Showing posts with label Jelena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jelena. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Selena Gomez Splits from The Weeknd; Let the Jelena Chatter Begin!

One relationship is over for Selena Gomez.

But will another soon begin…

… again?

Multiple outlets have confirmed that Gomez has split from The Weeknd, her boyfriend of about 10 months, paving the way for inevitable Justin Bieber reconciliation rumors to get started in earnest.

Selena and The Weeknd were spotted making out on the streets of Los Angeles in January, going public with a romance that had been bantered about online for a few weeks.

Just a few weeks ago, they were again seen swapping spit on the red carpet of a Harper’s Bazaar-sponsored event in New York City, with a source telling Us Weekly at the time:

“They’re rock solid and very happy together.”

So… what happened since then to cause a break up?

Justin Bieber apparently happened.

Gomez and Bieber, who dated for the first time in 2011 and have split/gotten back together approximately 279 times since then, have been spending more and more time together of late.

It started when the stars hung out at Selena’s house last Sunday… until midnight or so, sources said.

Fast forward a few days to this past weekend and Selena and Justin didn’t just chill once more — they got breakfast together!

And attended church services together!

We’re talking about some rather intimate experiences.

According to insiders, Bieber learned of Selena’s semi-recent kidney transplant and got back into contact with his ex.

He was concerned about her well-being and, considering how serious her condition apparently became, he had good reason to be.

Could this scare have triggered something inside of Bieber?

Might he have come close to losing Gomez forever, realized that he truly loved her and is now doing all he can to get back into her good graces?

It seems very possible, doesn’t it?

Millions of fans around the country are likely praying for this to be the case.

But not anyone in Selena’s family. They are doing the opposite of praying for a rekindled romance. 

“Justin is a vile human and will never be accepted by us,” an unnamed loved one told TMZ amidst talk that these two really may become lovers again.

He or she added:

“As long as she is even speaking to him in any way, it is not only disrespectful to everyone around her, it is disrespectful to herself.”

Ouch! How does this person really feel, we wonder?

And what will folks say when the next version of Jelena is confirmed?

Because you know it’s coming, right?


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber: Planning to Reunite! Is Jelena Making a Comeback?!

Some liked when Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez dated. Others didn’t care for the relationship, for one reason or another, and were thrilled when Jelena was no more.

Those folks might be disappointed to learn that Justin and Selena are talking and planning to reunite.

Oh boy.

Both stars have written songs about each other and their past relationship.

Only recently have we had what’s basically confirmation that Justin’s problems are worse than most people ever let on.

He wasn’t just behaving poorly — Justin Bieber’s issues were life-or-death back in 2014.

Honestly, Selena put up with Justin’s bad behavior and alleged substance-abuse issues for way, way too long.

Yet some people, we’re sure, would blame her for Justin’s struggles after their breakup, as if she had some duty to keep dating him to keep him stable.

She had no such duty — and her presence didn’t have some magical curative properties that kept Justin from making dumb decisions.

And now Justin’s looking her up.

What prompted this push for a reunion was, obviously, Selena Gomez’s kidney transplant.

Selena Gomez is 25 and her battle with Lupus is already costing her some vital organs. No one wants to talk about this, but … though Lupus is no longer the automatic death sentence that it once was, Selena could be fighting a losing battle.

We’re betting that Justin realized this, too.

It’s a sign of how distant Justin and Selena have grown that the Biebs opted to reconnect … by calling Selena’s mom.

According to InTouch Weekly’s source, Justin made the call “to find out what was going on and apologize for the way he treated Selena when they were dating.”

Apparently, it worked, because Justin eventually made it past the mom and got to talk to Selena.

“They’ve been talking and making plans to meet up.”

That’s interesting.

“Selena believes that she and Justin are adults now and wants to open a new, healthy chapter with him.”

Well, they’re definitely both adults.

And it’s good for exes to be friends. Though that doesn’t always work out.

Justin Bieber is hot stuff, but that relationship was, we think, more than a little toxic for Selena.

Which is why it was wise for Selena to cut off contact with Bieber so that she could manage her own health and career without also worrying about him.

They’re both exceptionally beautiful, talented singers.

Admittedly, Selena’s music is better, but it’s not fair to compare anyone to Selena. She’s taken music to new heights.

Despite their shared history, their mutual hotness, and even their desire to reconnect — we somehow doubt that their reunion is going to result in a rekindled Jelena.

For one thing … Selena isn’t exactly single.

In fact, Selena Gomez treasures her relationship with The Weeknd. We get the impression that it’s way less codependent than what she had with the Biebs back in the day.

The Weeknd seems to be secure in who he is and that gives the two of them a lot of relationship security, since The Weeknd isn’t constantly plagued with existential crisis and self-destructive spirals.

Selana and Justin are most likely, if anything, going to develop a platonic friendship.

So if Justin’s looking to get some action, he might need to keep creeping on the pics of hot reality stars.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Selena Gomez MISSING Justin Bieber? Songstress Likes Throwback Jelena Video

Fans often get nostalgic for old celebrity relationships, and the romance between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber is one they just won"t let die.

Selena Gomez has told the media many times that she is DONE with ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, but why should we believe her?

Especially when her Instagram behavior kinda hints that she may be missing him. 

The "Same Old Love" singer recently "liked" a old video a fan posted that showed her and Justin back when they were still dating.

In it, the two are seen talking to Simon Cowell, and Justin promises the American Idol judge that he"ll "look after her."


Little did we know at the time, it was Justin who needed looking after. But we don"t know if anyone would"ve wanted that job.

But while Selena may be enjoying her trip down memory lane, recent reports say she sees a baby in her future – with Niall Horan.

Before you get excited about a new couple alert, word is she only wants his seed.

Selena doesn"t have time to bother with messy relationships anymore, but she does want to have a baby at the ripe age of 23, and apparently she thinks Niall has some worthy DNA.

We don"t know if he"s actually sat down with a laptop and a cup yet, but we"ll keep you posted.



Selena gomez missing justin bieber songstress likes throwback je

Selena Gomez MISSING Justin Bieber? Songstress Likes Throwback Jelena Video

Fans often get nostalgic for old celebrity relationships, and the romance between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber is one they just won"t let die.

Selena Gomez has told the media many times that she is DONE with ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, but why should we believe her?

Especially when her Instagram behavior kinda hints that she may be missing him. 

The "Same Old Love" singer recently "liked" a old video a fan posted that showed her and Justin back when they were still dating.

In it, the two are seen talking to Simon Cowell, and Justin promises the American Idol judge that he"ll "look after her."


Little did we know at the time, it was Justin who needed looking after. But we don"t know if anyone would"ve wanted that job.

But while Selena may be enjoying her trip down memory lane, recent reports say she sees a baby in her future – with Niall Horan.

Before you get excited about a new couple alert, word is she only wants his seed.

Selena doesn"t have time to bother with messy relationships anymore, but she does want to have a baby at the ripe age of 23, and apparently she thinks Niall has some worthy DNA.

We don"t know if he"s actually sat down with a laptop and a cup yet, but we"ll keep you posted.



Selena gomez missing justin bieber songstress likes throwback je