Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotes. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Meek Mill Quotes Bruce Springsteen to Get Dropped from Wrongful Death Suit

Meek Mill is tossing The Boss, Bruce Springsteen, under the bus in an effort to get dropped from a wrongful death lawsuit. Meek filed new docs in the suit brought by the families of 2 men killed last December outside a show he did in…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Quotes Jay Z, Threatens NRA in Bizarre, Rambling "Apology"

Well… this is one way to deal with sexual harassment allegations.

On Thursday afternoon, The New York Times published a bombshell article in which it quoted multiple women who claimed Harvey Weinstein took advantage of them in various inappropriate ways.

According to this report, the veteran film producer has settled eight separate sexual misconduct claims over the years.

Ashley Judd is among the women who have issued complaints against Weinstein.

She’s now on record as saying Weinstein answered his hotel room door in 1997, while Judd was shooting the movie Kiss the Girls, and asked if he could either massage her or if she would watch him take a shower.

We know, right? EWWWWW.

In response to this multitude of claims against him, Weinstein basically acknowledged his many decades’ worth of lewd behavior.

“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it,” he said, adding at the time:

“Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”

Fair enough, we guess.

What else could he really say in the face of these allegations?

We now have the answer.

In a follow-up statement, clearly written without the help of a publicist, Weinstein opened by blaming the era in which he started his career for how he acted toward the opposite sex.

“I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then,” the producer said.

“I have since learned it’s not an excuse, in the office – or out of it. To anyone.”

Okay, fine. 

If Weinstein had stopped there, we wouldn’t even be writing this right now.

But he didn’t stop there.

“Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go. That is my commitment,” he added.

“My journey now will be to learn about myself and conquer my demons. Over the last year I’ve asked Lisa Bloom to tutor me and she’s put together a team of people.

“I’ve brought on therapists and I plan to take a leave of absence from my company and to deal with this issue head on. I so respect all women and regret what happened.”

For the record, Lisa Bloom is a lawyer who specializes in representing celebrities seeking some kind of payday.

She sat alongside Blac Chyna this summer, for example, during her revenge porn case against Rob Kardashian.

It’s unclear how she has been acting as a “tutor” to Weinstein.

Weinstein then wrote this:

Jay Z wrote in 4:44 “I’m not the man I thought I was and I better be that man for my children.”

The same is true for me. I want a second chance in the community but I know I’ve got work to do to earn it.

For the record: Jay Z did not rap these words.

What he did rap was this:

“And if my children knew/I don’t even know what I would do/If they ain’t look at me the same/I would prob’ly die with all the shame.”

From there, Weinstein – inspired, we suppose, by this week’s Las Vegas shooting – turned his attention to… the National Rifle Assocation?


“I’ve decided that I’m going to give the NRA my full attention. I hope Wayne LaPierre will enjoy his retirement party.

“I’m going to do it at the same place I had my Bar Mitzvah. I’m making a movie about our President, perhaps we can make it a joint retirement party.”

Finally, after touting his progressive bona fides in this manner, Weinstein wrapped it up.

“One year ago, I began organizing a $ 5 million foundation to give scholarships to women directors at USC,” he wrote, concluding:

“While this might seem coincidental, it has been in the works for a year. It will be named after my mom and I won’t disappoint her.”

We’ve got a feeling it’s way too late for that.

Mrs. Weinstein is likely quite disappointed in her son already.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

14 Stunning Caitlyn Jenner Quotes from Her Memoir

Caitlyn Jenner says she doesn"t really talk to the Kardashians anymore.

And the Kardashians have said they don"t really want to talk to Caitlyn, either, mostly due to things she wrote about herself and her family in her new memoir, "The Secrets of My Life."

With this book making many headlines and stirring up quite a few controversies, we bought ourselves a copy and jotted down the most revealing Caitlyn Jenner quotes, stories and revelations.

Scroll through each below…

1. She tried on her mom’s dresses as a child

She tried on her moms dresses as a child

“Even then, I felt the sense of freedom that I would experience 30 or 40 years later in hotel rooms and lobbies.”

2. Following the 1976 Olympics, Jenner dressed in drag for a skit on a Bob Hope special

Following the 1976 olympics jenner dressed in drag for a skit on

“I have to be careful not to show too much enthusiasm, so I play it cool, guy’s guys dressing up like a woman… Our wigs and dresses are purposely ridiculous. But the red heels I think not only look good on me but also fit, so I steal them after the show.”

