Showing posts with label TO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TO. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel Compares Donald Trump to... Taylor Swift?!?

Note to Jimmy Kimmel:

Hasn"t Taylor Swift been through enough of late?

Isn"t it sufficient that her wildly anticipated new studio album sort of tanked? Or that she was snubbed by the MTV Video Music Awards?

Did you really need to drag her name so deeply through the mud by comparing her to President Donald Trump?

This unexpected statement came during Kimmel"s monologue on Wednesday night, as he mocked Trump for how he handled his press conference with Vladimir Putin.

How he"s handled America"s entire relationship with Russia, really.

"It’s all very crazy. And yet, with all of this Moscow madness happening, according to a new poll from Reuters, 71 percent of Republican voters have a favorable view of how Trump has been dealing with Russia," Kimmel said, adding:

"Which is nuts, but I was thinking about this today and I think there’s a simple explanation for it."

This was his explanation:

"They might not like what he’s doing, they might not like him, but they love how pissed off it makes Democrats and so they want it to keep happening," he reasoned.

Kimmel is not the first person to basically say Trump and his base care more about owning the liberals than anything else.

But he is the first person, as far as we know, to then say Trump is akin to Swift.

"Trump kept his base going — by calling out his ‘haters’ today on Twitter," Kimmel said. "He’s the Taylor Swift of treason. He really is."

The Taylor Swift of treason. LOL.

This were the Tweets to which Kimmel was referring:

"So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki. Putin and I discussed many important subjects at our earlier meeting. We got along well which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. Big results will come!"

"Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

Swift is yet to respond to this semi-dig.

Kimmel, meanwhile, wasn"t done with Trump.

"If it is a syndrome named after Trump, I assume it"s sexually transmitted," Kimmel quipped. "Fortunately help is on the way."

Check out the monologue and Swift reference above!

Jimmy kimmel compares donald trump to taylor swift

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Willie McGinest To Falcons Fans, T.O. Training Julio Jones Is Good!

Willie McGinest has some advice for the Atlanta Falcons brass … RELAX … saying anyone in ATL’s front office who’s miffed Julio Jones is training with T.O. is wrong — because it’s actually a good idea. Jones and Owens have been working out…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Amy Roloff Offers Inspirational Words of Advice to... Everyone

Amy Roloff had a great time on Mother’s Day.

But the Little People, Big World star believes every day should be Mother’s Day.

Not because she wants to be celebrated, though.

Because she thinks it’s really important that folks spend as much time as possible with their family members… and it’s sort of a shame that widespread gatherings among loved ones only take place on holidays.

Typically, that is

Last Sunday, Amy went out for a meal with Tori and Zach Roloff; their son, Jackson; and Jacob Roloff and his fiancee, Isabel.

She shared a picture from the enjoyable evening (above) and included with it an inspiring message.

“This Mother’s Day I was reminded again how wonderfully blessed I am,” Amy wrote to open this caption, which continued as follows:

“I have awesome kids and was so glad I could spend a little time with some of them. Another reminder was time goes by quickly.

“I don’t need to wait for a ‘special day’ or perfect day to spend time with them, or a friend, or others I love or give a reach out to another.”

We totally agree.

Amy recently hosted an engagement party for Jacob, who asked Isabel to marry him in December.

She also shared an endless array of photos of her and her grandkids because, well… need we really explain why?

Because they are positively adorable and she’s so very fortunate to live close by to both Jackson and Ember, the firstborn of Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff.

Just a few weeks ago, Amy was lucky enough to even be visited by Molly Roloff, who lives farther away and who does NOT want to appear on Little People, Big World.

But who remains close to her mother nonetheless.

Concluded Amy in her Mother’s Day-related caption:

If I wait and wait too long for a specific moment I may miss something wonderful. An ordinary moment of time that ended up being priceless.

Make time often to honestly let someone know, from the heart, they matter to you! They’re important in your world.

How about today?

I don’t know you but you matter to me from the support and encouragement I get from all of you all the time. Thank you.

Amy, of course, has often taken these words to heart when it comes to boyfriend Chris Marek.

She gushes about their romance on a near-daily basis, much to the surprising chagrin of some followers.

As we’ve documented far too many times, a handful of social media users out there think Marek is no good for Amy.

They think he’s a gold digger. Or that he isn’t very nice to Amy. Or that he’s gay.

But Amy just shrugs off these misguided complaints and follows her own advice; she makes sure Chris always knows that he matters to her.

“This guy is wonderful!” she wrote as a caption of a recent photo of him, prior to addressing her fans and adding:

“Thanks for being awesome fans and your support and encouragement here on my FB and IG. Keep smiling – you may help someone else want to smile too!”

Amen, Amy.



Thursday, March 29, 2018

Caroline Sunshine: From The Disney Channel to... The White House?!?

For the past several weeks, the Donald Trump administration has been under a set of storm clouds.

(Or Stormy clouds, some might say.)

But a bit of sunshine is officially on the way, news outlets surprisingly report. Literally!

That’s because Caroline Sunshine, a former Disney Channel star, is now a member of the White House press team.

The 22-year old recently worked as an intern at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue — but she’s best known to entertainment fans for having starred opposite Zendaya as Tinka Hessenheffer in Shake It Up, a Disney Channel series about teen dancers that ran from 2010 to 2013.

She was also in the 2010 movie Marmaduke, among other roles.

Said White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters to CNN in a statement about Sunshine:

“Caroline Sunshine was a White House intern. In college, she was involved with the American Enterprise Institute and an active member of her school’s Model United Nations team.

“Prior to her internship at the White House, Caroline interned for the Office of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the College Republican National Committee and the California Republican Party.”

In other words:

It makes sense that Caroline Sunshine would currently be trending because you don’t see this sort of career transition very often…

… but make no mistake:

She has earned her spot. She has experience.

Sunshine doesn’t exactly have the ear of President Donald Trump; not yet at least.

She works as a press assistant, whose main job is to provide administrative support for the entire White House communications department.

This includes press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (who has her own assistant), three deputy press secretaries and three assistant press secretaries.

The ex-actress is pretty far down on the administrative rung, but at least she’s starting to climb the ladder.

Here is a photo of Sunshine from her stint on the Disney Channel:

on disney

For the most part, press assistants send out White House news releases… wrangle the media, taking them from one event to another… and set up briefing calls.

Sunshine won’t have access to classified documents or anything, but she’ll play a role in making sure the White House machine continues to function everyday.

Caroline has not yet commented on her new role or on the attention she has received as a result of it.

Aside from the credits listed above, she has appeared in such films as The Outfield, Go Four Broke and Mommy, I Didn’t Do It.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Freddie Mitchell Agrees With T.O., Carson Wentz Is Better Than Donovan McNabb

Terrell Owens is absolutely right when he says Carson Wentz is better than Donovan McNabb … and that’s not us saying it, it’s another one of McNabb’s former targets, ex-Eagles wideout Freddie Mitchell.  You might remember, we got T.O.…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Grey"s Anatomy Season 13 Episode 24: A Fond Farewell To...

The doctor is out.

Probably forever.

On Grey’s Anatomy Season 13 Episode 24, fans were forced to say goodbye to yet another series regular on this beloved drama.

But this wasn’t a case of Katherine Heigl dissing the series and getting shown the door.

Or of Patrick Dempsey openly expressing his irritation with his role and getting killed off in violent fashion.

This time around, those who follow the show closely weren’t even surprised when Jerrika Hinton’s Stephanie made a declaration about her job and her future and how she needs to take a long break.

The actress had previously asked to be released from her contract after landing a starring role in Alan Ball’s new HBO drama series Here, Now.

And the request was gladly accepted by creator Shonda Rhimes, who released the following statement after the Grey’s Anatomy finale aired on Thursday night:

Actors evolve differently and when an actor like Jerrika comes to me and says she wants to try something new creatively, I like to honor that/

Jerrika has shared so much of herself with Stephanie and I am incredibly proud of the journey we’ve taken together.

While I’m sad to see Stephanie leave Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, I am excited to see what’s next for Jerrika.

For her final episode, Stephanie acted as a hero while a fire raged throughout the hospital.

She saved a young woman’s life and then collapsed in a heap from burns she suffered shortly afterward, telling Richard while being treated that something had to change for her.

“I need to travel and… explore… and hike… and breathe… away from the monitors and the blood,” Stephanie said, lying in a hospital bed and then telling her mentor:

“You changed my life, Dr. Webber. You taught me how to take my past and find my path. Thank you.”

Ball, who created True Blood for HBO, is coming out with a series that chronicles the Bishops, a multi-racial family made up of a philosophy professor father (Tim Robbins) and his lawyer wife (played by Holly Hunter).

The couple has adopted three children from Somalia, Vietnam and Colombia and also has a biological child.

