Showing posts with label Chatter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chatter. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Carrie Underwood Walks Red Carpet, Sparks Plastic Surgery Chatter

Carrie Underwood has an amazing voice, a humble attitude, a happy marriage…

… and a fake nose?

This question is now being asked by a handful of social media trolls after the legendary country singer walked the red carpet of the 2018 CMT Awards in Nashville.

Do they have a point?

What does this have to do with that awful accident the singer suffered through in late 2017?

Scroll through the following photos and comments to find out!

1. Look at Us!

Look at us

Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher do not walk many red carpets together. But they made an exception at the CMT Awards in Nashville.

2. But Whatever…

But whatever

No one seemed to care about the appearance of Carrie and her husband, only about a face they swear looks different than it did before.

3. Compare for Yourself

Carrie underwood on acm stage

This is a photo of Underwood on stage at the ACM Awards in April, about two months prior to her CMT Awards appearance. See anything markedly different?

4. Like New Lips, Maybe?


This is what at least one Twitter user is wondering.

5. Or the Nose?


This person is giving a new meaning to the NSFW term “just the tip,” if you know what we mean.

6. This Absolutely Happened!

100 percent

I have total, complete, 100% certainty that Carrie Underwood has undergone plastic surgery. I’d bet my life on it!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Catelynn Baltierra Changes Last Names, Sparks Divorce Chatter


Might there be trouble in romantic paradise for Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra?

Social media users now have reason to believe that the couple, who has battled through cheating rumors in the past, may be headed for a split as a result of Catelynn doing something drastic online:

She changed her last name.

The Teen Mom"s three million Instagram followers were recently surprised to see what Catelynn is now using "Lowell" on her official page, switching from "Baltierra" to her maiden name because…

… well. We don"t know why.

But it"s worth taking a look through the tandem"s recent history, online and off, to see if this means they"re headed for divorce court:

1. No Happy Wishes Here

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Right around the time Catelynn made this switch, we learned that Tyler did NOT wish his wife a happy Mother’s Day. Heck, the two didn’t even spend the holiday together.

2. Where Was Tyler?

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

The Teen Mom’s dad told Radar Online that his son-in-law was “in Texas visiting his [father]” for Mother’s Day. That can’t be a good sign.

3. And Where Was Catelynn?

Catelynn baltierra

Per her dad again: “In Florida with [daughter] Nova, visiting her older sister.” This is nice and all, but not ideal to spend Mother’s Day apart from your husband.

4. Might Personal Troubles Be Affecting the Relationship?

Tyler baltierra is mad

Tyler has admitted that he suffers from Bipolar Disorder, a serious condition that often has a negative effect on one’s relationships. “I’ve been doing non-stop research on the diagnosis, the different remedies to combat symptoms, & how to better understand it,” he wrote on Instagram toward the end of April 2018. “I did refuse medication, but only because I wanted to try all of the natural remedies first. It’s a journey.”

5. A Search for Happiness


“Laying in bed next to my peacefully sleeping wife. I can hear my daughter snoozing away through the monitoring her room. My dog is cuddled up on the floor next to to me… and yet Feel so empty and so alone,” wrote Tyler a few weeks ago, giving followers a glimpse into his sad mental state.

6. Concern All Around

Tyler baltierra and fancy jacket

Tyler Baltierra: Is He Suicidal? This was the title of an article we wrote on May 10 (click words above the photo to read), as it shed light on just how worried Teen Mom fans are about Tyler. His mental health comes first, of course, but it’s easy to see how his diagnosis could damage his marriage.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Amy Roloff Fuels Engagement Chatter with Special Photo

Amy Roloff would like to send the very best wishes this holiday season from her family to yours.

It’s a very nice sentiment and it is greatly appreciated.

But it has also raised the following question…

… just who does Amy include as a member of her family?

Yes, her kids, of course.

If anything, the Little People, Big World star seems closer than ever these days to Tori, Molly, Jacob, Jeremy and their significant others.

But the TLC personality made it clearer than ever over the long holiday weekend that Chris Marek is also part of her immediate family.

Not only did she share the image above, Amy included the following caption along with it:

A very Merry Merry Christmas to you! I hope your heart is filled with joy and love and you have a wonderful time with family, friends and loved ones.

I’m rejoicing in the blessings in God’s gift that was given to us all on that Christmas day!.

From our family to you – much love, happiness and blessings and a Merry Christmas to you all.

Roloff added the hashtags “#averymerrychristmas #rejoice #itschristmastime #godsgiftoflove.”

Amy and Chris have been together for most of 2017.

