Showing posts with label Driven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Driven. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Meghan Markle: Driven to Tears By Idiot Dad"s Cruel Comments

In the three months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, we’ve had occasion to learn an awful lot about her father, Thomas Markle.

And boy, were we happier not knowing a thing about this doofus.

In case you’ve somehow managed to remain blissfully unaware of his presence, allow us to fill you in:

Dude is just the absolute worst.

Not only did Thomas skip the royal wedding by pretending to have a heart attack, he’s since devoted himself to ruining what should be the happiest time in his daughter’s life.

It’s become clear that Thomas enjoys humiliating Meghan by giving interviews with the trashiest outlets and the world’s very worst people — yes, we’re talking about Piers Morgan.

Thus far, Big Tom has stopped just short of wrapping his head in tinfoil for a sit-down with Alex Jones in which he discusses the mounting evidence that the royals are insect-eating lizard people.

Not surprisingly, it seems Meghan has had enough.

Insiders say Meg is at her wit’s end and has essentially just given up on her father:

“For the life of her, she can’t understand why he’s digging such a deep hole for himself and to say things like, ‘It would be easier for her if her dad died,’” a friend tells the Daily Mail.

The source says Meghan had hoped Tom would agree to STFU as a present for her recent birthday:

“She said she just wishes her dad would ‘stop blathering’ to the press. That’s the one birthday gift she wanted from her father,” the insider claims.

Obviously, that didn’t happen, and now, Meg is temporarily cutting ties for the sake of her own mental health.

“Meghan has no immediate plans to contact her father. Firstly, she’s deeply hurt and secondly, she can’t trust him to keep their conversation private,” the insider shares.

“Meghan is big on being true to herself and taking care of herself, and if this means avoiding toxic relationships so be it,” the source adds.

“It’s not like she’s never ever going to speak with her dad again, but certainly not now, not in this climate.”

Unfortunately, it seems Meg has all but given up on her father changing his ways, as he’s been like this for most of her life:

“Behavior like his doesn’t happen overnight. Why do you think her parents got divorced in the first place? the source says.

“Meghan’s had to deal with a lot of self-esteem issues growing up with a narcissist. She has tools to cope with emotional blackmail.” 

At this time, we’d like to reiterate our opinion that Thomas is the absolute worst.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Ariel Winter: Driven Off of Twitter by Hateful Harassment

While Instagram is still happily showing Ariel Winter getting her butt grabbed, the Modern Family star has taken a step back from Twitter.

She is, at least, explaining her absence, but it’s not good news.

Ariel has been driven off of the social media platform because she is absolutely exhausted by the constant harassment. And she might drop Instagram next.

In a statement to Entertainment Tonight, Ariel Winter’s rep explains why the Modern Family star has suddenly vanished from Twitter.

“Ariel has taken a break from Twitter,” the statement explains. “And engaging with commenters on her other platforms.”

You can engage with fans on just about any platform, but Twitter sometimes feels like nothing but that — and it can wear you out.

Ariel is stepping back “because of the constant negativity she experiences,” the statement says.

People on the internet can be cruel — especially if you are famous and especially if you are a woman.

“She needs a moment to breathe and enjoy herself,” the statement continues.

Of course. Everyone, no matter how famous, deserves that.

And the statement makes clear that Ariel wants to be able to live her life “without judgement.”

Good for her.

Ariel did not only speak up through her rep.

In her Instagram story, Ariel warned fans that she is “in the process of deleting all social media.”

Fortunately, her Instagram remains up — for now.

Back in 2016, Ariel was singing a different tune when she spoke to Entertainment Tonight about her use of social media.

“I don’t really think I’m telling myself, ‘You should post this, you shouldn’t post that,’ I feel like I’m just having fun,” Ariel said at the time.

She explained why she offered so many glimpses into her life, saying: “I like my fans to see what I’m doing.”

“I’m not going to fight with someone on my Instagram that tells me they don’t like my outfit or I should put my butt away,” Ariel said.

That’s good. It’s her body and, within Instagram’s rules of use (which totally allow butts), she can share whatever photos of it she likes.

“I’m sorry you think I should put my butt away,” Ariel said in 2016. “But just unfollow me.”

That is good advice. Unfortunately, not advice that many people take.

Instead, there are certain trolls who thrive off of eliciting a reaction — especially a negative one — from famous women on the internet.

These trolls are drawn to beautiful women, but for some reason seem determined to shame these women for showing (or even having) the bodies that these trolls often admire.

Of course, these trolls may also tell beautiful women that they’re ugly, or say anything else to hurt that person’s self esteem.

It doesn’t make sense, but vicious cruelty on the internet doesn’t have to be logical to drive people from the internet.

Look at how Star Wars actress Kelly Marie Tran was driven from Instagram by harassment. And now, Ariel Winter’s been driven away from Twitter.

We imagine that what’s changed for Ariel Winter since 2016 is that trolls are more emboldened than ever before. It’s also that she probably got tired of the hate.

What seems like a bracing difference of opinion at one point can get really old two years later.

Additionally, Ariel is happily in a relationship with Levi Meaden. A lot of hateful comments have been directed at their romance, at him, and his career.

It can be a lot harder to weather comments about someone you love than it is to see hate directed at you.

We hope that this well-deserved rest does Ariel a lot of good. We’ll certainly miss her tweets.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

DHS Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters

Kirstjen Nielsen — the Secretary of Homeland Security — busted out a walk of shame after a group of protesters disrupted her dinner at — of all places — a Mexican restaurant. The incident went down Tuesday night at the popular MXDC Cocina…


DHS Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters

Kirstjen Nielsen — the Secretary of Homeland Security — busted out a walk of shame after a group of protesters disrupted her dinner at — of all places — a Mexican restaurant. The incident went down Tuesday night at the popular MXDC Cocina…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Driven Apart By Her Career?!

We know, we know–you’ve heard this one before, but bear with us.

For roughly the 47 millionth time since the couple began dating, there are rumors that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged.

Harry and Meghan appeared at the Invictus Games in Toronto last week, and the high school cafeteria gossips who have grown up to become royal obsessives took it as a sure sign that they would be announcing their engagement at some point during the event.

To the chagrin of many, the games came and went and still no sign of commitment bling on Meghan.

Still, the consensus seems to be that Harry and Meghan are engaged, but not ready to make an announcement.

So what’s the holdup?

Well, some believe that the royals feel it would look strange for a married couple to live on separate continents.

Yes, it seems that for the time being, Meghan is planning to remain a full-time resident of Toronto.

While sources say this will be her last season on the USA Network legal drama Suits, Meghan is reportedly committed to remaining fully focused on her work until her time on the show comes to a close.

“Meghan loves playing Rachel and feels she owes so much to Suits,”   says one insider.

“But Harry can’t move to Toronto, so she’ll have to move eventually if they want to be together.”

Yes, we suppose representing one of the world’s most powerful nations on the global stage is somewhat more important than helping to fill the time between Polident commercials on basic cable.

So even though Harry’s schedule likely allows for greater travel time, he can’t just abandon his royal duties to go eat poutine and watch the Leafs battle the Habs.

(That’s a hockey reference, for you 99% of Americans who are vaguely aware it’s a sport.)

So it sounds like despite rumors that royal rules would prevent Harry and Meghan from getting hitched, secure plan is in place for Harry and Meghan to share their big news with the world.

But at this point, no ring is on the finger

Insiders say Harry and Meghan are “as good as engaged,” but that might be cold comfort for Meghan.

After all, we’re sure Prince William assured Kate Middleton that she “pretty much his fiancee” for years before he popped the question.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ben Affleck: Driven to Drink by Jealousy Over Brother?

Ben Affleck surprised his fans on Tuesday night when he confirmed that he recently completed a stint in rehab for alcoholism.

The actor, whose allegedly wild ways have played at least some role in his rocky relationship with Jennifer Garner, made this admission via a statement on Facebook.

“I have completed treatment for alcohol addiction; something I’ve dealt with in the past and will continue to confront,” Affleck wrote, adding:

“I want to live life to the fullest and be the best father I can be.

“I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step.

“I’m lucky to have the love of my family and friends, including my co-parent, Jen, who has supported me and cared for our kids as I’ve done the work I set out to do.

“This was the first of many steps being taken towards a positive recovery.”

Most people who read this statement and learned of Affleck’s brave decision to seek treatment have reacted in two ways:

  1. With many props for the actor.

  2. With one pressing question in mind.

And that question is this:

What, exactly, drove Affleck to drink so much?

Most experts would say there’s no real answer to this question.

Alcoholism is a disease.

And while one’s life circumstances and/or history may very well play a role in one developing this addiction… there’s never a clear cut basis for substance abuse issues.

But try telling that to OK! Weekly!

According to this rarely reliable tabloid, Affleck’s alcoholism can be directly tied to jealousy over his brother’s career arc.

Casey Affleck, of course, won the Academy Award for Best Actor last month (for his role in Manchester by the Sea) – and an insider points to Casey’s success as a key reason why Ben turned to the bottle.

“There’s been this pretty unhealthy rivalry this awards season, because Ben was desperate to be nominated for The Accountant,” the magazine explains.

This is laughable for multiple reasons.

