very crazy. And yet, with all of this Moscow madness happening, according to a new poll from Reuters, 71 percent of Republican voters have a favorable view of how Trump has been dealing with Russia," Kimmel said, adding:

"Which is nuts, but I was thinking about this today and I think there’s a simple explanation for it."

This was his explanation:

"They might not like what he’s doing, they might not like him, but they love how pissed off it makes Democrats and so they want it to keep happening," he reasoned.

Kimmel is not the first person to basically say Trump and his base care more about owning the liberals than anything else.

But he is the first person, as far as we know, to then say Trump is akin to Swift.

"Trump kept his base going — by calling out his ‘haters’ today on Twitter," Kimmel said. "He’s the Taylor Swift of treason. He really is."

The Taylor Swift of treason. LOL.

This were the Tweets to which Kimmel was referring:

"So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki. Putin and I discussed many important subjects at our earlier meeting. We got along well which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. Big results will come!"

"Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

Swift is yet to respond to this semi-dig.

Kimmel, meanwhile, wasn"t done with Trump.

"If it is a syndrome named after Trump, I assume it"s sexually transmitted," Kimmel quipped. "Fortunately help is on the way."

Check out the monologue and Swift reference above!

Jimmy kimmel compares donald trump to taylor swift