3. He came out to his first wife by accident

He came out to his first wife by accident

“I told Chrystie in 1973 about my gender issues. It wasn’t by choice: she was putting clothes away and noticed a rubber band on one of the hooks of her bra. When she asked me about it, my first response was noncommittal.”

4. Her marriage to second wife, Linda, ended when she caught him in women’s clothing

Caitlyn jenner on the couch

“In that room I felt she was revolted by me. I know she did not mean to, but her reaction was my greatest fear realized.”

5. A friend once spotted Caitlyn, dressed in drag while driving his Porsche, forcing Jenner to say he was wearing a costume for Halloween

Caitlyn jenner in golf cart

“I’m driving on Santa Monica Boulevard… and am at a stoplight when my next-door neighbor pulls up to me. I can tell he is surprised… it was a close call.”

6. She uses households items to help her look more feminine, such as when it comes to sticking her wig on tightly

Caitlyn jenner for america

“There is only one drawback to Krazy Glue: it can sometimes stick to your skin so much that it takes a little piece of skin with it when you pull it off.”

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

14 Best Lisa Vanderpump Quotes... Ever!

When it comes to reality stars, Lisa Vanderpump is one of the most quotable out there.. 

She never hesitates to share her two cents about, well, anything, and she"s genuinely witty!

Whether she"s bickering with her co-stars on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, or giving her staff members the pink slip on Vanderpump Rules, she"s incredibly entertaining.. 

Scroll down for some of best quotes… ever!

1. The LVP

Lisa vanderpump calls it like it is

LVP has no compunction with laying down the law. It’s great.

2. LVP Likes Wine

Lisa vanderpump enjoys wine

LVP has a way with words and manages to make anything funny.

3. She LOVES Dogs

Lisa vanderpump propositions a golden retriever gif

LVP likes dogs… a little too much.

4. Best Boss Ever?

Lisa vanderpump jokes about walking around naked in heels

Lisa likes heads to turn when she speaks.

5. On Swallowing

Lisa vanderpump im not good at swalloing things

LVP is not the best at swallowing.

6. The P—Y Comment

Lisa vanderpump im going to take my p y to the bathroom gif

Reunion tapings are a drag, but LVP brightens them up.

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: 25 Quotes to Honor an Icon

May Martin Luther King Jr. rest in peace.

In honor of his passing and, of course, in honor of his inspiring life, here is a rundown of King"s most motivational and important quotes.

Consider how you can apply each one to your time on Earth…

1. I Have a Dream …

Mlk photo

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by…

2. The Meaning of Life

Mlk photo

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

3. Truth

Mlk photo

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is…

4. Love

Mlk photo

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

5. Hate

Mlk photo

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

6. Genuine Leadership

Mlk photo

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.

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Friday, December 9, 2016

The 37 Dumbest Farrah Abraham Quotes of All Time (#7 is Epic)

Of all the celebs we cover here at THG, Farrah Abraham stands out as the young woman who always comes up with the best quotes.

And by best, we obviously kind of mean the worst.

Or both? It"s all subjective, honestly. If you listen to Farrah ramble, rant, reflect or ruminate on something, you know what we mean.

There is perhaps no single more predictable thing in the celebrity gossip world than Abraham running her mouth and generating headlines.

So in celebration of this ongoing, amazing fact …

Here are some of the most memorable (no dispute about that), and usually dubious (or that), things the Teen Mom star has ever said.

From her younger daze to this week"s Teen Mom OG reunion fight seen around the world, these pearls of wisdom are second to none.

And yes, these quotes are all real.

1. Grab Life By the P–sy!

Farrah abraham supports donald trump photo

“Should we have the first business man in history for president or should we have first women in history for president? For my daughter,…

2. Just a Cut Above

Farrah abraham boy bye

“I get better treatment because I’m a hardworking business mogul and amazing mother who holds herself with respect and keeps production…

3. I Love You, But STFU

Farrah abraham in a white dress photo

“I love all of you people, I don’t give two drops of dried up pigeon sh-t on concrete how you feel about me.” – Farrah’s kind words for…

4. Not a Real Friend, But …

Farrah abraham pre fight

“If I’m the only one that’s going to be honest and up front and give a real s–t about someone, I guess you can call me hateful, I’m…

5. High Road? Taken.

Farrah vs amber

“Look, I don’t make anyone run out there. I’m not going to play the high school game of ‘let me beat your ass.’ That’s where [my…

6. Better Off Alone!

Farrah abraham in a pink dress photo

“I have a better life without them in my life. Even though I’m much separate and apart from them, they keep including themselves and…

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Philadelphia 76ers -- Hilariously Butcher "Rocky" Quotes ... "Yooo Adrian!!!!!" (VIDEO)

Mick … and Adrian … and Paulie … and Apollo might ALL be rolling in their graves after this — ‘cause here are a bunch of the Philadelphia 76ers doing “Rocky” quotes — and it’s so bad, it’s good.  Jahlil Okafor, Joel Embiid, Nik…


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

35 Top Farrah Abraham Quotes in the History of Human Civilization

Of all the celebs we cover here at THG, Farrah Abraham stands out as the young woman who always comes up with the best quotes.