FIRST, Ben Affleck has always been known as a party animal. Or at leas as a frequent party attendee. It’s not as though he suddenly started drinking when Casey started winning awards.

SECOND, Casey suffered through the most dismal awards season ever, even for someone who was often recognized with a trophy, as accusations of sexual misconduct followed him everywhere.

THIRD, Casey acknowledged Ben on stage and the two have always come across as extremely close.

FOURTH… The Accountant?!? Maybe if they had gone with Live By Night. Heck, even if editors had chosen Batman v Superman. But Affleck thought he’d be nominated for The Accountant?!?

Manchester by the Sea earned a total of six Oscar nominations, along with the aforementioned Best Drama victory for Casey, while very few people saw Affleck in Live By Night.

“Basically Casey’s overtaken Ben and he can’t take it,” says the unidentified tabloid source.

He or she concludes by bringing up Affleck’s divorce from Garner, even though that split appears to be on pause.

“They used to be close,” OK! writes of Ben and Casey. “But everyone – his own brother included – has noticed a sense of darkness and bitterness in Ben since Jennifer divorced [him].”

Sure, okay. Whatever. We’re sorry for even bringing this up.

We just hope Ben Affleck continues down a healthy track and continues to receive the assistance he needs.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Kim Kardashian Being "Slowly Driven Crazy" By Kanye West"s Farts

Nothing causes marital strife like flatulence.

Such is the case for Kim Kardashian and her farty-pants knight in shining armor, Kanye West.

The rapper has a consistent issue controlling his gas, and Kardashian is being “slowly driven mad” by the stench.

“Kim wakes up in the middle of the night and the whole room stinks, she says it’s like methane gas it’s so bad,” a source told OK! Magazine.

“She’s tried everything from lighting incense to scented candles, but nothing cuts through Kanye’s gas, which Kim says is so disgusting it’s not even describable.”

West reportedly doesn’t treat his body like a temple, and loves to eat crap that ends up smelling like, well, crap after it’s been digested.

“His diet is so bad, it’s like he has no control of his bowels when he comes to bed.”

Kardashian is trying to get him to change his eating habits, but she’s also said to be considering “alternate methods” to make their bedroom not smell like death wrapped in a dirty diaper.

“It’s reached the stage where Kim’s considering sleeping with her own breathing mask.”

Aside from this being on of the most entertaining story I’ve read in months, the thought of Kardashian going to bed with a gas mask has me banging my head against the keyboard I’m laughing so hard.

The causes of smelly gas can range from lactose and/or gluten intolerance to indigestion, and even a digestive tract infection.

According to, Kardashian should try feeding West fennel seeds, which efficiently eradicate smelly farts within 5-10 minutes.  Other remedies include ginger, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon and pepper mint.

Kardashian should send Kris Jenner on a Costco run while she tries to tear the junk food out of your husband’s hands.

Better yet, have North West sit in a room with him for a few hours.  Kids are super-honest, and North will give it to Yeezy straight that his gas is RANK.

Kim Kardashian Being "Slowly Driven Crazy" By Kanye West"s Farts

Nothing causes marital strife like flatulence.

Such is the case for Kim Kardashian and her farty-pants knight in shining armor, Kanye West.

The rapper has a consistent issue controlling his gas, and Kardashian is being “slowly driven mad” by the stench.

“Kim wakes up in the middle of the night and the whole room stinks, she says it’s like methane gas it’s so bad,” a source told OK! Magazine.

“She’s tried everything from lighting incense to scented candles, but nothing cuts through Kanye’s gas, which Kim says is so disgusting it’s not even describable.”

West reportedly doesn’t treat his body like a temple, and loves to eat crap that ends up smelling like, well, crap after it’s been digested.

“His diet is so bad, it’s like he has no control of his bowels when he comes to bed.”

Kardashian is trying to get him to change his eating habits, but she’s also said to be considering “alternate methods” to make their bedroom not smell like death wrapped in a dirty diaper.

“It’s reached the stage where Kim’s considering sleeping with her own breathing mask.”

Aside from this being on of the most entertaining story I’ve read in months, the thought of Kardashian going to bed with a gas mask has me banging my head against the keyboard I’m laughing so hard.

The causes of smelly gas can range from lactose and/or gluten intolerance to indigestion, and even a digestive tract infection.

According to, Kardashian should try feeding West fennel seeds, which efficiently eradicate smelly farts within 5-10 minutes.  Other remedies include ginger, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon and pepper mint.

Kardashian should send Kris Jenner on a Costco run while she tries to tear the junk food out of your husband’s hands.

Better yet, have North West sit in a room with him for a few hours.  Kids are super-honest, and North will give it to Yeezy straight that his gas is RANK.