But just one look at her Instagram feed makes it apparent the romance has heated up significantly over the back half of the year.

Despite unwarranted criticism from a handful of followers, Amy continues to pose with her boyfriend and share the photos on the World Wide Web.

As the reality star herself has dubbed in on multiple occasions, this is her “second act,” her second shot at love after over 25 years of marriage to Matt Roloff.

Those two filed for divorce about a year and a half ago and the topic on many people’s minds it now this:

Will Amy run it back? Will she get engaged to Marek?

Heck, is she already engaged to Marek, considering the way she refers to him here as “family?”

We doubt it.

We see no reason why Amy wouldn’t come straight out and tell fans if this were the case.

Roloff is proud of this relationship, as she ought to be, writing as a caption to another recent photo of her and Chris:

“This time of year reminds me What is beautiful about life – the gift God gave to us in Jesus, moments w/ friends, people you love, family, gathering around the table sharing , making moments to remember.”

We love it.

And we couldn’t agree more.

What are you waiting for, Chris?!?

Put a ring on it!


Monday, October 30, 2017

Selena Gomez Splits from The Weeknd; Let the Jelena Chatter Begin!

One relationship is over for Selena Gomez.

But will another soon begin…

… again?

Multiple outlets have confirmed that Gomez has split from The Weeknd, her boyfriend of about 10 months, paving the way for inevitable Justin Bieber reconciliation rumors to get started in earnest.

Selena and The Weeknd were spotted making out on the streets of Los Angeles in January, going public with a romance that had been bantered about online for a few weeks.

Just a few weeks ago, they were again seen swapping spit on the red carpet of a Harper’s Bazaar-sponsored event in New York City, with a source telling Us Weekly at the time:

“They’re rock solid and very happy together.”

So… what happened since then to cause a break up?

Justin Bieber apparently happened.

Gomez and Bieber, who dated for the first time in 2011 and have split/gotten back together approximately 279 times since then, have been spending more and more time together of late.

It started when the stars hung out at Selena’s house last Sunday… until midnight or so, sources said.

Fast forward a few days to this past weekend and Selena and Justin didn’t just chill once more — they got breakfast together!

And attended church services together!

We’re talking about some rather intimate experiences.

According to insiders, Bieber learned of Selena’s semi-recent kidney transplant and got back into contact with his ex.

He was concerned about her well-being and, considering how serious her condition apparently became, he had good reason to be.

Could this scare have triggered something inside of Bieber?

Might he have come close to losing Gomez forever, realized that he truly loved her and is now doing all he can to get back into her good graces?

It seems very possible, doesn’t it?

Millions of fans around the country are likely praying for this to be the case.

But not anyone in Selena’s family. They are doing the opposite of praying for a rekindled romance. 

“Justin is a vile human and will never be accepted by us,” an unnamed loved one told TMZ amidst talk that these two really may become lovers again.

He or she added:

“As long as she is even speaking to him in any way, it is not only disrespectful to everyone around her, it is disrespectful to herself.”

Ouch! How does this person really feel, we wonder?

And what will folks say when the next version of Jelena is confirmed?

Because you know it’s coming, right?


Friday, September 15, 2017

Chip and Joanna Gaines: About That Divorce Chatter...

It happened to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

It happened to Chris Pratt and Anna Faris.

Heck, it just happened to Fergie and Josh Duhamel.

No matter how happy and in love a couple in Hollywood may seem, you simply never know if they will last or not. It’s hard not to be a cynic.

This may explain why divorce chatter continues to follow around Chip and Joanna Gaines, the beloved twosome at the center of HGTV’s Fixer Upper.

They have four children. Their chemistry on screen is undeniable. But is it real?

Or is it just a show for the cameras?

In an interview this week with Jenna Bush Hager on The Today Show, Chip and Joanna did all they could to set the romantic record straight.

“It’s funny, when I think about these circumstances, I think they’re hilarious,” Chip said in a pre-taped segment, adding:

“I’m like, ‘I can’t believe that these things are happening to us.’ Because part of me feels, who would care about that?”

Who would care about their love lives enough to conjure up such sordid rumors, in other words?!?

What does Joanna think when it comes to tabloids or websites trying to stir up controversy between her and her goofball of a husband?

“I just don’t know what’s going on. So then I’ll hear someone come up to me and say, ‘I hear you and Chip are getting a divorce!’ And I’ll be like, ‘Where did you hear that?’

“I don’t know any of this!"”

Joanna, who specializes in interior design, wants to make sure fans do not believe what they read.