And by best, we obviously kind of mean the worst.

Or both? It"s all subjective, honestly. If you listen to Farrah ramble, rant, reflect or ruminate on something, you know what we mean.

There is perhaps no single more predictable thing in the celebrity gossip world than Abraham running her mouth and generating headlines.

So in celebration of this ongoing, amazing fact …

Here are some of the most memorable (no dispute about that), and usually dubious (or that), things the Teen Mom star has ever said.

And yes, these quotes are all real.

1. Raped By Uber

Farrah abraham speaks to reporters at the 2016 mtv movie awards

“An Uber driver almost raped me, so I don’t know about Uber … I felt like I was getting raped…I felt like I almost got raped. You’re…

2. F–kin’ Monkey

Farrah abraham and blac chyna

“F—kin monkey ewe s—t come up 4 what she is a nothing.” – Farrah going all racist, NSFW and nonsensical on Blac Chyna for no reason at all

3. Mom of the Year

Farrah abraham sophia

[On daughter Sophia] I have my own life and [I’m] doing [my] own thing. She has her own life and she does her own thing.

4. Sex Tape vs. Teen Mom

Farrah selfie

I think having a TV show that shows your personality and your intimate life, you know, showing your best friend, and then showing having…

5. The Tooth Fairy Brings BANK!

Farrah abraham sophia tooth

Loosing [sic] your teeth should be special, I like to add passion and something special to everything … These years are flying bye…

6. Dabbling with Businessmen

Farrah a

I say go where the getting is good. I’m not going to find such marriage material at a club. I do dabble with, like, some businessmen that…

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

20 Douchiest Gwyneth Paltrow Quotes in Human History

Gwyneth Paltrow.  The name is synonymous with "Privileged," which must give her license to say the most ridiculous, most obnoxious things in the world.

The Oscar winner and GOOP founder covers the May issue of SELF, which is apt given how much she talks about the organic, pristine, 24-carat life she enjoys.

Let"s take a gander at the droplets of wisdom and advice that absolutely no one can relate to.

1. Americans Are Gross

Gwyneth paltrow valentinos mirabilia romae haute couture collect

“We have great dinner parties at which everyone sits around talking about politics, history, art, and literature — all this peppered with really funny jokes. But back in America, I was at a party and a girl looked at me and said, ‘Oh, my God! Are those Juicy jeans that you’re wearing?’ and I thought, I can’t stay here. I have to get back to Europe.”

2. "I’d rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a tin."

Gwyneth paltrow rh modern gallery unveiling

Can’t you do both?

3. Listen To Your Friend, Beyonce

Gwyneth paltrow speaks at the 25th annual ema awards

“Beyoncé’s like, ‘Okay. The singing is great. But you’re not having any fun. She’s like, ‘Remember when we were at Jay’s concert and Panjabi MC comes on and you do your crazy Indian dance? Do that.”

4. Stop Projecting Your Poor-Person Sh** On Her

Gwyneth paltrow book signing at authors night for the east hampt

“My books are No. 1 New York Times best sellers, my website is growing every day and is very successful. If people who know me and love me have a criticism, then I really want to hear it. But if not, it’s just a projection, like I’m a screen, and it’s not about me, so I don’t absorb it.” (The Kit)

5. Do These Fries Make Me Look Fat?

Gwyneth paltrow the tonight show with jimmy fallon

“We basically can’t live without Vegenaise—it’s a little out of control.”

6. #ScienceTalk

Gwyneth paltrow at goops pop up show in la

“We’re human beings and the sun is the sun — how can it be bad for you? I think we should all get sun and fresh air. I don’t think anything that is natural can be bad for you — it’s really good to have at least 15 minutes of sun a day.” (Cosmo UK)

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20 Douchiest Gwyneth Paltrow Quotes in Human History

Gwyneth Paltrow.  The name is synonymous with "Privileged," which must give her license to say the most ridiculous, most obnoxious things in the world.

