Wednesday, May 18, 2016

35 Top Farrah Abraham Quotes in the History of Human Civilization

Of all the celebs we cover here at THG, Farrah Abraham stands out as the young woman who always comes up with the best quotes.

And by best, we obviously kind of mean the worst.

Or both? It"s all subjective, honestly. If you listen to Farrah ramble, rant, reflect or ruminate on something, you know what we mean.

There is perhaps no single more predictable thing in the celebrity gossip world than Abraham running her mouth and generating headlines.

So in celebration of this ongoing, amazing fact …

Here are some of the most memorable (no dispute about that), and usually dubious (or that), things the Teen Mom star has ever said.

And yes, these quotes are all real.

1. Raped By Uber

Farrah abraham speaks to reporters at the 2016 mtv movie awards

“An Uber driver almost raped me, so I don’t know about Uber … I felt like I was getting raped…I felt like I almost got raped. You’re…

2. F–kin’ Monkey

Farrah abraham and blac chyna

“F—kin monkey ewe s—t come up 4 what she is a nothing.” – Farrah going all racist, NSFW and nonsensical on Blac Chyna for no reason at all

3. Mom of the Year

Farrah abraham sophia

[On daughter Sophia] I have my own life and [I’m] doing [my] own thing. She has her own life and she does her own thing.

4. Sex Tape vs. Teen Mom

Farrah selfie

I think having a TV show that shows your personality and your intimate life, you know, showing your best friend, and then showing having…

5. The Tooth Fairy Brings BANK!

Farrah abraham sophia tooth

Loosing [sic] your teeth should be special, I like to add passion and something special to everything … These years are flying bye…

6. Dabbling with Businessmen

Farrah a

I say go where the getting is good. I’m not going to find such marriage material at a club. I do dabble with, like, some businessmen that…

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