She wants everyone to know that none of this break-up talk comes from her or Chip… or anyone that really knows her or Chip.

“We do our due diligence in letting people know as much as we can, ‘This isn’t us. Don’t be scammed,"” says Joanna.

Last month, in response to a question on Twitter about whether he was splitting from his wife, Chip also aimed to be as clear as possible.

No words were minced. No bushes were beaten around.

“Won’t ever happen.. you can take that to the bank!” Gaines Tweeted, adding that Joanna is the “#loveOfMyLife.”

How sweet, right?

Instead of personal life drama, these HGTV stars are focused on their professional universe.

Fixer Upper is headed into its fifth season in their hometown of Waco, Texas – and there’s no end in sight.

“As long as it can work in Waco, in our backyard, it works for us,” Chip said on Today, concluding:

“We’ve got four kids who need us, we’ve got a business here that needs us, and something about our marriage – we do better when we’re on our home turf.”

“Home is the most important thing and the fact that we get to be a part of that is an honor,” Joanna adds.

Man, we adore these two. We hope they never change.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sister Wives Stars Shoot Down Divorce Chatter: Such Lies!

Is it really all over between Kody Brown and Robyn Brown?

It depends on who you ask.

Last week, we were among the first outlets to write that Robyn was finally getting out of this unhealthy relationship and filing for divorce from the controversial Sister Wives patriarch.

This news didn’t come as a giant shock to those who watch Sister Wives online, considering the dwindling presence of Robyn on the TLC reality series last season.

According to Radar Online, Robyn has simply grown tired of her role both on the program and in her marriage and has decided to move on.

“She is leaving the first week in January to go back to Utah with the kids and be with her family to figure out the next step in her life,” an anonymous source alleged to that celebrity gossip site.

Simple enough, right?

Sensible enough on her part, right? 

Especially when you consider that Radar also claims that Robyn thinks her children “aren’t being treated well.”

But while Robyn has remained silent on this rumor, both Kody Brown and Meri Brown have jumped on Twitter to deny its validity. Strongly.

First, there was Meri back on December 19.

She wrote that she simply dies of laughter every time she reads a false rumor about her family, stating simply that it’s probably a “lie” if you didn’t hear it from a member of the Browns.

meri tweet

Note the word “probably,” of course.

This isn’t the most strident denial we’ve ever read.

Kody, however, makes a more powerful case in favor of his marriage to Robyn.

On December 23, two days after we published the claim that one of his Sister Wives was leaving him, the head of this effed up family responded to a follower who wondered about his marital status.

“I can’t handle the heartbreak,” wrote @akwilson, referring to talk of Kody and Robyn splitting up and really needing to get a life if she was serious.

In response, Kody included Robyn’s Twitter handle and wrote:

“Not true! [Robyn] and I just went to dinner and shopping.”

kody tweet

Who knows what to believe at this point.

Talk of strife between Kody and Robyn is not exactly knew.

Heck, talk of strife between Kody and all of his other halves is not exactly new.

It isn’t easy being one of four women and four mothers in the same household. There’s only so much of Kody to go around, and that’s before you even consider that Kody may just suck as a human being.

Heck, back in November, the rumor mill didn’t churn around Kody and Robyn.

It churned around Kody and Meri, with insiders saying these two were breaking up in light of Meri’s crazy catfishing scandal.

Forget the Kardashians. The Browns have been at the center of the tabloid universe for a number of months, as one cover after another has screamed about fights, divorces and everything in between.

Remember this Life & Style report?

Or this Life & Style allegation?

Or this Life & Style bombshell?

Hmmm…. okay. We guess it’s really just been one tabloid that has made a recent living off Sister Wives and its many supposed controversies.

But still. All does not seem especially well for these TLC stars, does it?

Do you think a Kody-Robyn divorce is imminent? Should it be? Should these women get the as far away as possible from this weird situation?

Or should they stick it out in the name of ratings, fame and wealth true love?



Friday, November 4, 2016

Drake Fuels Taylor Swift Dating Chatter: Check Out THIS Pic!

Drake has once again forced us to wonder about the impossible.

To ask a question we never thought we’d ask.

To consider whether the Internet may soon blow up and the world as we know it cease to exist.

Because we must once again ponder the following: Could Drake and Taylor Swift be dating?!?

Rumors of a romance between the superstars cropped up a couple weeks ago after Swift attended Drake’s 30th birthday party.

This fact on its own wasn’t enough to garner romance chatter, considering such other celebrities as John Mayer, Katy Perry, Jamie Foxx and French Montana were also in attendance at this shindig.

