Showing posts with label Hateful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hateful. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

Ariel Winter: Driven Off of Twitter by Hateful Harassment

While Instagram is still happily showing Ariel Winter getting her butt grabbed, the Modern Family star has taken a step back from Twitter.

She is, at least, explaining her absence, but it’s not good news.

Ariel has been driven off of the social media platform because she is absolutely exhausted by the constant harassment. And she might drop Instagram next.

In a statement to Entertainment Tonight, Ariel Winter’s rep explains why the Modern Family star has suddenly vanished from Twitter.

“Ariel has taken a break from Twitter,” the statement explains. “And engaging with commenters on her other platforms.”

You can engage with fans on just about any platform, but Twitter sometimes feels like nothing but that — and it can wear you out.

Ariel is stepping back “because of the constant negativity she experiences,” the statement says.

People on the internet can be cruel — especially if you are famous and especially if you are a woman.

“She needs a moment to breathe and enjoy herself,” the statement continues.

Of course. Everyone, no matter how famous, deserves that.

And the statement makes clear that Ariel wants to be able to live her life “without judgement.”

Good for her.

Ariel did not only speak up through her rep.

In her Instagram story, Ariel warned fans that she is “in the process of deleting all social media.”

Fortunately, her Instagram remains up — for now.

Back in 2016, Ariel was singing a different tune when she spoke to Entertainment Tonight about her use of social media.

“I don’t really think I’m telling myself, ‘You should post this, you shouldn’t post that,’ I feel like I’m just having fun,” Ariel said at the time.

She explained why she offered so many glimpses into her life, saying: “I like my fans to see what I’m doing.”

“I’m not going to fight with someone on my Instagram that tells me they don’t like my outfit or I should put my butt away,” Ariel said.

That’s good. It’s her body and, within Instagram’s rules of use (which totally allow butts), she can share whatever photos of it she likes.

“I’m sorry you think I should put my butt away,” Ariel said in 2016. “But just unfollow me.”

That is good advice. Unfortunately, not advice that many people take.

Instead, there are certain trolls who thrive off of eliciting a reaction — especially a negative one — from famous women on the internet.

These trolls are drawn to beautiful women, but for some reason seem determined to shame these women for showing (or even having) the bodies that these trolls often admire.

Of course, these trolls may also tell beautiful women that they’re ugly, or say anything else to hurt that person’s self esteem.

It doesn’t make sense, but vicious cruelty on the internet doesn’t have to be logical to drive people from the internet.

Look at how Star Wars actress Kelly Marie Tran was driven from Instagram by harassment. And now, Ariel Winter’s been driven away from Twitter.

We imagine that what’s changed for Ariel Winter since 2016 is that trolls are more emboldened than ever before. It’s also that she probably got tired of the hate.

What seems like a bracing difference of opinion at one point can get really old two years later.

Additionally, Ariel is happily in a relationship with Levi Meaden. A lot of hateful comments have been directed at their romance, at him, and his career.

It can be a lot harder to weather comments about someone you love than it is to see hate directed at you.

We hope that this well-deserved rest does Ariel a lot of good. We’ll certainly miss her tweets.


Friday, June 1, 2018

"Bachelorette" Contestant Garrett Apologizes for Liking Hateful Memes

‘Bachelorette’ contestant Garrett — the suitor who got Becca’s first impression rose on Monday’s season premiere — is the latest to jump on the apology train this week … in his case, for liking bigoted memes. Garrett Yrigoyen spoke up Thursday…


"Bachelorette" Contestant Garrett Apologizes for Liking Hateful Memes

‘Bachelorette’ contestant Garrett — the suitor who got Becca’s first impression rose on Monday’s season premiere — is the latest to jump on the apology train this week … in his case, for liking bigoted memes. Garrett Yrigoyen spoke up Thursday…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Trent Reznor Gets Restraining Order Against Hateful Neighbor for His Family and Employees

Trent Reznor’s neighbor has a dangerous hatred of him and has been harassing him and his family for months … according to new legal docs. The Nine Inch Nails founder filed paperwork to keep Nader Afshar away, claiming the man expressed his hatred…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Megan McCain Pays Beautiful Tribute to John McCain, Slams Hateful Troll

While the political world responds to the shocking and sad news that John McCain has brain cancer, the senator’s daughter has captured the heart of the Internet with an emotional tribute to her dad.

