Monday, July 30, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Dad Body-Shames Kailyn Lowry in Disgusting Tweets!

Farrah Abraham is so awful, right?

The kind of awful that you’re not just born with — nope, that kind of awfulness has to be learned.

And over the years, as Farrah and her family were featured more and more on reality television, it became painfully clear where she learned it.

Guys, her parents are THE WORST.

We usually talk about her mother, Debra Danielsen, because she’s so much more actively bad.

Remember the time she slapped Farrah on an early season of Teen Mom OG?

Or the time she got arrested for abusing her (and answered the door with knives in her hands when police came)?

Or when she wasn’t allowed to see Farrah or Sophia after the arrest and she acted like she had no idea why that was?

Or, to go forward a few years, that time she got into an argument with Farrah in front of Sophia and started crying about how she wanted to die, because that’s appropriate talk for a child to hear?

There are so, so many instances of Debra being manipulative and weird and just totally inappropriate, but you know who else is just as terrible, but in a different way?

Her father, Michael Abraham.

He’s pretty much the opposite of Debra: instead of arguing with Farrah over everything to the point where she got cut out of her life, Michael agrees with everything she says, and she and Sophia have been living with him.

He seems to be on Twitter pretty much constantly, defending his daughter to anyone and everyone who has anything negative to say about her.

And that’s what he’s been doing over the weekend.

So you know how Farrah always goes on and on about bullies, about how she’s the victim of bullies and she’s so against bullying, even though we’ve seen her be a bully to countless people over the years?

OK, and you know she’s getting into those celebrity boxing matches, and even hopes to do one and donate the proceeds to an anti-bullying organization?

Lindsey Nicholson, who you might remember from 16 and Pregnant, took notice of all of that, and she decided to call Farrah out on Instagram.

“Really,” she asked, “you think you’re not a bully? Have you watched any of your episodes? You bully your mom dad, producers, cast members, & anyone you think is less than you.”

“Why don’t you get in the ring with me & try to bully me around and see how that goes.”

She hilariously referenced Farrah’s amazing feud with Drita D’Avanzo, saying that if Farrah wasn’t interested in fighting her, then she’s sure Drita “won’t have any issues doing this for all of America.”

Lindsey even offered to train Drita, because she’s sweet like that.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reached out to her, and she told the site that she really does mean what she wrote.

“I would never call someone out if I wasn’t [serious],” she said. “I don’t really play games.”

“It’s just strange she’s fighting to raise money for anti-bullying when she bullies everyone!”

She explained “I want to fight her because of the way she’s treated every single person I know who’s come in contact with her. She needs to be put in her place.”

Ideally, she said that she’d do an MMA fight with Farrah, “but I highly doubt she’d agree to it.”

Can you imagine? Can you even imagine how amazing that would be?

Hold on tight, because this is about to get even better.

Drita responded to all of this, directing a message to Farrah on Instagram that began with “Listen up #horseface I called u out … n u called a lawyer!!”

“Are u gonna have a cop as the referee 2???????????? I don’t want u wearing headgear!..i don’t want a referee stopping anything!…I rather be on the streets.”

She actually said that she told Farrah that she’d pay for her to come meet her for a fight, “since u are so desperate to use my name to make a dollar.”

“Howeva,” she continued, “I have a better idea…i love boxing but when it comes to u I rather fight in a cage #ufcstyle.”

Yes. Yes, please.

“Wanna do it legit,” Drita added, “no problem.. in a #cage where u belong u filthy #animal. Give me the date and time!!! I’m here! I’m ready!”

This story started getting some attention, and Lindsey tweeted about it, and she also asked Kailyn Lowry, one of her friends from the Teen Mom franchise, if she wanted in on the action.

“I’m in,” Kailyn responded.

And that’s when Michael decided to get involved in the cattiest way possible.

“To bad we won’t see Drita fight she is like me… way to old ‘age group’ and she is not one to promote anti hate,” he tweeted.

“And Kail is in a lot higher weight class so that won’t happen either lol!”

So rude, right? And Kailyn’s Teen Mom bestie, Chelsea Houska, called him out on it.

“Yikes,” she told him. “Horrible and low blow thing to say about Kail. Please don’t comment on a woman’s weight in any way.”

She’s completely right, obviously, and Michael had to know what he wrote was wrong — but of course he denied that.

“Chelsea I have the highest respect for you and your entire family,” he wrote. “No it was not meant as low blow towards Kail…”

“It’s a realistic statement backed by fact that in any fighting event weight classes are real and used as competitive classes.”

He meant that so much that he gave similar responses to several other people upset that he went after Kailyn like that — 34 times so far, if we’re being exact.

As for Kailyn, she thanked Chelsea for defending her, then wrote this gem of a tweet:

“Y’all coming for Michael for talking about my weight, thank you. But I’d be willing to drop weight for that fight so it’s not a problem.”

Can dreams really come true?

Guess we’ll have to wait until Farrah’s big match on November 3rd to see!
