Showing posts with label Falchuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Falchuk. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Gwyneth Paltrow & Brad Falchuk: Confirm Their Engagement in Goop!

Gwyneth Paltrow"s latest issue of Goop has something new — and no, it"s not yet another suggestion that readers stuff rocks up their vaginas for better sex.

Well, that might be in there too, for all we know. But the big story, as you"ll see in the video below, is …

Gwyneth Patlrow and Brad Falchuk confirm are confirming their engagement!

Gwyneth paltrow brad falchuk splitGwyneth paltrow and brad falchuk

Back in November, we told you that Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk are engaged.

Gwyneth Paltrow is, of course, a legendary actress who"s also more than dabbled in … what"s a nice word for quackery? Let"s go with "self-help" and "wellness," through her Goop magazine.

Brad Falchuk is an unnecessarily handsome writer who"s been a fellow creative and even co-creator on a number of Ryan Murphy projects, from Glee to Scream Queens to American Horror Story.

Their cozy romance has warmed even our cold hearts a time or two, including when Gwyneth and Brad showed off an actually good Halloween costume.

Couples costumes can say a lot about the couple themselves.

Gwyneth paltrow getting ready

When we reported that the couple was engaged, that was a little over a month ago and it was based upon, well, other reports.

They hadn"t made an official announcement.

Now, though, Gwyneth and Brad have come forward with an official announcement: they"re engaged.

They made their announcement in the newest issue of Goop, because of course they did.

Good Morning America reported the couple"s statement.

"We feel incredibly lucky to have come together at this juncture in our lives, when our collective successes and failures can serve as building blocks for a healthy and happy relationship."

Gwyneth paltrow halloween costume spoils se7en

That statement is almost normal for Gwyneth.

Compared to her "conscious uncoupling" from ex, Chris Martin, it sounds like what a non-bonkers person would say in their announcement.

(Though we wonder if there"s some sort of special, weird, New Age significance to "juncture in our lives" and "building blocks" but … let"s try to give them the benefit of the doubt)

As a public figure, Gwyneth is often disliked by people who are tired of her Goop.

(She thinks people only dislike her because she"s a woman, but misogyny is, for once, not the primary source of ire)

But she must be very likable in person, because Brad Falchuk"s clearly fallen for her.

(No, we don"t just think that he"s there for the great, Goop-approved anal sex)

Gwyneth paltrow no makeup instagram selfie

Gwyneth and Brad reportedly discussed the possibility of engagement for at least a year before they decided to actually take that step.

It"s so good that they decided to wait. A lot of people fall in love and think that it"s forever, and rush into a doomed marriage.

But Gwyneth and Brad have both been in very lengthy relationships — and even marriages — before.

This isn"t their first rodeo, so they considered things carefully.

Brad falchuk image

And, as Good Morning America reveals, deciding that they should consciously couple was about one thing in particular.

.. Where to go out to dinner?

Well, more accurately, about what sort of things they can see themselves arguing about when they"re 90.

Which they imagine will still be about where to go out for dinner.

We hope that things go well for them. Sometimes, what"s a playful argument during your first few years of a relationship can grow old and bitter when you"re decades older.

Gwyneth paltrow and brad falchuk confirming their engagement in

Gwyneth Paltrow"s Engagement to Brad Falchuk, Super Goop-y

Gwyneth Paltrow is ready to consciously couple again — aka get married — and she’s splashed the news all over her magazine. Gwyneth and director Brad Falchuk posed arm-in-arm for the cover of the latest issue of “Goop” … with the headline…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk: Engaged!

Gwyneth Paltrow and boyfriend Brad Falchuk have been going strong for a few years, now. Their Halloween costumes this year were actually good and they make a genuinely cute couple.

Well, they’re taking things to the next level.

One might say that the two of them are “consciously coupling.”

Well … Gwyneth might say that, anyway, after her infamous “consciously uncoupling” breakup line when she and Chris Martin split.

But there’s some very good news in Gwyneth’s personal life.

Gwyneth is an actress. She’s a beautiful woman. She also happens to own a magazine that tells women to shove rocks up their vaginas for better sex.

Brad Falchuk is perhaps a little less well-known, but his name is probably familiar at the very least.

He’s been a co-creator and/or writer on just about every big Ryan Murphy project for a while now, from Glee to Scream Queens to American Horror Story.

(Falchuk is a good-looking guy and you’d think that he’d be an actor, but half of the pictures of him make him look alarmed and bewildered. Some people do their best work off of the screen)

The two met back in 2014 on the set of Glee.

They didn’t go public with their relationship until 2015. They attended the screening of Scream Queens together, openly dating, and even posted a couples selfie to Instagram.

Well, now they’re doing much more than just going public.

Us Weekly reports that multiple sources have confirmed to them that Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk are engaged.

One of Us‘ insiders says that the couple has been discussing the possibility of engagement for over a year.

“They both knew it would happen, but it wasn’t a big thing to them because they were both in long marriages before. There wasn’t a rush”

In fact, both Gwyneth and Brad have two children, each, from previous marriages.

They knew that they had more than just themselves to consider. It’s good that they took their time.

Of course, Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk haven’t officially announced their engagement just yet.

The fact that the news has broken might rush things along a little, but it sounds like Gwyneth has a plan.

The couple has reportedly already taken engagement photos, and Gwyneth plans to put them up on her website for the big announcement.

With Gwyneth, there’s no way of knowing when “the right time” might be. It might be after they’ve told all family members. It might be based on, like, quasi-spiritual “medical” advice.

And speaking of the load of Goop that Gwyneth likes to share, let’s remember what Brad Falchuk is marrying into.

Gwyneth has been something of a controversial figure in recent years.

And while Gwyneth thinks that people only hate her because she’s a woman, we have to say that there’s more than misogyny at work.

It’s … well, some people think that she’s about as out-of-touch with the real world as Mitt Romney or Lucille Bluth.

She also, again, puts out a newsletter called Goop that encourages practices that are not recommended by doctors.

Like, again, stuffing a rock up your vagina to allegedly improve your sex life.

(Fair warning, rocks are porous and this could lead to an infection)

But if Brad Falchuk’s willing to accept the good with the bad, then good for the two of them.
