Showing posts with label Elbows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elbows. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

College Basketball Player Viciously Elbows Opponent in Face During Disgusting Play

10:07 AM PT — Fitchburg State has suspended Platt and barred him from campus for an unspecified amount of time. “The Fitchburg State community is appalled by the conduct displayed during Tuesday night’s home basketball game.” “His behavior…


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ted Cruz Ends Presidential Campaign, Elbows Wife in the Face

Heidi Cruz, an entire nation now feels your pain.

On Tuesday night, Ted Cruz got trounced by Donald Trump in the Indiana primary, losing that state by 16 percentage points and seeing his chances to win the White House dwindle down to nothing.

Within a couple hours of the results going public, Cruz got up on stage and announced that he was suspending his campaign for the Presidency.

He then smacked his wife in the face with an elbow. Twice.

“With a heavy heart, but with boundless optimism for the long-term future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign,” Cruz told a throng of supporters in the state he just lost.

“But hear me now, I am not suspending our fight for liberty.”

Cruz’s wife stood supportively by her husband’s side throughout his concession speech, but then this happened once Cruz went in for a hug with a group that included his father:


It’s the second time in a matter of days that Cruz has been at the center of a funny viral moment while out on the campaign.

On Sunday, Carly Fiorina introduced her running mate during a rally in Indiana… only to then fall through the stage and get totally ignored by Lyin’ Hand-Shakin’ Ted:

Of course, about 70% of the county is not laughing at either of these mishaps right now.

That’s because Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee for the President of the United States.

Let us write that again, for depressing emphasis: Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee for the President of the United States.

Taking the stage at his headquarters in New York City on Tuesday night after his resounding victory, Trump described Cruz as “one hell of a competitor.”

It remains to be seen, however, whether Cruz will support Trump’s bid for the Oval Office. 

And it will be fascinating to see how many Republicans in the House and the Senate respond when asked whether they support Trump as their party’s nominee over the next several weeks.

On the Democratic side of the race, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders was predicted to be the winner in Indiana, edging out former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The two will practically split delegates in the state, though, meaning Sanders’ path to an overall victory is, by his own admission, “narrow.”