Showing posts with label Obnoxious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obnoxious. Show all posts

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel Gets Bad Rap as Obnoxious Driver

The CEO of a company that begins with “Snap” is a wanted man by residents in a San Fernando Valley neighborhood because he’s terrorizing them with his driving … and they’ve wrongly targeted poor Evan Spiegel. The owner of this Lambo is being…


Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel Gets Bad Rap as Obnoxious Driver

The CEO of a company that begins with “Snap” is a wanted man by residents in a San Fernando Valley neighborhood because he’s terrorizing them with his driving … and they’ve wrongly targeted poor Evan Spiegel. The owner of this Lambo is being…


Saturday, November 11, 2017

George Lopez Booted from KISS Kruise Q&A for Being Obnoxious

George Lopez wanted to shout it out loud on stage with KISS, but the problem was band members were just trying to answer questions from fans … so George got the boot.  Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons and the fellas were doing a Q&A Thursday…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Louise Linton, Wife of Treasury Secretary, Slammed for Obnoxious Instagram Post

A new scandal is brewing in Washington D.C.

But this one has nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Instead, the wife of Trump‘s chosen Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, has sparked severe backlash after bragging in an Instagram post about her designer wardrobe …

… while stepping off a United States government plane.

Louise Linton, a 36-year-old Scottish-born actress, flaunted her very rich lifestyle in a message she shared yesterday, publishing a photo of herself and her husband after they and their plane touched down on a tarmac.

“Great #daytrip to #Kentucky!” she wrote in the photo’s caption, having just arrived from a day with Senator Mitch McConnell.

Linton then made sure to hashtag the labels she was wearing, including designers Tom Ford, Hermès, Valentino and Roland Mouret.

linton instagram

The citing of these designers didn’t sit well with Jenni Miller, a mother of three from Oregon who responded to Linton’s photo and accompanying caption as follows:

“Glad we could pay for your little getaway #deplorable.”

In reply to this critique, Linton lashed out at Miller, inciting a bit of class warfare in talking down to someone she assumes is far below her in status.

“Awe!!! Did you think this was a personal trip? Adorable! Do you think the US govt paid for our honeymoon or personal travel?! Lololol,” Linton wrote, before penning the sentence that really got her in trouble online:

“I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day ‘trip’ than you did.

“Pretty sure the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot more than you’d be willing to sacrifice if the choice was yours.”

It’s safe to assume that Linton and her husband pay more in taxes than Miller due to their top income bracket.

But many would argue it’s also safe to assume they can afford to do so, thanks to their multi-million dollar bank account.

Most annoyingly to Internet users, however, was the presumption that not only is Linton going through some kind of major “sacrifice” as a result of this tax burden… but that Miller would not do the same if she were also very well off.

Linton wasn’t done, either.

“Your kids look very cute. Your life looks cute,” she wrote in total condescension to Miller, adding:

“I know you’re mad but deep down you’re really nice and so am I. Sending me passive aggressive Instagram comments isn’t going to make life feel better.”

After getting roasted online for her responses, Linton went ahead and made her Instagram account private.

“If she hadn’t made her account private, I would have written back with a very snide Marie Antoinette joke,” Miller told the New York Times, noting that she thought Linton’s post was “wholly inappropriate.”

How come?

“I think my post was just five or six words, and she had to go on basically a rant about it to make herself look more important and look smarter, better, richer – all those things.”

It’s also worth asking:

What kind of person in general feels a need to alert the world about the designer clothes she’s wearing?

Let alone does so while walking off a government plane after, supposedly, conducting government business?!?


Friday, April 14, 2017

Obnoxious A-Hole Explains Why He"s Done Dating "Hot" Women, Gets Properly Crushed on Twitter

It’s time to say hello to Dan Rochkind.

And then it’s time to shower Dan Rochkind with some serious mockery and heavy bouts of vitriol.

A 40-year old private equity executive, Rochkind was featured in a recent New York Post article that was headline very simply:

Why I won’t date hot women anymore.

Talk about an explosive expose that had to be shared with the world, right?!?

In the piece, Rochkind explains that he’s dated around quite a bit, often having the pick of anyone he wanted.

“I met some nice people, but realistically I went for the hottest girl you could find,” explained the Upper East Side resident to the newspaper.

For most of last decade, he went on multiple dates per week, often seeking our blonde models before eventually realizing they actually weren’t very good people.

In his view, that is.

“Beautiful women who get a fair amount of attention get full of themselves,” Rochkind says, breaking out some violins for himself and adding:

“Eventually, I was dreading getting dinner with them because they couldn’t carry a conversation.”

So Rochkind says he switched gears, stopping courting bikini babes and started dating Carly Spindel.

The two got together in January of 2015 and are now engaged and in case you’re wondering how Spindel feels about being betrothed to a man who, implicitly, must not find her all that attractive…

… she actually contributed to the article! 

“When men get to a certain age, they realize that it’s important to meet a life partner that they connect with,” she says. “Looks fade.”

Carly was set up with Dan via her mother, who runs a professional matchmaking service.

She works as the Vice President for this company and agreed to marry Rochkind last May.

