Showing posts with label Polish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polish. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Polish First Lady Disses Donald Trump, Becomes Internet Hero

We don"t know Agata Kornhauser-Duda. We"ve never met Agata Kornhauser-Duda. But we"d like to shake her hand.

Which is more than Agata Kornhauser-Duda wants to do with Donald Trump.

The Polish First Lady posed for a photo opportunity with the President, fellow First Lady Melania Trump and Polish President Andrzej Duda on Thursday, standing side-by-side with the aforementioned trio in front of the Warsaw Uprising Monument on Krasinski Square.

Just moments before the quartet gathered for the picture above, Donald Trump delivered a speech during the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Duda"s native country.

After the cameras stopped clicking, however, and it was time for the wives and husbands to part ways, Duda got in what can only be interpreted as a parting shot at the controversial Commander-in-Chief.

In the video below, you"ll see the Presidents shake hands and utter a few pleasantries.

You"ll then see Trump extend his hand out to Duda, only for her to walk right past it and embrace Melania instead!


As far as we know, she never circled back and acknowledged The Donald, who was left standing with an embarrassed, angry and stunned look on his face.

In Duda"s defense, it"s possible that Trump"s hand was so small she didn"t even see it there.

But watch the video for yourself and decide: Was this a purposeful dissing of our President?

Polish first lady leaves donald trump hanging is hailed as inter

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Shaq Paints Monster Toenails with Glitter Polish (VIDEO)

In an obvious response to the intense hate he got for baring his gross feet on TV, Shaquille O’Neal took a trip to the nail shop … and got a full monster foot makeover.  It was kinda like that scene from “Dumb and Dumber” at first (see…


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mother Defends Toddler Son"s Use of Nail Polish, Tutus

Devon Berryann is standing up for what she believes in.

Or, to be more accurate, she is standing up for who she believes in: her son.

A resident of Pennsylvania, Berryann is the mother of a six-year old named Silas.

She made headlines this week for a photo of her young son, along with a powerful caption that explains why she lets Silas don nail polish and wear tutus to school.

“My six year old son likes to wear nail polish,” she wrote as an opening.

“He likes to wear girls’ clothes and tutus. He tells me about the boys he likes at school. He says he will marry them and adopt babies. Maybe he will outgrow it. Maybe not. I love and accept him for who he is.”

And that’s all it takes to comfort a six-year old, right? Devon wishes this was the case.

“I always thought that doing that would protect him from the pain of hurtful words and bullies, and I didn’t worry,” she continued.

However, Berryann went on to say that Silas recently arrived home from school and said student had teased him for wearing nail polish. It was her biggest nightmare come true.

“I considered talking him into taking it off. Into hiding that part of himself,” she wrote.

“Because for the first time ever I was scared that he would be gunned down one night when he was out having a good time with his friends.”

Following the tragic Orlando shooting at a gay nightclub this month, we can understand where that fear comes from.

Ultimately, thought, the brave mother said she remembered why she permits her son be the person he wants to be. This is how she explained it:

Because it makes him happy. Because nothing hurts more than seeing your child truly sad. Because pretending to be someone you’re not to please other people only leads to self-loathing.

To depression and to suicide.

And that too made me afraid. Why do I have to fear for him because of what he likes and who he cares about? Aren’t we past all this yet? I want this world to change. To be better for him. To DESERVE him.

Because he is a wonderful, amazing person. He wants to be president. He thinks he is a ninja. He listens when you explain things and remembers it forever.

He notices when you’re sad and tries to cheer you up. He has a light about him that just can’t be put out, no matter how hard some people have tried.

Devon’s original photo has been shared thousands of times and she has followed it up by adding the above image of her son holding a “Thank You” sign.

“Here he is world,” Devon concluded. “See my boy for the amazing person he is. Show him love. Show him acceptance. Help us change the world into one that deserves him.”


Seriously… amen.

What else can we even add?!?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

KFC Nail Polish is Now Something That Exists

Remember when KFC came out with the Double Down Dog? Which was a hot dog wrapped in a piece of fried chicken?

Remember when we thought this was the end of the world as we knew it?

We no longer think this. Because KFC has gone ahead and outdone itself.

KFC Polish

The food chain has expanded its business by coming out with its own type of nail polish.

Yes, you read that correctly: KFC has come out with nail polish. Did we mention that its edible?

Partnering with McCormick & Company – the flavoring giants who created the chicken chain’s 11 herbs and spices – KFC has created tastes that mimic KFC’s Original and Hot & Spicy recipes.

Just… you know… for one’s nails.

“To use [the nail polish], consumers simply apply and dry like regular nail polish, and then lick – again and again and again,” KFC explained to Adweek in a statement.

Makes perfect, gross sense, right?

For now, the item is only available in Hong Kong.

You can watch the following video to have a better understanding of how it works and what it looks like:

As you might expect, Original Recipe is somewhat of a nude shade, while Hot & Spicy has more of a fiery orange-red hue.

“It’s Finger Lickin Good,” reads the square glass bottles that comprise this product.

This seems pretty absurd to us.

Although… not as absurd as some of the stuff that have come out of fast food chains around the world, we suppose. To wit: