Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gwyneth Paltrow: I"m SO EXCITED About Donald Trump!

Gwyneth Paltrow has officially lost our vote for “reasonable human.” 

JK, LOL, she never had it. 

But especially now, after Page Six released details about her speech at the Airbnb Open conference this past Saturday emerged, we’re revoking her card permanently. 

About President-elect Donald Trump, Paltrow said, “It’s such an exciting time to be an American because we are at this amazing inflection point.”

“People are clearly tired of the status quo, and … it’s sort of like someone threw it all in the air and we’re going to see how it all lands.”

“It’s very important for me, personally, now more than ever, to create a community and to remember the humanity of everybody and to create love and understanding,” she continued.

About a post-election Trump America, Gwyn said, “The most amazing thing for me about this election is I felt … ‘I don’t understand the opposition well enough at all.’ “


“I’m not going to tell you what side I’m on, but my big takeaway was, ‘I really need to open my mind and understand better because I don’t. ‘ “

It’s apparent that she doesn’t understand much of anything when it comes to politics or, you know, humanity, or even life.

Why? Because when asked, as an ice-breaker, what two things a parent needs to travel with their children, she quipped, “Xanax and alcohol.” 

Excuse us, Gwyn; we’re just gonna go ahead and LOL all the way to the child services office in your our area. 

Then again, when has Gwyneth Paltrow ever been funny? 

Riddle us that. 

With stuff like this, it’s not hard to understand why everybody hates Gwyneth and puts her below even Chris Brown. 

Recently, Gwyn was under fire for stupid comments about Brangelina’s broken marriage, reportedly asserting that she could help counsel her ex or whatever, through this difficult time. 

Doesn’t Goopsy ever get sick of hearing herself talk? 

Because come on, we do. 

Stick to stripping in grocery stores, Gwyneth … and keep your stupid comments to yourself. 

Nobody needs to know what you think about Donald Trump, and especially when you think the way that you think about everything in life. 
