Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Kate Middleton: Slammed as "Disgusting" By Member of Parliament!

It’s only Tuesday, but it’s already been one hell of a painful week on this side of the pond.

Fortunately, we can now take some comfort in the fact that we’re not the only civilized nation that elects leaders who go out of their way to spew childish insults at one another.

We kid. There’s really nothing fortunate about this situation; we’re just looking for any reason to be positive this week.

Anyway, as you may already know, the entire world is in a constant state of near-financial panic these days because we live in the hellscape known as 2017.

As a result, it’s a bad time for public figures to indulge in ostentatious displays of wealth.

(Well, except for in America, where we’ve been known to elect leaders who have 100 percent had sex with a high-end escort covered in gold paint, like in that Bond movie. We’re not naming names, but … ya know.)

Of course, the rules are always different for the members of the Royal Family, who have spent the past several been ballin’ so hard motherf–kers want to abolish the archaic institution.

The Royals often draw comparisons to the Kardashians and other celebrities who enjoy what many believe are unearned spots high atop the hog, while the rest of us are down here suckling on pig teat.

One big difference, of course, is that the Royals are taxpayer funded, while the Kards amassed their fortune the old-fashioned way – peddling sex tapes and ludicrously overpriced lipstick.

We say all of this merely to point out that there are legitimate arguments behind the idea that royalty should be done away with in the UK, or at least that those who enjoy noble titles should have their spending severely curbed.

But Member of Parliament Emma Coad didn’t make one of those legitimate arguments.

No, she just called a pregnant woman disgusting.

Coad is a longtime Royal-hater, who was previously best-known for questioning Prince Harry’s fitness to serve in the military, despite the fact that his commanding officers assured her that he was as well-trained as anyone else.

Now, she’s decided to further guarantee that she’ll eventually be pelted with rotten produce by slamming Kate Middleton as “disgusting.”

The insult came during a screed in which Coad lambasted the Duchess for spending 170 pounds (approximately $ 225) on a dress.

“That’s a food bill for a family of four. That’s absolutely outrageous,”

First of all, what sort of Marshall’s-ass clothing is this woman buying that she’s disgusted by a $ 225 dress?

Secondly, is she not aware that Kate is pregnant with her third child, and said to be experiencing a number of painful complications.

Publicly denigrating a woman in such a condition would be as insensitive as blaming hurricane victims for their own horrific plight after you refused to provide aid their entitled to.

For shame, people of England. 
