Showing posts with label Treasury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Treasury. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Gets a Bunch of Crap for Christmas

Treasury Sect’y Steve Mnuchin and wife Louise must have been naughty this year — as some say — because he didn’t even get coal for XMAS .. he got a package of s***. The Mnuchin’s have a home in Bel Air and law enforcement scrambled to his address…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Treasury Secretary"s Wife Louise Linton Accepts Backlash for "Out of Touch" Instagram Post

The wife of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin deserved to get eviscerated for bragging about her fabulous lifestyle … according to her. You’ll recall Louise Linton last month posted this photo on Instagram and littered it with hashtags…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Louise Linton, Wife of Treasury Secretary, Slammed for Obnoxious Instagram Post

A new scandal is brewing in Washington D.C.

But this one has nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Instead, the wife of Trump‘s chosen Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, has sparked severe backlash after bragging in an Instagram post about her designer wardrobe …

… while stepping off a United States government plane.

Louise Linton, a 36-year-old Scottish-born actress, flaunted her very rich lifestyle in a message she shared yesterday, publishing a photo of herself and her husband after they and their plane touched down on a tarmac.

“Great #daytrip to #Kentucky!” she wrote in the photo’s caption, having just arrived from a day with Senator Mitch McConnell.

Linton then made sure to hashtag the labels she was wearing, including designers Tom Ford, Hermès, Valentino and Roland Mouret.

linton instagram

The citing of these designers didn’t sit well with Jenni Miller, a mother of three from Oregon who responded to Linton’s photo and accompanying caption as follows:

“Glad we could pay for your little getaway #deplorable.”

In reply to this critique, Linton lashed out at Miller, inciting a bit of class warfare in talking down to someone she assumes is far below her in status.

“Awe!!! Did you think this was a personal trip? Adorable! Do you think the US govt paid for our honeymoon or personal travel?! Lololol,” Linton wrote, before penning the sentence that really got her in trouble online:

“I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day ‘trip’ than you did.

“Pretty sure the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot more than you’d be willing to sacrifice if the choice was yours.”

It’s safe to assume that Linton and her husband pay more in taxes than Miller due to their top income bracket.

But many would argue it’s also safe to assume they can afford to do so, thanks to their multi-million dollar bank account.

Most annoyingly to Internet users, however, was the presumption that not only is Linton going through some kind of major “sacrifice” as a result of this tax burden… but that Miller would not do the same if she were also very well off.

Linton wasn’t done, either.

“Your kids look very cute. Your life looks cute,” she wrote in total condescension to Miller, adding:

“I know you’re mad but deep down you’re really nice and so am I. Sending me passive aggressive Instagram comments isn’t going to make life feel better.”

After getting roasted online for her responses, Linton went ahead and made her Instagram account private.

“If she hadn’t made her account private, I would have written back with a very snide Marie Antoinette joke,” Miller told the New York Times, noting that she thought Linton’s post was “wholly inappropriate.”

How come?

“I think my post was just five or six words, and she had to go on basically a rant about it to make herself look more important and look smarter, better, richer – all those things.”

It’s also worth asking:

What kind of person in general feels a need to alert the world about the designer clothes she’s wearing?

Let alone does so while walking off a government plane after, supposedly, conducting government business?!?


Treasury Secretary"s Wife Louise Linton, Shame On You If You Don"t Own Hermes

She may be the most awful person in Washington, D.C., and there’s fierce competition for the title. Louise Linton, the actress/wife of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, went full-on Marie Antoinette, essentially telling people who don’t dress as…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Donald Trump Jr."s Daughter "Caught Stealing from Treasury Department" (PHOTO)

Donald Trump Jr. couldn’t contain himself … poking fun at the media while exaggerating his daughter’s trip to the Treasury Department. Donald Jr. posted a pic of 9-year-old daughter Kai holding stacks of money. He captioned it “Kai is…


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Shoelace White House Fence Jumper Strikes Again at Treasury Building

The woman who dangled from her shoelaces last week trying to jump the White House fence has struck again … this time gunning for a building about a football field away. Marci Anderson Wahl was arrested again early Sunday morning after successfully…