“[Carly] is a softer beauty, someone you can take home and cuddle with, and she’s very elegant,” Rochkind says of his fiancee, drawing a line between her and someone such as Gisele Bindchen.

“She’s 5-foot-2, so she can’t be a runway model, but I think she’s really beautiful and is prettier than anyone I’ve dated.”

So in other words… looks do matter to Rochkind still?

Why did The New York Post run a feature on this jerkoff? Probably to elicit the sort of attention we are now giving the piece.

Fortunately, however, social media has been quick to express its own harsh opinion of Rochkind and his attitude toward women.

Rochkind  and Spindel will get married in a ceremony at the Wölffer Estate Vineyard in the Hamptons this June because of course they will.

And Rochkind says he has no regrets.

“There’s something to be said about sowing your wild oats and getting them out of your system. You don’t want to be the first to leave the party, but you don’t want to leave the party too late either.

“Carly came at exactly the right time.”

Thank goodness she wasn’t too pretty, however.

Or else this romance never would have stood a chance.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dick Vermeil: I"m Cool With T.O. Hall Snub ... He"s Paying For Being Obnoxious (VIDEO)

Dick Vermeil says Terrell Owens has one person to blame for being snubbed from the Hall of Fame again … himself … saying T.O. was “obnoxious” during his NFL career, and it’s costing him. We got Vermeil — who won a Super Bowl with the Rams in…


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Justin Bieber Flips Out at Fans: You"re So Obnoxious!

Things just haven’t been going so well for poor little Justin Bieber lately, have they?

Well, they haven’t been going well for him for years now, but things have taken a weird turn in the past few months.

We first started getting concerned for JB when he made his Instagram account private.

Sure, it sounds like kind of a mild little thing, but he did it because his followers were attacking his then-girlfriend, Sophia Richie.

“I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand,” he wrote at the time.

“If you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.”

Now, that was fair — Justin has the right to make his Instagram account private if he wants to — but it’s strange because it seemed like Justin was starting to turn on his fans a little bit.

Why wouldn’t he just ignore the negative remarks? With all the thousands upon thousands of comments he gets, it would definitely be easy to do.

But then Justin put on that completely, hilariously absurd disguise last week in Germany, and everything started coming together.

Justin is really acting like he’s getting sick and tired of fame.

And he proved that at a concert on Monday when he got upset that his fans were cheering for him.

How dare they, right?

Justin stopped the concert and said “Can you guys do me a favor? Can you guys just relax for about two seconds?”

“I get it, I get it,” he said, “but I’m like two feet away from you. And I can hear you. I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way? Screaming is just so obnoxious.”

One might argue that Justin’s entire existence is “so obnoxious” and that he has little room to talk, but we digress.

Justin got himself some well-deserved boos, and he dug his douchey hole deeper.

“I get it, it’s been in our blood and it’s ingrained,” he said. “You go to a concert and you scream and stuff. But if you could just scream after the song, enjoy the song, and then take a chill pill for a second and listen to me speak.”

“I don’t feel like I’m being heard sometimes, and it gets a little frustrating. When I’m speaking, can you guys not scream at the top of your lungs?”

The thing is, though, that Justin is definitely being heard. His voice is heard all throughout the land, and that’s why so many people pay so much money to hear his voice.

If all these thousands of people paid their hard-earned money to see Justin, and if they’re so excited that they can’t help but scream, then wouldn’t that be a compliment?

And as long as Justin’s been touring now, wouldn’t he have gotten used to all those loud, rabid fans by now?

It just seems strange, that’s all.

And douchey. Definitely very douchey.


Friday, November 20, 2015

11 Of The Most Obnoxious Quotes From The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

When turning on an episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you have to be prepared for humble brags that will make you roll your eyes so far back, that your doctor will issue you a warning.

The amount of obnoxious quotes usually occurs at the beginning of each season, especially if new housewives are being introduced.  

As we imagine producers off-camera asking what said housewife does/who she"s married to, we braces ourselves for the name-dropping and net worth bombs that are coming our way.

Let"s look back at some of the most self-important, hoity-toity things the grand dames of BH of have ever said.

1. Camille Grammar Has Two Children

Camille grammar has a lot on her plate

“I have four nannies and they rotate.”

2. Kim Richards Was IT Once Upon a Time

Kim richards takes a breath

“I was not just a child actress. I was the ‘Disney Girl.’

3. Kyle Richards Requires Validation

Kyle richards gives the wide eye

“My husband is in real estate. Very high-end real estate.”

4. Taylor Armstrong Wishes For A Simpler Life (JK)

Taylor armstrong at rhobh reunion

“I’m almost envious, in some respect, of people who are content with living the middle-class lifestyle.”

5. Marisa Zanuck: The World Most Over-It Housewife

Marisa and dean zanuck

“I’m not saying he’s not sexy. It’s just that after having sex with him for 16 years, it’s like, it would be nice to have a change.”

6. Kyle Richards Pities Your Broken Marriage

Kyle richards is fed up

“I’m so in love with my husband and my family and the life we created, so if that happened to me, I don’t think I could go on.”

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