Showing posts with label Nixon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nixon. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Loses New York Governor Democratic Primary to Andrew Cuomo

Cynthia Nixon’s bid to be the next governor of New York is officially over, ‘cause she just lost to incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo … and it wasn’t even close.  Cuomo was projected to beat the “Sex and the City” actress late Thursday by…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Cynthia Nixon and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Get Intense During Debate

Cynthia Nixon and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo held nothing back in a nasty debate for the Democratic seat in the state’s race for governor. Nixon and Cuomo squared off Wednesday night — at Hofstra University — in the only debate scheduled…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Loses Democratic Nomination for NY Governor

Cynthia Nixon suffered a landslide defeat in her bid to become Governor of New York, but she’s vowing it ain’t over yet. NY state’s Democratic convention kicked off Wednesday, and sitting Gov. Andrew Cuomo got more than 95% of the…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Dismissed as "Unqualified Lesbian" by Idiot Politician

As previously reported, Cynthia Nixon is running for Governor of New York.

As has also been reported a long time ago, Cynthia Nixon is a lesbian.

What does this latter fact have to do with this former fact?

Nothing at all, really.

But try telling that to Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

In an interview with The New York Post, Quinn made it clear that still holds a grudge against Nixon for endorsing Bill de Blasio over her in the the 2013 Democratic primary for mayor.

“I’m surprised by this race. It’s a flight of fancy on her part,” Quinn said of Nixon’s confirmation on Monday that she would take on Andrew Cuomo in the September 13 Democratic primary.

That’s a fair assessment on Quinn’s part.

Most folks out there were taken aback by Nixon’s announcement.

But Quinn wasn’t done.

She added the following:

Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York.

“You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.”

Quinn, as you may have surmised by that quote, is an open lesbian just like Nixon.

What does this have to do with Nixon’s candidacy? It’s unclear.

All that’s evident here is just how bitter Quinn is over Nixon’s decision five years ago to back someone else for New York City Mayor.

“She’s an accomplished actress, a supporter of political causes and that’s a good thing,” Quinn said in this same interview, adding:

“Participating in rallies is important. But she’s never run an organization.

“Being an actress and celebrity doesn’t make you qualified for public office. This is a time to move away from celebrity and toward progressive leadership.”

There’s an actual critique!

There’s still little substance behind it, of course, as one would ideally attack a candidate for just his or her positions on topics that affect the state.

In response to the comments, Nixon told the aforementioned newspaper her sexual orientation is irrelevant in this race.

She’s simply concerns with “the corruption in Albany. It’s time for an outsider. I’m not an Albany insider.”

Made aware of the extreme backlash she’s facing for her comment, Quinn took to Twitter and backtracked as quickly as she could, writing:

To be clear, Cynthia Nixon’s identity has no bearing on her candidacy and it was not my intention to suggest it did. I want to be clear about that. I would never, EVER, criticize someone because of their identity.

I’ve experienced it time and time again, and would never support it or condone it. As a lesbian who ran one of the most high profile races in the country,  i know what that’s like. And I know it’s imperative that we encourage more members of our community to run for office.

Cynthia Nixon aggressively opposed my candidacy in New York despite my qualifications for the office and despite my strong progressive credentials. I was attempting to make a comparison between the two of us

The real point I am trying to make is that qualifications matter and records matter. I do not believe she has the qualifications or the record.

Okay, fair enough.

Do YOU agree?

Vote below: Would you want Cynthia Nixon as your Governor?


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Shouldn"t Be Running For Governor, Says New York Congressman

A New York congressman says Cynthia Nixon’s jumping into the deep end of politics by running for Governor in their home state … and thinks she needs some floatie lessons first.  We got U.S. Representative Gregory Meeks of NY’s 5th…


Cynthia Nixon Shouldn"t Be Running For Governor, Says New York Congressman

A New York congressman says Cynthia Nixon’s jumping into the deep end of politics by running for Governor in their home state … and thinks she needs some floatie lessons first.  We got U.S. Representative Gregory Meeks of NY’s 5th…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Cynthia Nixon is Actually Running for Governor of New York

Cynthia Nixon has a message for Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall:

You women keep doing your adorable little cat fight thing.

I’m gonna go makeover an entire state, okay?

Indeed, while the latter two ex-Sex and the City stars continue to bicker over their fake friendship, Nixon has set her sights on something a bit more pressing.

The actress announced on Monday afternoon that she is running for Governor of New York.

“I love New York, and today I’m announcing my candidacy for governor. Join us,” Nixon Tweeted alongside a two-minute video just a short while ago, adding via voiceover in this video:

“New York is my home, I’ve never lived anywhere else.

“When I grew up here, it was just my mom and me in a one-bedroom, fifth floor walk-up.

“New York is where I was raised and where I’m raising my kids. I’m a proud public school graduate and a prouder public school parent.”

Sounds like she has one item on her platform (education) already checked off.

Sex and the City, of course, was filmed in The Big Apple.

One television critic after another analyzed how the location itself was as much of a character on the HBO smash hit as Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte themselves.

Continues Nixon in her campaign footage:

“I was given chances I just don’t see for most of New York’s kids today.

“Our leaders are letting us down. We are now the most unequal state in the entire country, with both incredible wealth and extreme poverty. Half the kids in our upstate cities live below the poverty line.

“How did we let this happen? I love New York. I’ve never wanted to live anywhere else, but something has to change.”

Nixon will be challenging Governor Andrew Cuomo in a Democratic primary this fall

If she wins the overall election, she’ll be the first openly gay woman to hold this position.

Her entrance in the race guarantees that Cuomo (who has over $ 30 million his campaign account and who polls list as being far ahead) will face an intra-party challenge from his fairly far left.

“We are sick of politicians who care more about headlines and power than they do about us,” Nixon says in her video.

“It can’t just be business as usual anymore.”

The Democratic primary will be held on September 13 and Nixon has already received encouragement from Rosie O’Donnell.

“CYNTHIA NIXON FOR GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK!” Tweeted the comedian after Nixon made her announcement, adding:

“#myFULLsupport – she is one of kind – brilliant – brave bold and so smart – a true leader #Nixon4NY.”

Concluded Nixon, running down more issues on which she feels strongly:

We want our government to work again, on health care, ending mass incarceration, fixing our broken subway. We are sick of politicians who care more about headlines and power than they do about us.

Do YOU agree?

Let us know below:

Should Cynthia Nixon be Governor of New York?


"Sex and the City" Star Cynthia Nixon Announces New York Governor Candidacy

The girls are back in town — at least Miranda Hobbes is … ‘cause she’s running for Governor of New York. “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon — who starred on the hit HBO series for six seasons — announced her candidacy Monday for NY Gov with…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Otis Nixon Found and He"s Safe, Police Say

Great news …  Otis Nixon is no longer missing! The Woodstock Police Dept. in Georgia just announced, “Otis Nixon has been located and is safe. We appreciate the assistance from the public and media.” The 58-year-old former MLB star was…


Former MLB Star Otis Nixon Is Missing, Police Say

Former MLB star Otis Nixon — who played 17 years in the big leagues — has gone missing, cops say … and officials are hoping the public can help find him. The 58-year-old was last seen leaving his home in Woodstock, Georgia in a 2011 gray Range…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tricia Nixon -- "Memba Her?!

Tricia Nixon is President Richard Nixon’s eldest of two daughters who famously married Edward Cox in the White House Rose Garden in the Middle of Nixon’s first term as President. Guess what she looks like now!
