Showing posts with label Paltrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paltrow. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Gwyneth Paltrow Sues I Was the Victim on Ski Slopes!!! And I Have Receipts

Gwyneth Paltrow‘s going on the attack against the guy who sued her over a ski incident, and says he has the story completely backwards … because SHE was the injured victim that day.
Gwyneth filed a countersuit against Terry Sanderson over their February 2016 run-in at Deer...
Gwyneth Paltrow Sues I Was the Victim on Ski Slopes!!! And I Have Receipts

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Gwyneth Paltrow Releases Goop Furniture Line

Gwyneth Paltrow seems to know a quartz egg for your vagina just isn’t for everyone — so instead, she’s Gooping up furniture, ‘cause we all need an indoor swing chair, right? Yeah, Gwyneth’s caught a lot of crap over the years for her Goop lists –…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Amber Rose: Gwyneth Paltrow F-cked Jay-Z, You Guys!

Becky with the Good Hair?

More like Famous Actress with the Haughy Attitude and Very Successful Lifestyle Website!

So says Amber Rose, at least.

In a surprise bombshell she decided to drop as a guest on a recent episode of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag’s podcast “Make Speidi Famous Again,” Rose has come out and said Gwyneth Paltrow slept with Jay-Z.

While Jay-Z was married to Beyonce.

As in, Paltrow is the infamous woman referred to in gossip circles as “Becky with the Good Hair.”

This was the moniker Beyonce herself gave her husband’s mistress in the 2016 track “Sorry,” in which she sang about Jay-Z’s infidelity and said:

He better call Becky with the good hair.

Ever since Beyonce sang these shocking words, the Internet has been obsessed with determine just who the heck came between her marriage to the dishonest rapper.

And Rose says it’s Paltrow!

“I definitely think that Gwyneth Paltrow is ‘Becky with the good hair … I feel like she’s the one who was, like, f—king Jay-Z,” Rose told Montag and Pratt this week.

What is her evidence for the affair?

Let’s just say it’s a tad bit flimsy.

“They were like friends, and then, like, you don’t see Gwyneth Paltrow with Beyoncé anymore,” Rose explained, adding in vague detail:

It just seems like she was the one that was f-cking Jay-Z, and now Gwyneth lost her husband, but like Beyoncé’s still with Jay.”

(For the record: Paltrow split from husband Chris Martin in 2014 and is now engaged to television producer Brad Falchuk.)

Is that really all you’ve got, Amber?

That Jay-Z and Beyonce used to be tight with the Iron Man actress and that’s no longer the case?

There’s practically more proof out there that OJ Simpson is Khloe Kardashian’s dad.

The most popular theory for the mistress in question’s identity has been fashion designer Rachel Roy, who is also rumored to be the catalyst for Solange Knowles’ 2014 Met Gala elevator fight with Jay-Z.

Awhile ago, Roy shared an Instagram photo with the caption “Good hair don’t care, but we will take good lighting, for selfies, or self truths, always. Live in the light #nodramaqueens.”

She posted this on the same day the “Sorry” was released.

However, Roy then tried to shoot down her self-created chatter, writing online later that same week:

“I want to put the speculation and rumors to rest. My Instagram post was meant to be fun and lighthearted, it was misunderstood as something other than that.

“There is no validity to the idea that the song references me personally. There is no truth to the rumors.”

Beyonce and Jay-Z remain together, the parents of three young kids, despite the latter’s infidelity.

He opened up about it this year to David Letterman.

“I want to have the emotional tools that it takes to keep my family together. And much like you, I have a beautiful wife who’s understanding and knew I’m not the worst of what I’ve done,” the rapper told the comedian, adding:

“We did the hard work of going to therapy and you know, we love each other, right? So we really put in the work.”

Elsewhere, Paltrow’s rep tells Us Weekly that this cheating allegation “is completely absurd and 100 percent false.”

Are you buying it?


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Oprah Tells Gwyneth Paltrow Why Harvey Weinstein Scandal was #MeToo Tipping Point

Oprah believes the #MeToo movement launched with vigor once Harvey Weinstein went down, because it proved sexual misconduct happens to famous women, too. O was the special guest on Gwyneth Paltrow’s debut episode of her “Goop” podcast…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Uses Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lawrence in Lawsuit Defense

Harvey Weinstein wants one of the class action lawsuits against him dismissed, and says Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lawrence prove the case has some major holes. Weinstein filed docs responding to the suit … which claims he — along with the…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Gwyneth Paltrow & Brad Falchuk: Confirm Their Engagement in Goop!