But witnesses at the event confirmed that Drake and Swift looked especially cozy at the party.

According to one insider, the A-Listers “were intimately flirting, talking closely and laughing,” while another source told The New York Post:

“The only person he spent more time with other than his mom was Taylor.”

And speaking of Drake’s mom… the singer introduced Swift to her!

WHOA, right?!? That has to mean the stars are an item, doesn’t it?

You don’t just introduce casual friends to your parents, do you?

Perhaps you do.

Follow-up reports claimed that Drake’s mom was simply a big Taylor Swift fan and wanted to meet one of her musical idols.

So… so much for this crazy dating talk, right? 


Drake just got everyone with an Internet connection wondering about his status with Swift again by sharing the picture featured atop this post.

“Is that velvet?” Drake wrote as a caption, including a flower emoji along with his question.

As you might expect, this social media update has followers of both artists up in curious arms.

“Drake posted a picture with Taylor Swift and I have never been so stressed out!!! What IS this?” one commenter tweeted on Friday, while a second added:

“Can someone tell me wtf is up with drake and taylor swift??”

Us, too! Can someone tell us, too, WTF is up with Drake and Taylor Swift?!?

Page Six wrote that Drake and Swift are working on new music together, which could explain why they’ve been spending a lot of time together.

Way back in 2010, Drade made it clear that he’d be “down” to collaborate with Swift.

“Seeing Taylor Swift in person is always fun for me. I bought this Taylor Swift T-shirt the other day that I might wear tonight,” he told Extra at the time.

“I just have this small little thing with her; I just like her whole being. I’m excited about her career.”

Yes, this was said six years ago.

But he likes her “whole being?!?” Those are strong words.

We’re going to keep a close eye on these two and keep readers apprised of what they are doing, with whom they are doing it and whether or not they are doing each other.

If you know what we mean.


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kylie Jenner "Baby" Photo Prompts Pregnancy Chatter

Kylie Jenner apparently wants the world to think she is pregnant.

What other conclusion can we draw from one of Kylie’s latest Instagram photos?

The 18-year old reality star just shared an image on her official social media page of her striking the sort of pose one would strike if pregnant.

She is raising her jean jacket aloft as if she’s showing off a baby bump.

And, lest you think we’re the ones who are starting a KYLIE JENNER PREGNANT rumor out of thin air here, consider the caption Jenner included with the photo:


Yup, that’s what she wrote.

There actually has been talk for months that Kylie is expecting Tyga’s love child, but that chatter has faded away now that Jenner isn’t dating the rapper any longer.

They split last month after about two years of dating.

So why should Jenner get the pregnancy rumor mill churning once again?

Probably as some sort of PR move.

We say this because other recent Kylie Jenner photos added to this account also depict her in this same outfit, but a couple of their captions are pushing products available from Kylie Cosmetics.

Go to Kylie’s Instagram for the pregnancy rumor… but stay for the makeup line! That’s basically what she’s saying here.

We can’t fault her too much for such a strategy, we suppose.

It’s better than trying to garner publicity for a Kylie Jenner sex tape, right?

Monday, February 1, 2016

Kylie Jenner Shows Off Stomach, Fuels Eating Disorder Chatter

Kylie Jenner just can’t win.

The 18-year old gets slammed any time she shares a social media photo that highlights her cleavage… and she also gets in trouble online any time she covers that cleavage up.

The supposedly single reality star took to Snapchat over the weekend and posted a couple selfies that appeared to have been taken first thing in the morning.

We’re basing this theory on Kylie’s messy hair.

But it doesn’t appear as it most followers were focused on Jenner’s hair. Or her chest. Or her arms. Or her hands.

Instead, they looked at both of these images and called out Kylie for possessing such a flat stomach.

Some especially took note of her prominent ribcage in the first picture and wondered whether or not Jenner has an eating disorder.

“Seriously!!! Ugh. Let’s cause thousands of cases of anorexia,” wrote one critic in response.

Look, there are PLENTY of reasons to make fun of Kylie Jenner.

She thinks 30 is too old an age to have kids, for one thing.

But she is not giving anyone an eating disorder because she is flaunting her tummy in these photographs.

This is someone who flaunts her body all the frickin time and who belongs to a family that endlessly talks about weight loss.

Half-sister Kim Kardashian is doing far, far more damage to young women and new mothers by constantly mentioning her absolute need these days to shed her pregnancy pounds.

In conclusion: the Jenners and Kardashians are terrible role models.

But not because they sometimes show off their flat stomachs.