Thursday, May 5, 2016

KFC Nail Polish is Now Something That Exists

Remember when KFC came out with the Double Down Dog? Which was a hot dog wrapped in a piece of fried chicken?

Remember when we thought this was the end of the world as we knew it?

We no longer think this. Because KFC has gone ahead and outdone itself.

KFC Polish

The food chain has expanded its business by coming out with its own type of nail polish.

Yes, you read that correctly: KFC has come out with nail polish. Did we mention that its edible?

Partnering with McCormick & Company – the flavoring giants who created the chicken chain’s 11 herbs and spices – KFC has created tastes that mimic KFC’s Original and Hot & Spicy recipes.

Just… you know… for one’s nails.

“To use [the nail polish], consumers simply apply and dry like regular nail polish, and then lick – again and again and again,” KFC explained to Adweek in a statement.

Makes perfect, gross sense, right?

For now, the item is only available in Hong Kong.

You can watch the following video to have a better understanding of how it works and what it looks like:

As you might expect, Original Recipe is somewhat of a nude shade, while Hot & Spicy has more of a fiery orange-red hue.

“It’s Finger Lickin Good,” reads the square glass bottles that comprise this product.

This seems pretty absurd to us.

Although… not as absurd as some of the stuff that have come out of fast food chains around the world, we suppose. To wit: