Friday, May 18, 2018

Amy Roloff Offers Inspirational Words of Advice to... Everyone

Amy Roloff had a great time on Mother’s Day.

But the Little People, Big World star believes every day should be Mother’s Day.

Not because she wants to be celebrated, though.

Because she thinks it’s really important that folks spend as much time as possible with their family members… and it’s sort of a shame that widespread gatherings among loved ones only take place on holidays.

Typically, that is

Last Sunday, Amy went out for a meal with Tori and Zach Roloff; their son, Jackson; and Jacob Roloff and his fiancee, Isabel.

She shared a picture from the enjoyable evening (above) and included with it an inspiring message.

“This Mother’s Day I was reminded again how wonderfully blessed I am,” Amy wrote to open this caption, which continued as follows:

“I have awesome kids and was so glad I could spend a little time with some of them. Another reminder was time goes by quickly.

“I don’t need to wait for a ‘special day’ or perfect day to spend time with them, or a friend, or others I love or give a reach out to another.”

We totally agree.

Amy recently hosted an engagement party for Jacob, who asked Isabel to marry him in December.

She also shared an endless array of photos of her and her grandkids because, well… need we really explain why?

Because they are positively adorable and she’s so very fortunate to live close by to both Jackson and Ember, the firstborn of Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff.

Just a few weeks ago, Amy was lucky enough to even be visited by Molly Roloff, who lives farther away and who does NOT want to appear on Little People, Big World.

But who remains close to her mother nonetheless.

Concluded Amy in her Mother’s Day-related caption:

If I wait and wait too long for a specific moment I may miss something wonderful. An ordinary moment of time that ended up being priceless.

Make time often to honestly let someone know, from the heart, they matter to you! They’re important in your world.

How about today?

I don’t know you but you matter to me from the support and encouragement I get from all of you all the time. Thank you.

Amy, of course, has often taken these words to heart when it comes to boyfriend Chris Marek.

She gushes about their romance on a near-daily basis, much to the surprising chagrin of some followers.

As we’ve documented far too many times, a handful of social media users out there think Marek is no good for Amy.

They think he’s a gold digger. Or that he isn’t very nice to Amy. Or that he’s gay.

But Amy just shrugs off these misguided complaints and follows her own advice; she makes sure Chris always knows that he matters to her.

“This guy is wonderful!” she wrote as a caption of a recent photo of him, prior to addressing her fans and adding:

“Thanks for being awesome fans and your support and encouragement here on my FB and IG. Keep smiling – you may help someone else want to smile too!”

Amen, Amy.

