Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Catelynn Baltierra Changes Last Names, Sparks Divorce Chatter


Might there be trouble in romantic paradise for Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra?

Social media users now have reason to believe that the couple, who has battled through cheating rumors in the past, may be headed for a split as a result of Catelynn doing something drastic online:

She changed her last name.

The Teen Mom"s three million Instagram followers were recently surprised to see what Catelynn is now using "Lowell" on her official page, switching from "Baltierra" to her maiden name because…

… well. We don"t know why.

But it"s worth taking a look through the tandem"s recent history, online and off, to see if this means they"re headed for divorce court:

1. No Happy Wishes Here

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Right around the time Catelynn made this switch, we learned that Tyler did NOT wish his wife a happy Mother’s Day. Heck, the two didn’t even spend the holiday together.

2. Where Was Tyler?

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

The Teen Mom’s dad told Radar Online that his son-in-law was “in Texas visiting his [father]” for Mother’s Day. That can’t be a good sign.

3. And Where Was Catelynn?

Catelynn baltierra

Per her dad again: “In Florida with [daughter] Nova, visiting her older sister.” This is nice and all, but not ideal to spend Mother’s Day apart from your husband.

4. Might Personal Troubles Be Affecting the Relationship?

Tyler baltierra is mad

Tyler has admitted that he suffers from Bipolar Disorder, a serious condition that often has a negative effect on one’s relationships. “I’ve been doing non-stop research on the diagnosis, the different remedies to combat symptoms, & how to better understand it,” he wrote on Instagram toward the end of April 2018. “I did refuse medication, but only because I wanted to try all of the natural remedies first. It’s a journey.”

5. A Search for Happiness


“Laying in bed next to my peacefully sleeping wife. I can hear my daughter snoozing away through the monitoring her room. My dog is cuddled up on the floor next to to me… and yet Feel so empty and so alone,” wrote Tyler a few weeks ago, giving followers a glimpse into his sad mental state.

6. Concern All Around

Tyler baltierra and fancy jacket

Tyler Baltierra: Is He Suicidal? This was the title of an article we wrote on May 10 (click words above the photo to read), as it shed light on just how worried Teen Mom fans are about Tyler. His mental health comes first, of course, but it’s easy to see how his diagnosis could damage his marriage.

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