Monday, June 5, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow: People Only Hate Me Because I"m a Woman!

Imagine how blissful it must be to as devoid of self-awareness as a celebrity.

But surely no celebrity outside of the Church of Scientology is as consciously uncoupled from reality as Gwyneth Paltrow.

In Gwyneth Paltrow’s interview about media backlash with Life & Style, she shows just enough awareness to know that peopla are critical of her.

“People were fine with me as an actress, but with Goop it was like, ‘Stay in your lane,"” she laments.

“Women in general get a lot of pushback, especially if you’re successful and attractive. …”

Oh, boy, now we’re in stars-calling-themselves-attractive territory.

The thing is that it’s fine — if you’ve got it, feel free to own up to how hot you are.

But clearly Gwyneth feels self-conscious about that admission, because she quickly tries to cover for it.

“I’m not saying I’m attractive. I mean when you’re considered attractive.”


If you work it enough, you can make sense even out of Gwyneth Paltrow’s rambling nonsense.

First of all, there’s her beauty. Let’s get that out of the way.

Yes, she’s beautiful. She’s not, contrary to what certain magazines would have you believe, the most beautiful woman in the world.

That would be, like, Nina Dobrev, or Ashley Graham, or Candice Patton, or Victoria Justice — the list of more reasonable candidates goes on.

We have the same beef with “Sexiest Man Alive” every single year.

They just take a group of A-Lister names and draw one from a hat, as if words like “beautiful” and “sexy” have no real meanings.

But the real point of what she’s saying is that people are hating on her because she’s a woman.

A successful woman, specifically.

And a beautiful one.

Which is probably something that long-suffering friends have reassuringly told her while their eyes bulge into their wine after listening to the latest snake oil that she’s been peddling on her site.

Which is why she never learns.

Yeah, misogyny is a pernicious element in every level of our society, but let’s not pretend that it’s behind this particular criticism.

She’s getting so much flack because it’s exactly what she deserves for the famously ridiculous things that she says and for the absurd products that she promotes.

Let’s see, there was the time that Gwyneth seemed to celebrate Trump.

Because when you have so much wealth and privilege that political realities don’t touch you, we guess that having a malignant cheeto in office is just “interesting.”

She’s probably “fascinated” by American’s conscious uncoupling from its allies and former standing in the world, huh?

And that barely scratches the surface on her, um, questionable statements.

Before there were viral stories of doctors advising people with vaginas to not insert wasp nests, there was Gwyneth Paltrow suggesting that women stuff their vaginas with rocks.

Medical science doesn’t generally recommend that.

Doctors also tend to advise against Gwyneth’s fondness for vaginal steaming, and we cannot believe that it takes doctors to tell her or anyone that boiling water vapor and genitals shouldn’t mix.

Basically, she’s just selling people a load of goop and acting like that makes her some sort of enlightened guru.

Gwyneth cannot stop herself from saying ridiculous and super douchey things, because she has no idea how she sounds.

And that is why people can’t stand her.

Not because she’s a woman.

Not because she’s successful.

Because she’s over-the-top, out-of-touch, and generally obnoxious.