Gwyneth Paltrow"s latest issue of Goop has something new — and no, it"s not yet another suggestion that readers stuff rocks up their vaginas for better sex.

Well, that might be in there too, for all we know. But the big story, as you"ll see in the video below, is …

Gwyneth Patlrow and Brad Falchuk confirm are confirming their engagement!

Gwyneth paltrow brad falchuk splitGwyneth paltrow and brad falchuk

Back in November, we told you that Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk are engaged.

Gwyneth Paltrow is, of course, a legendary actress who"s also more than dabbled in … what"s a nice word for quackery? Let"s go with "self-help" and "wellness," through her Goop magazine.

Brad Falchuk is an unnecessarily handsome writer who"s been a fellow creative and even co-creator on a number of Ryan Murphy projects, from Glee to Scream Queens to American Horror Story.

Their cozy romance has warmed even our cold hearts a time or two, including when Gwyneth and Brad showed off an actually good Halloween costume.

Couples costumes can say a lot about the couple themselves.

Gwyneth paltrow getting ready

When we reported that the couple was engaged, that was a little over a month ago and it was based upon, well, other reports.

They hadn"t made an official announcement.

Now, though, Gwyneth and Brad have come forward with an official announcement: they"re engaged.

They made their announcement in the newest issue of Goop, because of course they did.

Good Morning America reported the couple"s statement.

"We feel incredibly lucky to have come together at this juncture in our lives, when our collective successes and failures can serve as building blocks for a healthy and happy relationship."

Gwyneth paltrow halloween costume spoils se7en

That statement is almost normal for Gwyneth.

Compared to her "conscious uncoupling" from ex, Chris Martin, it sounds like what a non-bonkers person would say in their announcement.

(Though we wonder if there"s some sort of special, weird, New Age significance to "juncture in our lives" and "building blocks" but … let"s try to give them the benefit of the doubt)

As a public figure, Gwyneth is often disliked by people who are tired of her Goop.

(She thinks people only dislike her because she"s a woman, but misogyny is, for once, not the primary source of ire)

But she must be very likable in person, because Brad Falchuk"s clearly fallen for her.

(No, we don"t just think that he"s there for the great, Goop-approved anal sex)

Gwyneth paltrow no makeup instagram selfie

Gwyneth and Brad reportedly discussed the possibility of engagement for at least a year before they decided to actually take that step.

It"s so good that they decided to wait. A lot of people fall in love and think that it"s forever, and rush into a doomed marriage.

But Gwyneth and Brad have both been in very lengthy relationships — and even marriages — before.

This isn"t their first rodeo, so they considered things carefully.

Brad falchuk image

And, as Good Morning America reveals, deciding that they should consciously couple was about one thing in particular.

.. Where to go out to dinner?

Well, more accurately, about what sort of things they can see themselves arguing about when they"re 90.

Which they imagine will still be about where to go out for dinner.

We hope that things go well for them. Sometimes, what"s a playful argument during your first few years of a relationship can grow old and bitter when you"re decades older.

Gwyneth paltrow and brad falchuk confirming their engagement in

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk: Engaged!

Gwyneth Paltrow and boyfriend Brad Falchuk have been going strong for a few years, now. Their Halloween costumes this year were actually good and they make a genuinely cute couple.

Well, they’re taking things to the next level.

One might say that the two of them are “consciously coupling.”

Well … Gwyneth might say that, anyway, after her infamous “consciously uncoupling” breakup line when she and Chris Martin split.

But there’s some very good news in Gwyneth’s personal life.

Gwyneth is an actress. She’s a beautiful woman. She also happens to own a magazine that tells women to shove rocks up their vaginas for better sex.

Brad Falchuk is perhaps a little less well-known, but his name is probably familiar at the very least.

He’s been a co-creator and/or writer on just about every big Ryan Murphy project for a while now, from Glee to Scream Queens to American Horror Story.

(Falchuk is a good-looking guy and you’d think that he’d be an actor, but half of the pictures of him make him look alarmed and bewildered. Some people do their best work off of the screen)

The two met back in 2014 on the set of Glee.

They didn’t go public with their relationship until 2015. They attended the screening of Scream Queens together, openly dating, and even posted a couples selfie to Instagram.

Well, now they’re doing much more than just going public.

Us Weekly reports that multiple sources have confirmed to them that Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk are engaged.

One of Us‘ insiders says that the couple has been discussing the possibility of engagement for over a year.

“They both knew it would happen, but it wasn’t a big thing to them because they were both in long marriages before. There wasn’t a rush”

In fact, both Gwyneth and Brad have two children, each, from previous marriages.

They knew that they had more than just themselves to consider. It’s good that they took their time.

Of course, Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk haven’t officially announced their engagement just yet.

The fact that the news has broken might rush things along a little, but it sounds like Gwyneth has a plan.

The couple has reportedly already taken engagement photos, and Gwyneth plans to put them up on her website for the big announcement.

With Gwyneth, there’s no way of knowing when “the right time” might be. It might be after they’ve told all family members. It might be based on, like, quasi-spiritual “medical” advice.

And speaking of the load of Goop that Gwyneth likes to share, let’s remember what Brad Falchuk is marrying into.

Gwyneth has been something of a controversial figure in recent years.

And while Gwyneth thinks that people only hate her because she’s a woman, we have to say that there’s more than misogyny at work.

It’s … well, some people think that she’s about as out-of-touch with the real world as Mitt Romney or Lucille Bluth.

She also, again, puts out a newsletter called Goop that encourages practices that are not recommended by doctors.

Like, again, stuffing a rock up your vagina to allegedly improve your sex life.

(Fair warning, rocks are porous and this could lead to an infection)

But if Brad Falchuk’s willing to accept the good with the bad, then good for the two of them.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow: Her Halloween Costume is Actually Good!

Drop what you’re doing and look at Gwyneth Paltrow’s Halloween costume. No, we’re not kidding.

If you haven’t seen the box office-topping 1995 crime-thriller, Se7en, then … well, beware. 22-year-old spoilers around.

Regardless, you need to see this.

Again, Gwyneth’s costume contains a movie spoiler, so be warned.

Though, to be fair, this particular movie spoiler is from 1995 and is old enough to drink.

We can talk about why it’s funny and why people don’t really root for Gwyneth’s costumes to be great in a moment.

But … you deserve to see this photo.

Twitter funny-man Patrick Monahan (not the guy from Train) tweeted: 

“It is with a heavy heart that I report that Gwyenth Paltrow’s Halloween costume owns.”

It is with similarly heavy hearts that we must absolutely confirm this.

Just look:

(The unnecessarily handsome guy with her is her boyfriend, Brad Falchuk, whose writing projects include … most of the stuff that you know Ryan Murphy for)

Okay, so, if you immediately got this, good for you and for your ’90s movie memory.

If not, let us refresh your memory.

(Or, again, potentially spoil a pretty epic crime thriller for you)

Way back in the year 1995, Gwyneth Paltrow was in Se7en alongside then-boyfriend Brad Pitt.

(And Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey)

Well, at the end, Gwyneth’s character’s head ends up in a box. The question “what’s in the box” comes up among the characters, and the answer was … yeah. Super unpleasant.

It’s a very famous scene and Gwyneth’s costume being a callback to it is great and shows a better sense of humor than most people imagine her having.

As for the reason that people don’t necessarily root for Gwyneth Paltrow to do things that are funny or likeable, well …

Normally, this would be because of overexposure.

Like, people get sick of a star being everywhere, so they decide to hate them.

Either something comes up (like a minor scandal) and people use it as an excuse to turn their resentment at seeing a celebrity everywhere into hate, or … people just hate them anyway.

In Gwyneth’s case, though … there might be some elements of overexposure or whatever.

But a lot of people are tired of her and her Goop.

Contrary to what she thinks, people don’t just hate her because she’s a woman, but because she peddles “alternative remedies” that have been famously blasted by doctors as ineffective and even dangerous.

Please go to real doctors instead of sticking rocks up your vaginas, folks.

Because of that and the way that Gwyneth talks — talking about “consciously uncoupling” because apparently “breakups” are too pedestrian or mainstream or whatever — she can really rub people the wrong way.

It’s nice and refreshing to see her displaying a down-to-earth sense of humor.

There are other famous films with famous spoilers that actors could potentially parody as Halloween costumes.

One that comes to mind is the spoiler from The Usual Suspects, though hopefully Kevin Spacey will just stay home this Halloween, considering the circumstances.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s controversies are much less serious, though.

It’s nice to see this side of Gwyneth every now and then.

