Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Armie Hammer Blasts Everyone Who Tweeted a Stan Lee Selfie

Hollywood lost a legend this week.

As previously reported, Stan Lee died at the age of 95.

It didn"t take long after this news broke for scores of tributes to come flooding in for the co-creator of Marvel, someone responsible for entertaining and educating millions upon millions of comic book fans.

Many of these tributes, especially from celebrites, included a photo of the person making the tribute and Lee. Together. It was often a selfie.

What"s the big deal? Isn"t this a typical move in the social media age?

Yes, and Hammer is here to explain why it"s the wrong move — while many others are here to disagree with him…

1. The Tweet That Started It All

The tweet that started it all

“So touched by all of the celebrities posting pictures of themselves with Stan Lee… no better way to commemorate an absolute legend than putting up a picture of yourself,” wrote Hammer.

2. Who is This Really About?

Who is this really about

Hammer is trying to make a bigger point about social media here, how it leads to user making EVERYthing about themselves.

3. Some Stars Worked with Lee, Though

Some stars worked with lee though

Hammer had an easy reply to that point.

4. What is the Proper Protocol Here?

What is the proper protocol here

5. So… This Was a Self-Centered Tweet?

So this was a self centered tweet

Not sure if we agree, Armie.

6. And This Person Doesn’t Agree, Either

And this person doesnt agree either

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