On Wednesday night, five days after he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye, doctors confirmed that McCain has a glioblastoma.

This is an aggressive tumor that will likely require McCain to undergo radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

According to CNN, the average survival rate for someone with a malignant glioblastoma is around 14 months.

In response to the development, messages of love and support have flooded social media, as McCain is one of the best known and most respected politicians in the country.

“John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I’ve ever known,” Tweeted McCain’s opponent in the 2008 Presidential race, Barack Obama.

The former Commander-in-Chief added:

“Cancer doesn’t know what it’s up against. Give it hell, John.”

Meghan McCain, meanwhile, posted a lengthy note on Twitter that attempted to capture all she was feeling about the situation.

“The news of my father’s illness has affected every one of us in the McCain family.

“My grandmother, mother, brothers, sister, and I have all endured the shock of the news, and now we live with the anxiety about what comes next,” she wrote.

Meghan’s siblings include: Douglas, 57, Andrew, 55, Sidney, 50, John Sidney, 31, James, 29, and Bridget, 25.

Continued the television host and personality:

“It is an experience familiar to us, given my father’s previous battle with cancer – and it is familiar to the countless American families whose loved ones are also stricken with the tragedy of disease and the inevitability of age.

If we could ask anything of anyone now, it would be the prayers of those of you who understand this all too well. We would be so grateful for them.”

mm statement

Meghan was right by her father’s side when he underwent the aforementioned procedure at Phoenix’s Mayo Clint to remove a blood clot.

This surgery took place on July 14 and was not considered serious on its own.

But results from a biopsy shortly afterward revealed the cancer diagnosis.

“Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the thoughtful words and prayers for my father,” Meghan wrote as a caption to the following image on Monday.

“He’s doing very, very well with all of us in Arizona! I’m trying to convince him to watch The Crown with me…”

mccain shoes

On Tuesday, meanwhile, Meghan has to clap back at Twitter trolls, even calling for the resignation of Nevada GOP committeewoman, Diana Orrock…who actually retweeted with “Amen” to a message wishing death to her father.

“You are a godless, horrible monster who should be nowhere near GOP politics – let alone society in general,” Meghan wrote of Orrock, who eventually apologized for being such an insensitive moron.

meghan tweet

On Wednesday, though, Meghan wasn’t full of vitriol. Just love, affection and respect.

“It won’t surprise you to learn that in all this, the one of us who is most confident and calm is my father. He is the toughest person I know,” she wrote.

“The cruelest enemy could not break him. The aggressions of political life could not bend him. So he is meeting this challenge as he has every other.

“Cancer may afflict him in many ways: But it will not make him surrender. Nothing ever has.”

John McCain was shot down by the North Vietnamese in 1967 and was taken as a prisoner of war for over five years.

He has served in the senate since 1986.

“My love for my father is boundless, and like any daughter I cannot and do not wish to be in a world without him. I have faith that those days remain far away,” Meghan Tweeted last night.

“Yet even in this moment, my fears for him are overwhelmed by one thing above all: Gratitude for our years together, and the years still to come. He is a warrior at dusk, one of the greatest Americans of our age, and the worth heir to his father’s and grandfather’s name.

“But to me he is something more.”

She concluded as follows:

He is my strength, my example, my refuge, my confidante, my teacher, my rock, my hero — my dad.

Powerful stuff.

Please join us in wishing John McCain well.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bella Thorne Posts, Deletes Topless Photo After Slew of Hateful Comments!

Bella Thorne claims that she and Scott Disick never banged, but even if she didn’t do any literal bouncing on him, she’s certainly been using him as a springboard to boost how much attention she’s been getting. And it’s worked.

And now Bella Thorne seems to be capitalizing on that to give her career a boost.

But she recently shared a super revealing photo on Instagram … only to delete it moments later. We have it, of course.

This new photo is a bit more formal than, say, eating a burger while wearing a bikini or any of her other, more garden-variety thirst traps.

And by “formal” we don’t mean formal attire, though.

It looks like an outtake of some sort from a photoshoot.

She’s wearing a black belt, a black thong, black stockings, and black gloves.

She is, of course, entirely topless.

So, here it is, Bella Thorne’s super racy photo:

First of all, she looks amazing.

She kind of always does, you know?

But she isn’t always topless (okay, she’s topless sometimes, but only sometimes), and she isn’t always showing off her butt.

(Again, this is technically not the first time for that, either)

But this is a more structured outfit for her, you know?

Less “wasted party girl” nudity and more “dominatrix assassin.”

Holy crap, we never realized how much the world needs a movie where Bella Thorne plays a dominatrix assassin.

(Make that happen, Hollywood)

As for deleting it, who can say?

It looks like it’s probably an outtake or even a photo snapped by an assistant or friend, given the overall quality.

Maybe she wants to release it later when she expects more Instagram traffic.

(Random Tumblr users schedule their posts that way, so you know that fame-conscious actresses do)

Maybe she decided that she wants to wait until the photoshoot comes out — because there have to be more pics, right?

If that’s the case, maybe this was intended to be just a teaser.

And honestly that’s our best guess, because it sure as hell has us looking forward to whenever the actual photoshoot comes out.

However, she did delete it and write “turning off my comments,” which makes it sound like she got some vile backlash.

Like, we can give her — or anyone — a bit of a hard time, but we’re not going to comment mean things on somebody’s page.

Especially not a 19-year-old who hasn’t done anything that’s genuinely bad.

And really, we’ve all seen that photo — what is there to hate about it, exactly?

It’s probably just trolls looking to make themselves feel powerful by hurting a celebrity’s feelings.


You really have to congratulate the girl.

A lot of 19-year-olds in her shoes might just party all of the time for its own sake.

(And there’s nothing wrong with that, of course)

By the looks of things, Bella Thorne saw Scott Disick, a guy having a midlife crisis a decade early, and was like “oh hey, if we hang out, I’ll get some more attention and maybe a career boost!”

That’s called multitasking.

… Among other things.

If you have a reputation as a thot — which is nothing to be ashamed of in the first place — don’t hesitate to use it to make your life better.

There’s no way of telling if Scott is just stumbling around in a stupor or consciously playing along, at this point.

He did send her a card and flowers, though … so we’re thinking that he’s in on it at times.

Though maybe it took him a little while for him to catch onto Bella’s angle, what with how “gentleman” Scott Disick fixed Bella Thorne’s top by touching her boob.

A regular knight in shining armor, that guy.

We’re not saying that Bella is necessarily some sort of mastermind, evil or otherwise.

Obviously, Bella Thorne’s hotness has gotten her at least as far in her career as her possible scheming.

And she’s certainly made mistakes.

A while back she was briefly said to be dating accused serial rapist Sam Pepper.

We think that she probably didn’t know that about him until she saw backlash and then peaced out, but that’s really just a guess.

(Google is your friend, folks)

But she’s learning more over time.

And whether she took down the photo because of trolls or just to tease us, we hope that she feels open to sharing more, soon.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Jim Norton Says Bill Maher"s Use of N-Word Wasn"t Hateful, Just "Tasteless"

Jim Norton’s coming to Bill Maher’s defense of the n-word, saying intentions make a difference — plus, the rules on who can use the word seem kinda arbitrary. The comedian told us Maher’s “house n*****” joke was definitely offensive, but he thinks…


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ariana Grande"s Fans Are So Hateful!

Even when we sincerely compliment Ariana, they’re not happy! Does this make any sense??

Listen to more of our Grande convo at and subscribe on iTunes to The PHP: Perez Hilton Podcast.