Because she’s usually so full of … Goop.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow Spoils Ending of "Se7en" with Head-in-Box Halloween Costume

If you’re reading this, it’s too late to not know Gwyneth Paltrow loses her head in the movie ”Se7en” … but it’s not too late to get a kick out of her Halloween costume. Gwyneth posted a photo Sunday of her costume this year — and it’s a…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow Out in Public After Harvey Weinstein Accusation

Gwyneth Paltrow faced her demon head-on, and she’s not hiding after publicly blasting Harvey Weinstein for sexually harassing her. Gwyneth was out Thursday in Santa Monica, heading to a meeting. It’s the first time we’ve seen…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow Claims Harvey Weinstein Made Moves on Her and Brad Pitt Confronted Him

Gwyneth Paltrow says Harvey Weinstein got sexually aggressive with her and her then-boyfriend Brad Pitt confronted the movie mogul. Gwyneth told the New York Times the incident happened in the mid-’90s when she was 22 years old. Weinstein had just…


Gwyneth Paltrow Claims Harvey Weinstein Made Moves on Her and Brad Pitt Confronted Him

Gwyneth Paltrow says Harvey Weinstein got sexually aggressive with her and her then-boyfriend Brad Pitt confronted the movie mogul. Gwyneth told the New York Times the incident happened in the mid-’90s when she was 22 years old. Weinstein had just…


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow Accused By NASA of Selling Fraudulent "Wellness Stickers" on Goop

Gwyneth Paltrow is being called out by NASA for scamming her Goop customers with “wellness stickers.” Go to the Goop website and you’ll find a pitch for “a crystalline, carbonized radio-frequency material” made from spacesuits.  Gwyneth claims…


Gwyneth Paltrow Accused By NASA of Selling Fraudulent "Wellness Stickers" on Goop

Gwyneth Paltrow is being called out by NASA for scamming her Goop customers with “wellness stickers.” Go to the Goop website and you’ll find a pitch for “a crystalline, carbonized radio-frequency material” made from spacesuits.  Gwyneth claims…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow: People Only Hate Me Because I"m a Woman!

Imagine how blissful it must be to as devoid of self-awareness as a celebrity.

But surely no celebrity outside of the Church of Scientology is as consciously uncoupled from reality as Gwyneth Paltrow.

In Gwyneth Paltrow’s interview about media backlash with Life & Style, she shows just enough awareness to know that peopla are critical of her.

“People were fine with me as an actress, but with Goop it was like, ‘Stay in your lane,"” she laments.

“Women in general get a lot of pushback, especially if you’re successful and attractive. …”

Oh, boy, now we’re in stars-calling-themselves-attractive territory.

The thing is that it’s fine — if you’ve got it, feel free to own up to how hot you are.

But clearly Gwyneth feels self-conscious about that admission, because she quickly tries to cover for it.

“I’m not saying I’m attractive. I mean when you’re considered attractive.”


If you work it enough, you can make sense even out of Gwyneth Paltrow’s rambling nonsense.

First of all, there’s her beauty. Let’s get that out of the way.

Yes, she’s beautiful. She’s not, contrary to what certain magazines would have you believe, the most beautiful woman in the world.

That would be, like, Nina Dobrev, or Ashley Graham, or Candice Patton, or Victoria Justice — the list of more reasonable candidates goes on.

We have the same beef with “Sexiest Man Alive” every single year.

They just take a group of A-Lister names and draw one from a hat, as if words like “beautiful” and “sexy” have no real meanings.

But the real point of what she’s saying is that people are hating on her because she’s a woman.

A successful woman, specifically.

And a beautiful one.

Which is probably something that long-suffering friends have reassuringly told her while their eyes bulge into their wine after listening to the latest snake oil that she’s been peddling on her site.

Which is why she never learns.

Yeah, misogyny is a pernicious element in every level of our society, but let’s not pretend that it’s behind this particular criticism.

She’s getting so much flack because it’s exactly what she deserves for the famously ridiculous things that she says and for the absurd products that she promotes.

Let’s see, there was the time that Gwyneth seemed to celebrate Trump.

Because when you have so much wealth and privilege that political realities don’t touch you, we guess that having a malignant cheeto in office is just “interesting.”

She’s probably “fascinated” by American’s conscious uncoupling from its allies and former standing in the world, huh?

And that barely scratches the surface on her, um, questionable statements.

