Showing posts with label Properly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Properly. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Slammed For Failure to Properly Homeschool Kids!

The Duggars are obviously famous for their ability/willingness to have a whole lot of children, but they’re just as well known for their hands-on approach to parenting.

Each of the Duggar kids was homeschooled, and these days, they’re carrying that tradition on with their own kids.

Now, fans are wondering if the mother of two Jessa Duggar is up to the task of educating her sons herself.

That’s a video of 2-year-old Spurgeon that Jessa posted on Instagram earlier this week.

“One of the cousins must’ve been giving him lessons,” she captioned the clip.

Like everything the Duggars do, the photo has been scrutinized by fans, many of whom don’t like what they see.

Spurgeon is obviously doing an impressive job of identifying his shapes, but some of Jessa’s fans have taken issue with the lessons being taught to the boy.

The cousins that Jessa is referring to must be Josh Duggar’s kids, as none of the other children in the family are old enough for such an advanced lesson.

Josh’s oldest is 7, and fans have pointed out that he could use some work on his spelling and shape recognition.

(Like we said, this crowd loves to complain.)

“Impressed with Spurgeon’s memory!  But you might want to review octagons and hexagons with his big cousin,” tweeted one fan.

Others commented that there are several misspellings on the board, and none of the adults have stepped in to point out the errors.

“Shaps? Interesting that it has NOT been corrected. Do they believe it is correct?” commented one Instagram user.

Obviously, this is nit-picking of the highest order, and fans shouldn’t be so critical of a couple of kids playing school.

At the same time, however, since the Duggars homeschool their kids, it is their responsibility to ensure they’re not being misinformed.

Most parents could just laugh and walk away from a scene like the one in Jessa’s video, knowing their kids would eventually learn their shapes and spelling in school.

Unfortunately, Jessa doesn’t have that luxury.

Homeschooling is a massive responsibility, and since it’s rare to see a member of the Duggar family reading a book that’s not the Bible, fans will always wonder if the parents are doing right by their kids in keeping them out of school.

Of course, within her family, Jessa’s teaching abilities are being universally praised:

“Spurgeon went 7 for 7. My best was 5 for 7. He’s a genius!” tweeted Jinger’s husband, Jeremy Vuolo.

Clearly, Jeremy is kidding … we think.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Obnoxious A-Hole Explains Why He"s Done Dating "Hot" Women, Gets Properly Crushed on Twitter

It’s time to say hello to Dan Rochkind.

And then it’s time to shower Dan Rochkind with some serious mockery and heavy bouts of vitriol.

A 40-year old private equity executive, Rochkind was featured in a recent New York Post article that was headline very simply:

Why I won’t date hot women anymore.

Talk about an explosive expose that had to be shared with the world, right?!?

In the piece, Rochkind explains that he’s dated around quite a bit, often having the pick of anyone he wanted.

“I met some nice people, but realistically I went for the hottest girl you could find,” explained the Upper East Side resident to the newspaper.

For most of last decade, he went on multiple dates per week, often seeking our blonde models before eventually realizing they actually weren’t very good people.

In his view, that is.

“Beautiful women who get a fair amount of attention get full of themselves,” Rochkind says, breaking out some violins for himself and adding:

“Eventually, I was dreading getting dinner with them because they couldn’t carry a conversation.”

So Rochkind says he switched gears, stopping courting bikini babes and started dating Carly Spindel.

The two got together in January of 2015 and are now engaged and in case you’re wondering how Spindel feels about being betrothed to a man who, implicitly, must not find her all that attractive…

… she actually contributed to the article! 

“When men get to a certain age, they realize that it’s important to meet a life partner that they connect with,” she says. “Looks fade.”

Carly was set up with Dan via her mother, who runs a professional matchmaking service.

She works as the Vice President for this company and agreed to marry Rochkind last May.

“[Carly] is a softer beauty, someone you can take home and cuddle with, and she’s very elegant,” Rochkind says of his fiancee, drawing a line between her and someone such as Gisele Bindchen.

“She’s 5-foot-2, so she can’t be a runway model, but I think she’s really beautiful and is prettier than anyone I’ve dated.”

So in other words… looks do matter to Rochkind still?

Why did The New York Post run a feature on this jerkoff? Probably to elicit the sort of attention we are now giving the piece.

Fortunately, however, social media has been quick to express its own harsh opinion of Rochkind and his attitude toward women.

Rochkind  and Spindel will get married in a ceremony at the Wölffer Estate Vineyard in the Hamptons this June because of course they will.

And Rochkind says he has no regrets.

“There’s something to be said about sowing your wild oats and getting them out of your system. You don’t want to be the first to leave the party, but you don’t want to leave the party too late either.

“Carly came at exactly the right time.”

Thank goodness she wasn’t too pretty, however.

Or else this romance never would have stood a chance.