Hinton will portray Ashley, one of the adopted children who is now the powerhouse behind an online fashion shopping site.

This character was was born in America to Somalian refugees and was taken in by the Bishops when her mom died and her dad was deported.

To see Hinton bid farewell to the show that made her famous, click below and watch Grey’s Anatomy online:

The series itself is still going strong.

It will kick off Season 14 in September and it has spawned an upcoming Grey’s Anatomy spinoff, one set in Seattle and focused on a group of firefighters.

What other major news did ABC announce this week about future programming?

Find out below!


Monday, May 15, 2017

JetBlue Kicks Family Off Flight Due to… Birthday Cake?!?

JetBlue has apparently grown sick and tired of every other airline making news over the past several weeks.

News for the wrong reasons, but still. News nonetheless.

Therefore, in light of United assaulting a customer, Delta showing a patron the door for using the bathroom and Virgin turning away a young cancer patient, JetBlue has gotten into the Awful PR Business for itself.

Here"s how…

On May 3, a family of four was traveling to New Jersey when they allegedly refused to move a birthday cake they brought on board out of the overhead bin.

Cameron Burke, his wife Minta and their two young kids were headed to a surprise party when the patriarch started filming an encounter between himself and police officers who were brought on board to confront him over the issue.

The father told ABC 7 that he moved the dessert item from an overhead bin to under the seat in front of him when asked, but that two flight attendants were still giving him a hard time over it.

"You know, you could see the gestures – then she was pointing to her, did you tell him he couldn’t put anything in the overhead compartment?,” Cameron said.

“I had approached them, and I said everything was fine, and she said, ‘Sir, this does not involve you.’

"When she told me I had been non-compliant, then I said, ‘Ma’am, had you been drinking?’ because her behavior was not normal."

The airline forced all passengers to deplane in light of this incident, with the Burkes told they could not get on the flight and given a refund instead.

According to JetBlue spokesperson Morgan Johnston, however, the Burkes are not victims here.

He says “the video circulating [below] does not depict the entire incident and only starts after the objectionable behavior occurred.”

The company claims Cameron refused numerous requests to take the cake out of an overhead bin which is reserved for safety equipment in case of an emergency.

"The customers became agitated, cursed and yelled at the crew, and made false accusations about a crewmember’s fitness to fly,” JetBlue said, adding:

“After the customers refused to speak with a team leader about the situation, the Port Authority Police Department was called and the entire aircraft deplaned.

"The Captain determined the customers’ behavior demonstrated a risk for additional escalation in air and would not be allowed to fly."

JetBlue noted that cakes are permitted onboard as long as they are within the carry-on size limits.

Minta, though, says she wants at least one of the flight attendants fired and that her children were left “traumatized” by what transpired.

Watch the viral footage below and try to draw your own conclusions:

Jetblue kicks family off flight due to dot dot dot birthday cake

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

People"s Magazine"s Most Beautiful Women: From Julia to... Julia!

These are the celebrities People Magazine has named Most Beautiful Woman each year since 2000.

Do you agree with the selections?

1. Julia Roberts People Cover

Julia roberts people cover

Julia Roberts was the Most Beautiful Woman in the World in 2000. Hard to argue with that selection, isn’t it?

2. Catherine Zeta-Jones People Cover

Catherine zeta jones people cover

In 2001, People dubbed Catherine Zeta-Jones the Most Beautiful Woman in the world. Well done to snag her, Michael Douglas!

3. Nicole Kidman People Cover

Nicole kidman people cover

Nicole Kidman was a clear-cut A-lister in 2002. And she was honored as such by People.

4. Halle Berry People Cover

Halle berry people cover

Man oh man. Has Halle Berry aged at all since she covered this magazine in 2003?????

5. Jennifer Aniston People Cover

Jennifer aniston people cover

Jennifer Aniston was the Most Beautiful Woman around in 2004. And she still is, many believe.

6. Julia Roberts Most Beautiful Cover

Julia roberts most beautiful cover

It’s Julia Roberts again! The actress nabbed the Most Beautiful Woman honor for the second time in 2005.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dick Vermeil: I"m Cool With T.O. Hall Snub ... He"s Paying For Being Obnoxious (VIDEO)

Dick Vermeil says Terrell Owens has one person to blame for being snubbed from the Hall of Fame again … himself … saying T.O. was “obnoxious” during his NFL career, and it’s costing him. We got Vermeil — who won a Super Bowl with the Rams in…