Before there were viral stories of doctors advising people with vaginas to not insert wasp nests, there was Gwyneth Paltrow suggesting that women stuff their vaginas with rocks.

Medical science doesn’t generally recommend that.

Doctors also tend to advise against Gwyneth’s fondness for vaginal steaming, and we cannot believe that it takes doctors to tell her or anyone that boiling water vapor and genitals shouldn’t mix.

Basically, she’s just selling people a load of goop and acting like that makes her some sort of enlightened guru.

Gwyneth cannot stop herself from saying ridiculous and super douchey things, because she has no idea how she sounds.

And that is why people can’t stand her.

Not because she’s a woman.

Not because she’s successful.

Because she’s over-the-top, out-of-touch, and generally obnoxious.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow: Shove Rocks in Your Vagina to Get Better at Sex!

Gwyneth Paltrow is just brimming with ideas.

The problem is, most of them involve your vagina, and are terrible.

You have thought it couldn’t get any worse than Paltrow’s tips on steam-cleaning your vadge. You were wrong…

Unless you have some very unusual bedroom kinks, or you happen to be Lena Dunham’s little sister, you’ve probably never given much thought to filling your nether regions with rocks.

Gwyneth would like to change that.

But of course, she’d like you to buy some overpriced crap from her ridiculous website first.

Specifically, she’d like you to shell out $ 66 for a jade egg that you will then slip into your va-jay-jay to enhance your lady powers.

The entire article about why you should pack your genitals full of shiny stones is worth reading but the highlight has to be the hard sell, in which whatever intern is being paid p–sy eggs fills you in on the benefits

Fans say regular use increases chi, orgasms, vaginal muscle tone, hormonal balance, and feminine energy in general.

The post goes on to instruct:

“Please be sure to follow the instructions included with your egg.”

We doubt any of you are actually planning to buy the egg, but if you do, WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO HEED THAT ADVICE.

If you start 2017 by having to get a jade egg extracted from your hoo-hah, there’s almost no way for the year to redeem itself from there.

What 2016 did to our celebrity population 2017 might do to your dignity, ya know?

Normally, we’d encourage you to DIY it instesd of dropping 70 bones on a piece of polished rock, but there are so many things that can go wrong there, and we don’t need that on our conscience.

Unlike Gwinnie, we’re not getting rich off advising you to do dumb things to your private parts.

But hey, if you give this thing a shot, drop us a line and let us know how it went.

We promise to admire your bravery in addition to bemoaning your stupidity.

For those about to rock, we salute you.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Gwyneth Paltrow: I"m a Role Model For Divorce!

Anything you can do, Gwyneth Paltrow can do better. 

Well, that’s kind of what Gwyneth seems to think about everything.

Her latest example of that centers on how she and Chris Martin handled their divorce. 

There’s no denying that the pair were pretty cool about the way it was handled.

I mean, usually when celebrities find themselves divorcing, they take to social media to trash the other. 

That’s sort of what happens in the celebrity world. Paltrow revealed to InStyle Magazine that she still maintains a very good relationship with Chris. 

“He’s at my house every single day. We have our own lives, but we still have our family life.”

She continued, “To this day, Chris would take a bullet for me, even though I’m not his wife. I honestly think Chris and I have contributed something positive to the culture of divorce.”

It’s great for the kids that their parents are managing to get along.

All too often, the children are affected the most when their parents split up. 

However, going as far as implying she’s a role model for divorce is a bit of a stretch, but what else can we expect from the woman who seems to think she’s the best thing since sliced bread?

Another talking point for the GOOPster centered on how much critics hate on her beloved website that sells a variety of products for heavily inflated prices. 

“It used to be that I would talk about something or write about it, and people would be like, ‘What the f - - k is she talking about? She’s a witch!’ And then later on it would sort of catch on . . . I’m like, this is my role. I’m here to do this. A friend told me if you’re a trailblazer, you’re the first one through and you get the cuts because you’re hacking the path.”

Yeah, it caught on alright. 

Maybe she talks delusional all the time. Chances are that without her privileged upbringing, she would not have the website and we probably would not even be reporting on her. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Chris Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow -- We May Be Divorced, But We"re Still a Loving Family (PHOTO)

Sometimes pictures tell life stories, and this one sure does. Gwyneth Paltrow posted this pic of ex-hubby Chris Martin hugging 10-year-old Moses, adding, “Here’s to reunions, togetherness, family, and love love love. Happy thanksgiving eve,…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gwyneth Paltrow: I"m SO EXCITED About Donald Trump!

Gwyneth Paltrow has officially lost our vote for “reasonable human.” 

JK, LOL, she never had it. 

But especially now, after Page Six released details about her speech at the Airbnb Open conference this past Saturday emerged, we’re revoking her card permanently. 

About President-elect Donald Trump, Paltrow said, “It’s such an exciting time to be an American because we are at this amazing inflection point.”

“People are clearly tired of the status quo, and … it’s sort of like someone threw it all in the air and we’re going to see how it all lands.”

“It’s very important for me, personally, now more than ever, to create a community and to remember the humanity of everybody and to create love and understanding,” she continued.

About a post-election Trump America, Gwyn said, “The most amazing thing for me about this election is I felt … ‘I don’t understand the opposition well enough at all.’ “


“I’m not going to tell you what side I’m on, but my big takeaway was, ‘I really need to open my mind and understand better because I don’t. ‘ “

It’s apparent that she doesn’t understand much of anything when it comes to politics or, you know, humanity, or even life.

Why? Because when asked, as an ice-breaker, what two things a parent needs to travel with their children, she quipped, “Xanax and alcohol.” 

Excuse us, Gwyn; we’re just gonna go ahead and LOL all the way to the child services office in your our area. 

Then again, when has Gwyneth Paltrow ever been funny? 

Riddle us that. 

With stuff like this, it’s not hard to understand why everybody hates Gwyneth and puts her below even Chris Brown. 

Recently, Gwyn was under fire for stupid comments about Brangelina’s broken marriage, reportedly asserting that she could help counsel her ex or whatever, through this difficult time. 

Doesn’t Goopsy ever get sick of hearing herself talk? 

Because come on, we do. 

Stick to stripping in grocery stores, Gwyneth … and keep your stupid comments to yourself. 

Nobody needs to know what you think about Donald Trump, and especially when you think the way that you think about everything in life. 


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Gwyneth Paltrow: Does She Regret Consciously Uncoupling?

Gwyneth “GOOPSTER” Paltrow has a very important announcement to make.

The Oscar winner has said that if she had to do it all over again, she wouldn’t announce her divorce – nay – “conscious uncoupling” – on her lifestyle site, GOOP.

According to E! News, Paltrow was asked during a LinkedIn Q&A session if she’d address consciously uncoupling again like she did in 2014 when separating from Coldplay’s Chris Martin.

“That is a good question. Not in the same way,” Paltrow answered.

“It sort of wouldn’t be appropriate now. It is a much bigger business and I’m not sure it would be the right place to do something like that. I’m not sure. That’s a good question.”

Here’s where Paltrow becomes her infuriating self, referring to GOOP as more of a little, tiny posh village that wasn’t mainstream (it actually was, since it was the butt of First World Problem jokes ).

“At that time, goop wasn’t the size that it is now, there were a lot less people,” Paltrow explained.

“It was a very, very personal project for a long time and I wrote in the first person all the time, so it wasn’t like a break.”

“Now if you read the content, it is not in the first person anymore,” Paltrow continued.

“At the time, it was still very small and very personal. It was such a difficult time in my life and I was trying so hard to protect my children and my family, Chris included.

“We were both fragile. It was really tough.

“To me it felt like this is a quiet way to do this and it is contained.”

Paltrow and Martin made an unprecedented move at the time, choosing to announce the end of their marriage on her own site rather than issuing a statement to an established publication.

“It is with hearts full of sadness that we have decided to separate,” Paltrow and Martin wrote.

“We have been working hard for well over a year, some of it together, some of it separated, to see what might have been possible between us, and we have come to the conclusion that while we love each other very much we will remain separate.” 

“We are, however, and always will be a family, and in many ways we are closer than we have ever been.

“We are parents first and foremost, to two incredibly wonderful children and we ask for their and our space and privacy to be respected at this difficult time.

“We have always conducted our relationship privately, and we hope that as we consciously uncouple and coparent, we will be able to continue in the same manner.”

Fast-forward more than two years, and Paltrow’s site has become the go-to for all things extravagant and pretentious.

“I feel like we are just at like the acorn stage of fulfilling our potential,” she said.

“I have never known where goop is going, it has always caught me by surprise. We’ll just have to see,” she says.

“I am open to anything. I could sell it. I could pass it to my kids.”