The Oscar winner and GOOP founder covers the May issue of SELF, which is apt given how much she talks about the organic, pristine, 24-carat life she enjoys.

Let"s take a gander at the droplets of wisdom and advice that absolutely no one can relate to.

1. Americans Are Gross

Gwyneth paltrow valentinos mirabilia romae haute couture collect

“We have great dinner parties at which everyone sits around talking about politics, history, art, and literature — all this peppered with really funny jokes. But back in America, I was at a party and a girl looked at me and said, ‘Oh, my God! Are those Juicy jeans that you’re wearing?’ and I thought, I can’t stay here. I have to get back to Europe.”

2. "I’d rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a tin."

Gwyneth paltrow rh modern gallery unveiling

Can’t you do both?

3. Listen To Your Friend, Beyonce

Gwyneth paltrow speaks at the 25th annual ema awards

“Beyoncé’s like, ‘Okay. The singing is great. But you’re not having any fun. She’s like, ‘Remember when we were at Jay’s concert and Panjabi MC comes on and you do your crazy Indian dance? Do that.”

4. Stop Projecting Your Poor-Person Sh** On Her

Gwyneth paltrow book signing at authors night for the east hampt

“My books are No. 1 New York Times best sellers, my website is growing every day and is very successful. If people who know me and love me have a criticism, then I really want to hear it. But if not, it’s just a projection, like I’m a screen, and it’s not about me, so I don’t absorb it.” (The Kit)

5. Do These Fries Make Me Look Fat?

Gwyneth paltrow the tonight show with jimmy fallon

“We basically can’t live without Vegenaise—it’s a little out of control.”

6. #ScienceTalk

Gwyneth paltrow at goops pop up show in la

“We’re human beings and the sun is the sun — how can it be bad for you? I think we should all get sun and fresh air. I don’t think anything that is natural can be bad for you — it’s really good to have at least 15 minutes of sun a day.” (Cosmo UK)

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Harry Styles Quotes Taylor Swift, Drives Internet Bonkers

Harry Styles doesn’t know about you.

But he’s feeling 22.

He’s apparently also feeling like messing with the emotions of millions of people around the world.

The handsome singer celebrated his 22nd birthday on Twitter today by writing the following message to followers:

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.”

That is a lyric, of course, from the Taylor Swift track “22.”

Swift and Styles were a semi-serious item for a few months back in 2012.

According to rumors and innuendo, Styles broke up with Swift because she was too prude. She then went on to allegedly write a song about him.

(The song was titled “Style,” so we can likely strike the word allegedly from that sentence.)

It’s been many years since Styles and Swift were in a relationship and each has since moved way on.

Taylor has been dating Calvin Harris since 2014, while it appears as if Styles is giving it to Kendall Jenner these days.

So we’re not really sure what prompted Styles to make this birthday reference. Let’s face it: he clearly knew the uproar that would follow on Twitter.

Is he just trolling Taylor?

Having a tiny bit of fun at her expense, considering the way she often has fun at the expense of her ex-boyfriends in her songs?


But whatever. It’s Harry’s birthday and he can have whatever kind of fun he wants to.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Rocks Cornrows, Quotes 2 Chainz

According to a recent report, Khloe Kardashian recently confronted Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna over their romance after catching them in her house.

And just in case it happens again, the reality star is now ready to throwdown with an especially intimidating new look.

Oh, yes, Khloe is back to rocking some cornrows!

In a new Instagram photo, Kardashian has put her shoulder-length blonde hair into this unique style, while also exposing her bare left shoulder and quoting a lyric from rapper 2 Chainz.

“You gettin mad. I’m gettin rich,” Khloe wrote, using a few words from the track “Watch Out,” whose music video was released this week.

Is Khloe making a reference here to the stunning Rob Kardashian-Blac Chyna relationship?

Is she telling the nauseating new couple that she’s all chill about their dalliance because she’s far more rich and famous than they’ll ever be?

We don’t know, but Khloe has definitely thrown some shade in her brother’s direction over the past few days.

As you can see above and below, Kardashian’s long-time hairstylist, Jen Atkin, also posted photos of her clie

What do you think of it?

Over the past several months, Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kylie Jenner have all sported cornrows at some point, though none has left them in for long.

When Kylie wore them last July, she sparked a racially-charged debate about whether or not it was appropriate for her to do so.

Scroll around below and decide which of these famous siblings looks best with this hairstyle: